A high-level description of the scenarios is provided in this section. For details of the scenarios and their provided capabilities refer to the scenario description document:
The BGPVPN feature enables creation of BGP VPNs on the Neutron API according to the OpenStack BGPVPN blueprint at In a nutshell, the blueprint defines a BGPVPN object and a number of ways how to associate it with the existing Neutron object model, as well as a unique definition of the related semantics. The BGPVPN framework supports a backend driver model with currently available drivers for Bagpipe, OpenContrail, Nuage and OpenDaylight. The OPNFV scenario makes use of the OpenDaylight driver and backend implementation through the ODL NetVirt project.
SDNVPN Testing Suite¶
An overview of the SDNVPN Test is depicted here. More details for each test case are provided:
- BGPVPN Tempest test cases
- Create BGPVPN passes Create BGPVPN as non-admin fails Delete BGPVPN as non-admin fails
Functest scenario specific tests:
Test Case 1 - VPN provides connectivity between subnets Name: VPN connecting Neutron networks and subnets Description: VPNs provide connectivity across Neutron networks and subnets if configured accordingly.
Test setup procedure: Set up VM1 and VM2 on Node1 and VM3 on Node2, all having ports in the same Neutron Network N1 Moreover all ports have 10.10.10/24 addresses (this subnet is denoted SN1 in the following) Set up VM4 on Node1 and VM5 on Node2, both having ports in Neutron Network N2 Moreover all ports have 10.10.11/24 addresses (this subnet is denoted SN2 in the following)
- Test execution:
- Create VPN1 with eRT<>iRT (so that connected subnets should not reach each other) Associate SN1 to VPN1 Ping from VM1 to VM2 should work Ping from VM1 to VM3 should work Ping from VM1 to VM4 should not work Associate SN2 to VPN1 Ping from VM4 to VM5 should work Ping from VM1 to VM4 should not work (disabled until isolation fixed upstream) Ping from VM1 to VM5 should not work (disabled until isolation fixed upstream) Change VPN 1 so that iRT=eRT Ping from VM1 to VM4 should work Ping from VM1 to VM5 should work
Test Case 2 - tenant separation Name: Using VPNs for tenant separation Description: Using VPNs to isolate tenants so that overlapping IP address ranges can be used
Test setup procedure: Set up VM1 and VM2 on Node1 and VM3 on Node2, all having ports in the same Neutron Network N1. VM1 and VM2 have IP addresses in a subnet SN1 with range 10.10.10/24
VM1:, running an HTTP server which returns “I am VM1” for any HTTP request (or something else than an HTTP server) VM2:, running an HTTP server which returns “I am VM2” for any HTTP request
- VM3 has an IP address in a subnet SN2 with range 10.10.11/24
- VM3:, running an HTTP server which returns “I am VM3” for any HTTP request
Set up VM4 on Node1 and VM5 on Node2, both having ports in Neutron Network N2 VM4 has an address in a subnet SN1b with range 10.10.10/24
VM4: (the same as VM2), running an HTTP server which returns “I am VM4” for any HTTP request
- VM5 has an address in a subnet SN2b with range 10.10.11/24
- VM5: (the same as VM3), running an HTTP server which returns “I am VM5” for any HTTP request
- Test execution:
Create VPN 1 with iRT=eRT=RT1 and associate N1 to it HTTP from VM1 to VM2 and VM3 should work
It returns “I am VM2” and “I am VM3” respectively
- HTTP from VM1 to VM4 and VM5 should not work
- It never returns “I am VM4” or “I am VM5”
Create VPN2 with iRT=eRT=RT2 and associate N2 to it HTTP from VM4 to VM5 should work
It returns “I am VM5”
- HTTP from VM4 to VM1 and VM3 should not work
- It never returns “I am VM1” or “I am VM3”
Test Case 3 - Data Center Gateway integration Name: Data Center Gateway integration Description: Investigate the peering functionality of BGP protocol, using a Zrpcd/Quagga router and OpenDaylight Controller
Test setup procedure: Search in the pool of nodes and find one Compute node and one Controller nodes, that have OpenDaylight controller running Start an instance using ubuntu-16.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img image and in it run the Quagga setup script Start bgp router in the Controller node, using odl:configure-bgp
Test execution: Set up a Quagga instance in a nova compute node Start a BGP router with OpenDaylight in a controller node Add the Quagga running in the instance as a neighbor Check that bgpd is running Verify that the OpenDaylight and gateway Quagga peer each other Start an instance in a second nova compute node and connect it with a new network, (Network 3-3). Create a bgpvpn (include parameters route-distinguisher and route-targets) and associate it with the network created Define the same route-distinguisher and route-targets on the simulated quagga side Check that the routes from the Network 3-3 are advertised towards simulated Quagga VM
Test Case 4 - VPN provides connectivity between subnets using router association Functest: variant of Test Case 1. Set up a Router R1 with one connected network/subnet N1/S1. Set up a second network N2. Create VPN1 and associate Router R1 and Network N2 to it.
