PHAROS Community Labs

Dell OPNFV Testlab


Dell is hosting an OPNFV testlab at its Santa Clara facility. The testlab would host baremetal servers for the use of OPNFV community as part of the OPNFV Pharos Project

The Dell Testlab consists of 2 PODs
  • POD1 for Fuel
  • POD2 for Foreman
Dell Testlab Overiew
Each of the 2 PODs consists of 6 servers that consist of
  • 1 Jump Server
  • 3 Servers for Control Nodes
  • 2 Servers for Compute Nodes

Hardware details

All the servers within the two PODs reside within a single Dell PowerEdge 620 chassis and have the following specifications:


Hostname Model Memory Storage Processor Socket
Fuel Jump Server Dell PowerEdge M620 64 GB 1200GB HDD Intel Xeon E5-2640 2
Node2 Dell PowerEdge M620 64 GB 600GB HDD Intel Xeon E5-2640 2
Node3 Dell PowerEdge M620 64 GB 600GB HDD Intel Xeon E5-2640 2
Node4 Dell PowerEdge M620 64 GB 600GB HDD Intel Xeon E5-2640 2
Node5 Dell PowerEdge M620 64 GB 600GB HDD Intel Xeon E5-2640 2
Node6 Dell PowerEdge M620 64 GB 600GB HDD Intel Xeon E5-2640 2


Hostname Model Memory Storage Processor Socket
Foreman Jump Server Dell PowerEdge M620 64 GB 300GB HDD Intel Xeon E5-2640 2
Node7 Dell PowerEdge M620 64 GB 300GB HDD Intel Xeon E5-2640 2
Node8 Dell PowerEdge M620 64 GB 300GB HDD Intel Xeon E5-2640 2
Node9 Dell PowerEdge M620 64 GB 300GB HDD Intel Xeon E5-2640 2
Node11 Dell PowerEdge M620 64 GB 300GB HDD Intel Xeon E5-2640 2
Node12 Dell PowerEdge M620 64 GB 300GB HDD Intel Xeon E5-2640 2


The Jump servers in the Testlab are pre-provisioned with the following softwares:

  • Fuel-Jump Server:
  1. OS: Ubuntu 14.04
  • Foreman-Jump Server:
  1. OS: CentOS7



POD1-Fuel Overview
Hostname NIC Model Ports MAC BW Roles
Fuel Jump 1, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 em1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:81 10G Unused
    em2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:84 10G Unused
  2, Intel 82599 p3p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:85 10G Public
    p3p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:87 10G Fuel Admin/mgmt/pvt/ storage
  3, Intel 82599 p1p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:89 10G Unused
    p1p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:8B 10G Unused
Node2 1, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 em1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:8E 10G Unused
    em2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:91 10G Unused
  2, Intel 82599 p3p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:92 10G Public
    p3p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:94 10G Fuel Admin/mgmt/pvt/ storage
  3, Intel 82599 p1p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:96 10G Unused
    p1p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:98 10G Unused
Node3 1, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 em1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:9B 10G Unused
    em2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:9E 10G Unused
  2, Intel 82599 p3p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:9F 10G Public
    p3p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:A1 10G Fuel Admin/mgmt/pvt/ storage
  3, Intel 82599 p1p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:A3 10G Unused
    p1p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:A5 10G Unused
Node4 1, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 em1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:A8 10G Unused
    em2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:AB 10G Unused
  2, Intel 82599 p3p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:AC 10G Public
    p3p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:AE 10G Fuel Admin/mgmt/pvt/ storage
  3, Intel 82599 p1p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:B0 10G Unused
    p1p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:B1 10G Unused
Node5 1, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 em1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:B5 10G Unused
    em2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:B8 10G Unused
  2, Intel 82599 p3p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:B9 10G Public
    p3p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:BB 10G Fuel Admin/mgmt/pvt/ storage
  3, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 p1p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:BD 10G Unused
    p1p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:C0 10G Unused
Node6 1, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 em1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:C2 10G Unused
    em2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:C5 10G Unused
  2, Intel 82599 p3p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:C6 10G Public
    p3p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:C8 10G Fuel Admin/mgmt/pvt/ storage
  3, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 p1p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:CA 10G Unused
    p1p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:CD 10G Unused


