QTIP Release Notes¶
NOTE: The release note for OPNFV Brahmaputra is missing. This is a copy of the README.
QTIP Benchmark Suite¶
QTIP is a benchmarking suite intended to benchmark the following components of the OPNFV Platform:
- Computing components
- Networking components
- Storage components
The efforts in QTIP are mostly focused on identifying
- Benchmarks to run
- Test cases in which these benchmarks to run
- Automation of suite to run benchmarks within different test cases
- Collection of test results
QTIP Framework can now be called: (qtip.py).
The Framework can run 5 computing benchmarks:
- Dhrystone
- Whetstone
- RamBandwidth
- nDPI
These benchmarks can be run in 2 test cases:
- VM vs Baremetal
- Baremetal vs Baremetal
Instructions to run the script:
- Download and source the OpenStack adminrc file for the deployment on which you want to create the VM for benchmarking
- run python qtip.py -s {SUITE} -b {BENCHMARK}
- run python qtip.py -h for more help
- list of benchmarks can be found in the qtip/test_cases directory
- SUITE refers to compute, network or storage
- Ansible 1.9.2
- Python 2.7
Configuring Test Cases:
Test cases can be found within the test_cases directory. For each Test case, a Config.yaml file contains the details for the machines upon which the benchmarks would run. Edit the IP and the Password fields within the files for the machines on which the benchmark is to run. A robust framework that would allow to include more tests would be included within the future.
Jump Host requirements:
The following packages should be installed on the server from which you intend to run QTIP.
1: Heat Client 2: Glance Client 3: Nova Client 4: Neutron Client 5: wget 6: PyYaml
1: The Host Machines/compute nodes to be benchmarked should have public/access network 2: The Host Machines/compute nodes should allow Password Login
QTIP support for Foreman