Hosts from N2 should be able to reach hosts in N1.Name: VPN connecting Neutron networks and subnets using router association Description: VPNs provide connectivity across Neutron networks and subnets if configured accordingly.
Test setup procedure: Set up VM1 and VM2 on Node1 and VM3 on Node2, All VMs have ports in the same Neutron Network N1 and 10.10.10/24 addresses (this subnet is denoted SN1 in the following). N1/SN1 are connected to router R1. Set up VM4 on Node1 and VM5 on Node2, Both VMs have ports in Neutron Network N2 and having 10.10.11/24 addresses (this subnet is denoted SN2 in the following)
Test execution: Create VPN1 with eRT<>iRT (so that connected subnets should not reach each other) Associate R1 to VPN1
Ping from VM1 to VM2 should work Ping from VM1 to VM3 should work Ping from VM1 to VM4 should not work
- Associate SN2 to VPN1
- Ping from VM4 to VM5 should work Ping from VM1 to VM4 should not work Ping from VM1 to VM5 should not work
- Change VPN1 so that iRT=eRT
- Ping from VM1 to VM4 should work Ping from VM1 to VM5 should work
Test Case 7 - Network associate a subnet with a router attached to a VPN and verify floating IP functionality (disabled)
A test for
Setup procedure: Create VM1 in a subnet with a router attached. Create VM2 in a different subnet with another router attached. Network associate them to a VPN with iRT=eRT Ping from VM1 to VM2 should work Assign a floating IP to VM1 Pinging the floating IP should work
Test Case 8 - Router associate a subnet with a router attached to a VPN and verify floating IP functionality
Setup procedure: Create VM1 in a subnet with a router which is connected with the gateway Create VM2 in a different subnet without a router attached. Assoc the two networks in a VPN iRT=eRT One with router assoc, other with net assoc Try to ping from one VM to the other Assign a floating IP to the VM in the router assoc network Ping it
Test Case 9 - Check fail mode in OVS br-int interfaces This testcase checks if the fail mode is always “secure”. To accomplish it, a check is performed on all OVS br-int interfaces, for all OpenStack nodes. The testcase is considered as successful if all OVS br-int interfaces have fail_mode=secure
Test Case 10 - Check the communication between a group of VMs This testcase investigates if communication between a group of VMs is interrupted upon deletion and creation of VMs inside this group.
- Test case flow:
- Create 3 VMs: VM_1 on compute 1, VM_2 on compute 1, VM_3 on compute 2. All VMs ping each other. VM_2 is deleted. Traffic is still flying between VM_ 1 and VM_3. A new VM, VM_ 4 is added to compute 1. Traffic is not interrupted and VM_4 can be reached as well.
Testcase 11: test Opendaylight resync and group_add_mod feature mechanisms This is testcase to test Opendaylight resync and group_add_mod feature functionalities
Sub-testcase 11-1: Create and start 2 VMs, connected to a common Network.
New groups should appear in OVS dump
- OVS disconnects and the VMs and the networks are cleaned.
- The new groups are still in the OVS dump, cause OVS is not connected anymore, so it is not notified that the groups are deleted
- OVS re-connects.
- The new groups should be deleted, as Opendaylight has to resync the groups totally and should remove the groups since VMS are deleted.
Sub-testcase 11-2: Create and start 2 VMs, connected to a common Network.
New groups should appear in OVS dump
- OVS disconnects.
- The new groups are still in the OVS dump, cause OVS is not connected anymore, so it is not notified that the groups are deleted
- OVS re-connects.
- The new groups should be still there, as the topology remains. Opendaylight Carbon’s group_add_mod mechanism should handle the already existing group.
- OVS re-connects.
- The new groups should be still there, as the topology remains. Opendaylight Carbon’ group_add_mod mechanism should handle the already existing group.