POD2-Foreman Overview
Hostname NIC Model Ports MAC BW Roles
Foreman Jump 1, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 em1 A4:1F:72:11:B5:1D 10G Foreman Admin
    em2 A4:1F:72:11:B5:20 10G Foreman Private/ Storage
  2, Intel 82599 p3p1 A4:1F:72:11:B5:21 10G Public
    p3p2 A4:1F:72:11:B5:23 10G Unused
  3, TBD p1p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:89 10G Unused
    p1p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:8B 10G Unused
Node7 1, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 em1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:CF 10G Foreman Admin
    em2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:D2 10G Foreman Private/ Storage
  2, Intel 82599 p3p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:D3 10G Public
    p3p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:D5 10G Unused
  3, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 p1p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:D7 10G Unused
    p1p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:DA 10G Unused
Node8 1, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 em1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:DC 10G Foreman Admin
    em2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:DF 10G Foreman Private/ Storage
  2, Intel 82599 p3p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:E0 10G Public
    p3p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:E2 10G Unused
  3, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 p1p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:E4 10G Unused
    p1p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:E7 10G Unused
Node9 1, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 em1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:E9 10G Foreman Admin
    em2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:EC 10G Foreman Private/ Storage
  2, Intel 82599 p3p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:ED 10G Public
    p3p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:EF 10G Unused
  3, Intel 82599 p1p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:F1 10G Unused
    p1p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:F3 10G Unused
Node11 1, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 em1 A4:1F:72:11:B5:03 10G Foreman Admin
    em2 A4:1F:72:11:B5:06 10G Foreman Private/ Storage
  2, Intel 82599 p3p1 A4:1F:72:11:B5:07 10G Public
    p3p2 A4:1F:72:11:B5:09 10G Unused
  3, Intel 82599 p1p1 A4:1F:72:11:B5:0B 10G Unused
    p1p2 A4:1F:72:11:B5:0D 10G Unused
Node12 1, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 em1 A4:1F:72:11:B5:10 10G Foreman Admin
    em2 A4:1F:72:11:B5:13 10G Foreman Private/ Storage
  2, Intel 82599 p3p1 A4:1F:72:11:B5:14 10G Public
    p3p2 A4:1F:72:11:B5:16 10G Unused
  3, TBD p1p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:89 10G Unused
    p1p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:8B 10G Unused

Subnet allocations

Network name Address Mask Gateway VLAN id
Fuel Admin Untagged
Fuel Mangement 101
Fuel Storage 102
Fuel Public Untagged
Foreman Admin Untagged
Foreman Private Untagged
Foreman Public Untagged
Lights Out Untagged

Lights out Network


Hostname Lights-out address MAC Username Password
Fuel-Jump A4:1F:72:11:B4:80 root calvin
Node2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:8D root calvin
Node3 A4:1F:72:11:B4:9A root calvin
Node4 A4:1F:72:11:B4:A7 root calvin
Node5 A4:1F:72:11:B4:B4 root calvin
Node6 A4:1F:72:11:B4:C1 root calvin


Hostname Lights-out address MAC Username Password
Foreman-Jump A4:1F:72:11:B5:1C root calvin
Node7 A4:1F:72:11:B4:CE root calvin
Node8 A4:1F:72:11:B4:DB root calvin
Node9 A4:1F:72:11:B4:E8 root calvin
Node11 A4:1F:72:11:B5:02 root calvin
Node12 A4:1F:72:11:B5:0F root calvin

Remote access infrastructure

The Dell OPNFV testlab is free to use for the OPNFV community.

A VPN is used to provide access to the Dell Testlab.

To access the Testlab, please contact with the following details:
  • Name
  • Email
  • Designation
  • Organization
  • Purpose of using the lab

Processing the request can take 2-3 business days.

Accessing the Teslab

POD1 JumpServer

IP: User: opnfv Passwd: d3ll1234

POD2 JumpServer

IP: User: opnfv Passwd: d3ll1234
Dell OPNFV Testlab


Dell is hosting an OPNFV testlab at its Santa Clara facility. The testlab would host baremetal servers for the use of OPNFV community as part of the OPNFV Pharos Project

The Dell Testlab consists of 3 PODs for the use of the community
  • POD1 (Jenkins slave: dell-us-testing-bm-1)
  • POD2 (Jenkins slave: dell-us-deploying-bm2)
  • POD3 (Jenkins slave: dell-us-delpoyingbm3)
Dell Testlab Overiew
Each of the 2 PODs consists of 6 servers that consist of
  • 1 Jump Server
  • 3 Servers for Control Nodes
  • 2 Servers for Compute Nodes

Hardware details

For POD1 and POD2, the servers reside within a single Dell PowerEdge 620 chassis and have the following specifications:


Hostname Model Memory Storage Processor Socket
Jump Server Dell PowerEdge M620 64 GB 1200GB HDD Intel Xeon E5-2640 2
Node2 Dell PowerEdge M620 64 GB 600GB HDD Intel Xeon E5-2640 2
Node3 Dell PowerEdge M620 64 GB 600GB HDD Intel Xeon E5-2640 2
Node4 Dell PowerEdge M620 64 GB 600GB HDD Intel Xeon E5-2640 2
Node5 Dell PowerEdge M620 64 GB 600GB HDD Intel Xeon E5-2640 2
Node6 Dell PowerEdge M620 64 GB 600GB HDD Intel Xeon E5-2640 2


