Promise installation and configuration¶
Promise installation¶
Install nodejs, npm and promise
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo npm -g install npm@latest
git clone
cd promise/source
npm install
npm ls
Please note that the last command ‘npm ls’ will list all needed dependencies for promise (including yangforge and mocha)

Please perform the following preparation steps:
- Set OpenStack environment parameters properly (e.g. source openrc admin demo in DevStack)
- Create OpenStack project (e.g. promise) and user (e.g. myuser) in e.g. the default domain
- Create a flavor in Nova with 1 vCPU and 512 MB RAM
- Create a private network, subnet and router in Neutron
- Create an image in Glance
Once done, the promise test script can be invoked as follows:
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=promise
export OS_TENANT_NAME=promise
export OS_USERNAME=myuser
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=Default
export OS_PASSWORD=<user password from Step 2>
export OS_TEST_FLAVOR=<flavor ID from Step 3>
export OS_TEST_NETWORK=<network ID from Step 4>
export OS_TEST_IMAGE=<image ID from Step 5>
npm run -s test -- --reporter json > promise-results.json
The results of the tests will be stored in the promise-results.json file.
The results can also be seen in the console (“npm run -s test”)
All 33 tests passing?! Congratulations, Promise has been successfully installed and configured.