Hostname Model Memory Storage Processor Socket
Jump Server Dell PowerEdge M620 64 GB 300GB HDD Intel Xeon E5-2630 2
Node7 Dell PowerEdge M620 64 GB 300GB HDD Intel Xeon E5-2640 2
Node8 Dell PowerEdge M620 64 GB 300GB HDD Intel Xeon E5-2640 2
Node9 Dell PowerEdge M620 64 GB 300GB HDD Intel Xeon E5-2640 2
Node11 Dell PowerEdge M620 64 GB 300GB HDD Intel Xeon E5-2640 2
Node12 Dell PowerEdge M620 64 GB 300GB HDD Intel Xeon E5-2640 2

POD3 consists of 6 R630 Rack servers with the following specifications:


Hostname Model Memory Storage Processor Socket
Jump Server Dell PowerEdge R630 128 GB 750GB SSD Intel Xeon E5-2698 2
Node2 Dell PowerEdge R630 128 GB 750GB SSD Intel Xeon E5-2698 2
Node3 Dell PowerEdge R630 128 GB 750GB SSD Intel Xeon E5-2698 2
Node4 Dell PowerEdge R630 128 GB 750GB SSD Intel Xeon E5-2698 2
Node5 Dell PowerEdge R630 128 GB 750GB SSD Intel Xeon E5-2698 2
Node6 Dell PowerEdge R630 128 GB 750GB SSD Intel Xeon E5-2698 2


The Jump servers in the Testlab are pre-provisioned with the following softwares:

  • POD1-Jump Server:
  1. OS: Ubuntu 14.04
  • POD2-Jump Server:
  1. OS: CentOS7.1
  • POD3-Jump Server:
  1. OS: CentOS7.1



POD1-Fuel Overview
Hostname NIC Model Ports MAC BW VLANs/Roles
Jump Server 1, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 em1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:81 10G PXE
    em2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:84 10G Internal Networks (101-106)
  2, Intel 82599 p3p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:85 1G Public
    p3p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:87 10G Unused
  3, Intel 82599 p1p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:89 10G Unused
    p1p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:8B 10G Unused
Node2 1, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 em1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:8E 10G PXE
    em2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:91 10G Internal Networks (101-106)
  2, Intel 82599 p3p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:92 1G Public
    p3p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:94 10G Unused
  3, Intel 82599 p1p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:96 10G Unused
    p1p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:98 10G Unused
Node3 1, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 em1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:9B 10G PXE
    em2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:9E 10G Internal Networks (101-106)
  2, Intel 82599 p3p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:9F 1G Public
    p3p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:A1 10G Unused
  3, Intel 82599 p1p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:A3 10G Unused
    p1p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:A5 10G Unused
Node4 1, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 em1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:A8 10G PXE
    em2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:AB 10G Internal Networks (101-106)
  2, Intel 82599 p3p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:AC 1G Public
    p3p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:AE 10G Unused
  3, Intel 82599 p1p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:B0 10G Unused
    p1p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:B1 10G Unused
Node5 1, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 em1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:B5 10G PXE
    em2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:B8 10G Internal Networks (101-106)
  2, Intel 82599 p3p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:B9 1G Public
    p3p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:BB 10G Unused
  3, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 p1p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:BD 10G Unused
    p1p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:C0 10G Unused
Node6 1, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 em1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:C2 10G PXE
    em2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:C5 10G Internal Networks (101-106)
  2, Intel 82599 p3p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:C6 1G Public
    p3p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:C8 10G Unused
  3, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 p1p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:CA 10G Unused
    p1p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:CD 10G Unused


POD2 Overview
Hostname NIC Model Ports MAC BW Roles
Foreman Jump 1, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 em1 A4:1F:72:11:B5:1D 10G PXE
    em2 A4:1F:72:11:B5:20 10G Internal Networks (201-205)
  2, Intel 82599 p3p1 A4:1F:72:11:B5:21 1G Public
    p3p2 A4:1F:72:11:B5:23 10G Unused
  3, TBD p1p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:89 10G Unused
    p1p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:8B 10G Unused
Node7 1, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 em1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:CF 10G PXE
    em2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:D2 10G Internal Networks (201-205)
  2, Intel 82599 p3p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:D3 1G Public
    p3p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:D5 10G Unused
  3, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 p1p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:D7 10G Unused
    p1p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:DA 10G Unused
Node8 1, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 em1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:DC 10G PXE
    em2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:DF 10G Internal Networks (201-205)
  2, Intel 82599 p3p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:E0 1G Public
    p3p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:E2 10G Unused
  3, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 p1p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:E4 10G Unused
    p1p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:E7 10G Unused
Node9 1, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 em1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:E9 10G PXE
    em2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:EC 10G Internal Networks (201-205)
  2, Intel 82599 p3p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:ED 1G Public
    p3p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:EF 10G Unused
  3, Intel 82599 p1p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:F1 10G Unused
    p1p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:F3 10G Unused
Node11 1, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 em1 A4:1F:72:11:B5:03 10G PXE
    em2 A4:1F:72:11:B5:06 10G Internal Networks (201-205)
  2, Intel 82599 p3p1 A4:1F:72:11:B5:07 10G Public
    p3p2 A4:1F:72:11:B5:09 10G Unused
  3, Intel 82599 p1p1 A4:1F:72:11:B5:0B 10G Unused
    p1p2 A4:1F:72:11:B5:0D 10G Unused
Node12 1, Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM57810 em1 A4:1F:72:11:B5:10 10G PXE
    em2 A4:1F:72:11:B5:13 10G Internal Networks (201-205)
  2, Intel 82599 p3p1 A4:1F:72:11:B5:14 1G Public
    p3p2 A4:1F:72:11:B5:16 10G Unused
  3, TBD p1p1 A4:1F:72:11:B4:89 10G Unused
    p1p2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:8B 10G Unused


POD3 Overview
Hostname NIC Model Ports MAC BW Roles (VLANs)
Jump Server 1, Intel 2P X520/2P I350 rNDC em1 EC:F4:BB:D7:14:20 1G PXE
    em2 EC:F4:BB:D7:14:22 10G Internal Networks (201,202,203)
    p3p1 EC:F4:BB:D7:14:24 1G Public
Node1 1, Intel 2P X520/2P I350 rNDC em1 EC:F4:BB:D6:F2:98 10G PXE
    em2 EC:F4:BB:D6:F2:9A 10G Internal Networks (201,202,203)
    p3p1 EC:F4:BB:D6:F2:9C 1G Public
Node2 1, Intel 2P X520/2P I350 rNDC em1 EC:F4:BB:D6:F9:10 1G PXE
    em2 EC:F4:BB:D6:F9:12 10G Internal Networks (201,202,203)
    p3p1 EC:F4:BB:D6:F9:14 1G Public
Node3 1, Intel 2P X520/2P I350 rNDC em1 EC:F4:BB:D7:C9:B8 1G PXE
    em2 EC:F4:BB:D7:C9:BA 10G Internal Networks (201,202,203)
    p3p1 EC:F4:BB:D7:C9:BC 1G Public
Node4 1, Intel 2P X520/2P I350 rNDC em1 EC:F4:BB:D7:16:E8 10G PXE
    em2 EC:F4:BB:D7:16:EA 10G Internal Networks (201,202,203)
    p3p1 EC:F4:BB:D7:16:EA 1G Public
Node5 1, Intel 2P X520/2P I350 rNDC em1 EC:F4:BB:D6:FE:98 1G Unused
    em2 EC:F4:BB:D6:FE:9A 10G Internal Networks (201,202,203)
    p3p1 EC:F4:BB:D6:FE:9C 1G Public

Subnet allocations

Network name Address Mask Gateway VLAN id
POD1 Public Untagged
POD2 Public Untagged
POD3 Public Untagged
Lights Out Untagged

Lights out Network


Hostname Lights-out address MAC Username Password
Jump A4:1F:72:11:B4:80 root calvin
Node2 A4:1F:72:11:B4:8D root calvin
Node3 A4:1F:72:11:B4:9A root calvin
Node4 A4:1F:72:11:B4:A7 root calvin
Node5 A4:1F:72:11:B4:B4 root calvin
Node6 A4:1F:72:11:B4:C1 root calvin


Hostname Lights-out address MAC Username Password
Jump A4:1F:72:11:B5:1C root calvin
Node7 A4:1F:72:11:B4:CE root calvin
Node8 A4:1F:72:11:B4:DB root calvin
Node9 A4:1F:72:11:B4:E8 root calvin
Node11 A4:1F:72:11:B5:02 root calvin
Node12 A4:1F:72:11:B5:0F root calvin


Hostname Lights-out address MAC Username Password
Jump 74:E6:E2:FA:BB:D8 root calvin
Node1 74:E6:E2:FA:E9:2E root calvin
Node2 74:E6:E2:FA:FC:E2 root calvin
Node3 74:E6:E2:FB:05:68 root calvin
Node4 74:E6:E2:FA:A4:02 root calvin
Node5 74:E6:E2:FA:E4:18 root calvin

Remote access infrastructure

The Dell OPNFV testlab is free to use for the OPNFV community.

A VPN is used to provide access to the Dell Testlab.

To access the Testlab, please visit the Dell OPNFV Lab’s wiki page ( for details.

Accessing the Teslab

  • POD1 JumpServer


    User: opnfv

    Passwd: d3ll1234

  • POD2 JumpServer


    User: opnfv

    Passwd: d3ll1234

  • POD3 JumpServer


    User: opnfv

    Passwd: d3ll1234

Introduction of Huawei’s lab located in Santa Clara

Huawei’s lab located in Santa Clara, CA will provide 1 full POD for baremetal deployment environment, 2 standalone server for virtual deployment, and 1 server with 6 executors for project’s building and gate-testing. All the resources have been attached to Jenkins master, you can view the slaves below in

  • huawei-us-build-1
  • huawei-us-deploy-vm-1
  • huawei-us-deploy-vm-2
  • huawei-us-deploy-bare-1

Overall Description


  • 9 Huawei RH2285H V2 Rack Servers (128 GB RAM , 4.7 TB SATA SSDs, two Intel Xeon E5-2400 v2 series processors)
  • 1 Huawei S9300 10G switch for storage, management and public traffic - 2x10GE to each server.
  • 1 Huawei S5300 1G switch for installing and Lights+out management traffic - 2x1GE to each server.
  • 1 VPN concentrator for remote access and management.
  • 1 Huawei firewall and router for public network secure access.

Hosting Topology


Figure 1: Huawei US lab OPNFV hosting environment overview

POD Network

Below you’ll find a topological view of the hosting set-up:


Figure 2: Full Pod network configuration

Build Resource

You can see the slaves named “huawei-us-build-[digit]” or “huawei-build-[digit]” in

These resources are dedicated to CI. If you want to use Huawei resource to run some automated jobs, you do not need to apply for the credentials, just specify the node as “huawei-build” . For other purposes, please contact: [[]]

Deployment Resource

You can see the slaves named “huawei-us-deploy-vm/bare-[digit]” or “huawei-deploy-vm/bare-[digit]” in

We have two types of deployment resources, virtual deployment environment and baremetal deployment environment. Both can be deployed by any types of installer, and provide the same testbed for testing and the same infrastructure for VNF.

You can access our deployment resources by applying for the VPN credentials, please see the section below for details.


This environment is free to use by any OPNFV contributor or committer for the purpose of OPNFV approved activities, you just need to obtain VPN credentials to access.

Access to this environment can be granted by sending a e-mail to:
Following information should be provided in the request:
  • subject: opnfv_huawei_access
  • Full name
  • e-mail
  • Phone
  • Organization
  • OPNFV Contributor/Committer name :
  • OPNFV Project(s) Association:
  • LF ID:
  • Recommended by:
  • PGP public key (preferably registered with a PGP PKI server)
  • SSH public key

Granting access normally takes 3-5 business days.


Lab: OOL OPNFV Testbed


Okinawa Open Laboratory (OOL) provides the following facilities for OPNFV testing. The testlab is now located only at Okinwa in Japan.

Lab Resources

POD Name Project(s) Project Lead(s) Email(s) POD Role Status Notes
ool-pod1       CI stable Available  
ool-virtual1 Doctor Ryota Mibu CI review Assigned  

Acceptable Usage Policy

These resources provided to OPNFV are free to use by any OPNFV contributor or committer for the purpose of OPNFV approved activities by permission of the operator, but shall be used for CI, infra setup/configuration and troubleshooting purposes.

Remote Access Infrastructure

OOL provide VPN(OpenVPN) to connect this testlab.

Remote Access Procedure

Access to this environment can be granted by sending a e-mail to: TBD

subject: opnfv_access_ool

Following information should be provided in the request:

  • Full name
  • e-mail
  • Phone
  • Organization
  • Resources required
  • How long is access needed
  • PGP public key
  • SSH public key

Granting access normally takes 2-3 business days.

Detailed access descriptions will be provided with your access grant e-mail.

Lab Documentation

Lab Topology

not found

POD: ool-pod1


This is a physical POD deployed by Fuel installer (Brahmputra).

Additional Requirements

Server Specifications

Jump Host

Hostname Vendor Model Serial Number CPUs Memory Storage
OPNFV-jump SuperMicro SYS-5018R-WR
E5-2630v3 x1 32 GB SATA 7.2krpm 2TB x1
Hostname Lights-out network (IPMI): IP/MAC, U/P 1GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network 10GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network Notes
IF0: 0c:c4:7a:6c:a2:b2 VLAN untagged Public IF1: 0c:c4:7a:6c:a2:b3 VLAN 10{2-5} Admin/Mgmt/Private   NIC Model: Intel I350

Compute Nodes

Hostname Vendor Model Serial Number CPUs Memory Storage
node-9 FUJITSU RX2530 M1
E5-2630v3 x1 32 GB SATA 7.2krpm 2TB x2 SSD 100GB x1
node-10 FUJITSU RX2530 M1
E5-2630v3 x1 32 GB SATA 7.2krpm 2TB x2 SSD 100GB x1
node-11 FUJITSU RX2530 M1
E5-2630v3 x1 32 GB SATA 7.2krpm 2TB x2 SSD 100GB x1
node-12 FUJITSU RX2530 M1
E5-2630v3 x1 32 GB SATA 7.2krpm 2TB x2 SSD 100GB x1
Hostname Lights-out network (IPMI): IP/MAC, U/P 1GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network 10GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network Notes
IF0: 90:1b:0e:6b:e8:a8 VLAN untagged Admin IF1: 90:1b:0e:6b:e8:a9 VLAN untagged Mgmt IF2: 90:1b:0e:6b:e8:aa VLAN untagged Public IF3: 90:1b:0e:6b:e8:ab VLAN untagged Private IF4: 90:1b:0e:6d:09:71 VLAN untagged Storage IF5: 90:1b:0e:6d:09:72 VLAN untagged Storage NIC Models: (1GbE) Emulex Skyhawk (10GbE) Intel 82599E
IF0: 90:1b:0e:6b:e3:00 VLAN untagged Admin IF1: 90:1b:0e:6b:e3:01 VLAN untagged Mgmt IF2: 90:1b:0e:6b:e3:02 VLAN untagged Public IF3: 90:1b:0e:6b:e3:03 VLAN untagged Private IF4: 90:1b:0e:6d:09:5f VLAN untagged Storage IF5: 90:1b:0e:6d:09:60 VLAN untagged Storage NIC Models: (1GbE) Emulex Skyhawk (10GbE) Intel 82599E
IF0: 90:1b:0e:6b:e5:b4 VLAN untagged Admin IF1: 90:1b:0e:6b:e5:b5 VLAN untagged Mgmt IF2: 90:1b:0e:6b:e5:b6 VLAN untagged Public IF3: 90:1b:0e:6b:e5:b7 VLAN untagged Private IF4: 90:1b:0e:6d:09:6f VLAN untagged Storage IF5: 90:1b:0e:6d:09:70 VLAN untagged Storage NIC Models: (1GbE) Emulex Skyhawk (10GbE) Intel 82599E
IF0: 90:1b:0e:6b:e2:bc VLAN untagged Admin IF1: 90:1b:0e:6b:e2:bd VLAN untagged Mgmt IF2: 90:1b:0e:6b:e2:be VLAN untagged Public IF3: 90:1b:0e:6b:e2:bf VLAN untagged Private IF4: 90:1b:0e:6d:08:31 VLAN untagged Storage IF5: 90:1b:0e:6d:08:32 VLAN untagged Storage NIC Models: (1GbE) Emulex Skyhawk (10GbE) Intel 82599E


Node Hardware
Switch 1 (for each network except storage) Juniper EX3300-24T
Switch 2 (for storage) Mellanox SX1024

Subnet Allocations

Network name Address Mask Gateway VLAN id
Public 103
Fuel Admin 103
Fuel Mangement 104
Fuel Public 105
Fuel Private   Untagged
Fuel Storage   Untagged

VPN Users

Name Email Project Role Notes
Ryota Mibu Doctor Project Lead  

Firewall Rules

Port(s) Service Notes

POD Topology

not found

POD: ool-virtual1


This is a virtual POD deployed by Apex installer (master/Colorado). This POD is built on one machine placed next to machines of the physical POD (ool-pod1). Controller and compute nodes are VM.

Additional Requirements

Server Specifications

Jump Host

See Server Specifications.

Compute Nodes

Machine Hostname Hardware
Virtual POD ool-virtual1 FUJITSU PRIMERGY RX2530 M1
CPU Xeon E5-2630v3 x1
HDD SATA 7.2krpm 2TB x2
SSD 100GB x1
1000BASE-T Emulex Skyhawk x2
10GBASE-T Intel 82599E x2
Hostname IF# BW MAC IF in OS Role
ool-virtual1 IF0 1Gb 90:1b:0e:6b:e5:d8 eno1 Admin
ool-virtual1 IF1 1Gb 90:1b:0e:6b:e5:d9 eno2 Mgmt
ool-virtual1 IF2 1Gb 90:1b:0e:6b:e5:da eno3 Public
ool-virtual1 IF3 1Gb 90:1b:0e:6b:e5:db eno4 Private
ool-virtual1 IF4 1Gb 90:1b:0e:6d:08:f5 ens2f0 Storage
ool-virtual1 IF5 1Gb 90:1b:0e:6d:08:f6 ens2f1 Storage

Subnet Allocations in the host

Network name Address Mask Gateway VLAN id
Admin Untagged
Public Untagged
Private   Untagged
Storage   Untagged

VPN Users

Name Email Project Role Notes
Ryota Mibu Doctor Project Lead  

Firewall Rules

Port(s) Service Notes

POD Topology

OOL Inventory File

import pod1_inventory.yaml

Orange Paris Pharos Lab and Configuration Files

Lab Specification Template


Orange is hosting an OPNFV test lab at Chatillon (near Paris) facility. The test lab would host baremetal servers for the use of OPNFV community as part of the OPNFV Pharos Project.

The Orange Paris lab consist of 1 POD
  • POD for Fuel

Lab Resources

POD Name Project(s) Project Lead(s) Email(s) POD Role Status Notes
opnfv-integ       Dev/test Active  
  • POD Name: Use consistent naming / numbering to avoid confusion. Hyperlinked to POD description.
  • POD Role: CI stable, CI latest, Dev/test, Stand-alone, Virtual, ...
  • Status: Assigned, Configuring, Active, Troubleshooting, Available, ...

Acceptable Usage Policy

Define lab user policies and expectations

Remote Access Infrastructure

The Orange Paris OPNFV test lab is free to use for the OPNFV community.

A VPN is used to provide access to the Orange Paris Testlab.

To access the Testlab, please contact Auboin Cyril ( with the following details: * Name

  • Organization
  • Purpose of using the labs
  • Dates start / end

Processing the request can take 3-4 business days.

Remote Access Procedure

Define lab process for requesting access to the lab (e.g. VPN guide, how to modify BIOS settings, etc.)

Lab Documentation

List lab specific documents here

Lab Topology

Provide a diagram showing the network topology of lab including lights-out network. Any security sensitive details should not be exposed publically. The following diagram is an example only.

Lab diagram not found

POD Specification Template


Orange is hosting an OPNFV test lab at Chatillon (near Paris) facility. The test lab would host 4 (1 controller and 3 computes) baremetal servers for the use of OPNFV community as part of the OPNFV Pharos Project.

Version: Brahmaputra Installer: Fuel (with Ceph)

Additional Requirements

Server Specifications


Hostname Vendor Model Serial Number CPUs Memory Local storage Lights-out network (IPMI): IP/MAC, U/P 1GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network 10GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network Notes
pod1- switch JUNIPER EX-4550 750-045407 CC:E1:7F:86:38:80     32 ports

Jump Host

Hostname Vendor Model Serial Number CPUs Memory Local storage Lights-out network (IPMI): IP/MAC, U/P 1GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network 10GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network Notes
pod1- jump-host DELL Proliant DL 360e Gen8 CZJ40901PV
Intel Xeon

E5-2430 v2.2 2,5Ghz 24 core

16 GB 300GB SAS 300GB SAS   IF0:    


Hostname Vendor Model Serial Number CPUs Memory Local storage Lights-out network (IPMI): IP/MAC, U/P 1GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network 10GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network Notes
pod1- firewall IBM @Server xSerie 336 KKTVY4M Intel Xeon 4 GB 36GB SATA 36GB SATA   IF0:    

Controller Node

Hostname Vendor Model Serial Number CPUs Memory Local storage Lights-out network (IPMI): IP/MAC, U/P 1GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network 10GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network Notes
pod1-ctrl1 HP Proliant DL 360e Gen8 CZJ40901PT
Intel Xeon
E5-2430 v2.2
2,5Ghz 24 core
16GB 300GB SAS 300GB SAS  
IF0: 9C:B6:54:95:E4:74
IF1: 9C:B6:54:95:E4:75
18: Public 1500: Storage 17: Management 1502: Private

Compute Nodes

Hostname Vendor Model Serial Number CPUs Memory Local storage Lights-out network (IPMI): IP/MAC, U/P 1GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network 10GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network Notes
pod1-node1 DELL R730 8F3J642

Intel Xeon E5-2603 v3

1,6Ghz 12 core
128GB (8x16GB) 1600Mhz 250GB SATA 480GB SSD 480GB SSD  
IF0: EC:F4:BB:CB:62:9C
IF1: EC:F4:BB:CB:62:9A
18: Public 1500: Storage 17: Management 1502: Private
pod1-node2 HP Proliant DL 360e Gen8 CZJ40901PS
Intel Xeon
E5-2430 v2.2
2,5Ghz 24 core
16GB 300GB SAS 300GB SAS  
IF0: 9C:B6:54:95:D4:F0
IF1: 9C:B6:54:95:D4:F1
18: Public 1500: Storage 17: Management 1502: Private
pod1-node3 DELL R730 FG3J642

Intel Xeon E5-2603 v3

1,6Ghz 12 core
128GB (8x16GB) 1600Mhz 256GB SATA 480GB SSD 480GB SSD  
IF0: EC:F4:BB:CB:62:E4
IF1: EC:F4:BB:CB:62:E2
18: Public 1500: Storage 17: Management 1502: Private


Name Email Company Role Notes

Firewall Rules

Port(s) Service Note
22, 43, 80 Jenkins CI  

POD Topology

Provide a diagram showing the network topology of the POD. Any security sensitive details should not be exposed publically and can be stored in the secure Pharos repo. The following diagram is an example only.

POD diagram not found

Spirent Virtual Cloud Test Lab

A community provided metal resource hosted at Nephoscale, leveraged for SDN/NFV public testing and OpenDaylight, OpenStack, OPNFV projects.

Spirent VCT Lab is currently working on 3 different OpenStack environments each one of them deployed on different hardware configuration:

  • OpenStack Juno - 2014.2.2 release (CentOS 7, 20 Cores, 64 GB RAM, 1 TB SATA, 40 Gbps)
  • OpenStack Juno - 2014.2.2 release (Ubuntu 14.04, 8 cores, 32 GB RAM, 500 GB SATA, 10 Gbps)
  • OpenStack Icehouse - 2014.1.3 release
  • OpenStack Icehouse - 2014.1.3 release

There are a number of different networks referenced in the VPTC Design Blueprint.

  • Public Internet – 1 g
  • Private Management – 1g
  • Mission Clients – 10g
  • Mission Servers – 10g

These can be added or removed as specified by the test methodology. There are 8 x 10 gige SFP+ ports available on a typical C100MP used for Avalanche Layer 4-7 testing. The N4U offers 2 x 40 gige QSFP+ ports with the MX-2 Spirent Test Center Layer 2-3 testing. There are 2 x Cumulus switches with 32 ports of 40 gige QSFP+ ports for a total capacity of 256 ports of 10 gige. We use QSFP+ to SFP+ break out cables to convert a single 40 gige port into 4 x 10 gige ports. Together these offer a flexible solution to allow up to 8 simultaneous tests to take place with physical traffic generators at the same time. Assuming a 10 to 1 oversubscription ratio we could handle 80 community users with the current environment.

For example:

  • An 80 Gbps test would need 4 port pairs of 10 gige each and require 8 mission networks.
  • Multiple clients sharing common test hardware might have dedicated management networks for their DUTs yet communicate with the APIs and Management services via a shared DMZ network protected by a firewall.
  • SSL and IPSec VPN will typically be leveraged to connect networks across the untrusted Internet or other third party networks.
  • Stand-alone DUT servers using STCv and AVv traffic generators could easily scale to hundreds of servers as needed.

ZTE SH Pharos Lab Configuration Files

ZTE SH Lab Specification


ZTE SH Pharos lab currently has three PODs available in Shanghai. Each POD has 5 servers, 3 controller nodes and 2 computer nodes. These PODs are dedicatedly used for Production/CI. These PODs focus scenarios related with test projects, installer projects and performance enhancement projects, such as KVM, OVS, FDS, etc.

Scenarios planned are list here:

  • os-nosdn-kvm-ha
  • os-nosdn-kvm_ovs-ha

Scenarios are defined in Colorado Scenario Status

Lab Resources

POD Name Project(s) PTL(s) Email(s) POD Role Status Notes
POD1 FUEL Gregory Elkinbard CI: latest Active Yardstick Funtest Doctor Parser
POD2 FUEL Gregory Elkinbard CI: latest Active Qtip
POD3 FUEL Gregory Elkinbard CI: latest Active NFV-KVM OVSNFV

Acceptable Usage Policy

Resources located in OPNFV ZTE SH lab shall only be used for CI, infra setup/configuration and troubleshooting purposes. No development work is allowed in these PODs.

Remote Access Infrastructure

ZTE SH lab provide the OpenVPN access for you.

Remote Access Procedure

Access to this environment can be granted by sending an e-mail to:

Subject: opnfv zte-pod[1-3] access.

The following information should be provided in the request:

Full name:
Why is access needed:
How long is access needed:
What sepcific Host will be accessed:
What support is needed from zte admin:

Once access requirment is approved, the instructions for setting up VPN access will be send to you by mail.

Lab Documentation

Lab Topology

Lab diagram not found

All the PODs share the same Jump Host for only one public IP address is allocated for the pharos lab. Deploy servers are separated from Jump Host. Every 2 PODs share one Deploy Server.

Jump Host

Hostname Vendor Model Serial Number CPUs Memory (GB) Local Storage 1GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network 10GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network Notes
Rabbit HP 5500
X5647x2 24 250GB SAS 2 TB HDD IF0: a0:36:9f:00:11:34/ native vlan/OA IF1: a0:36:9f:00:11:35/ vlan 103/Public vlan 113/Public vlan 163/Public vlan 173/Public IF2: a0.36:9:00:11:37/ native vlan/ Internet    

ZTE POD1 Specification


POD1(means ZTE-POD1) uses Fuel as the installer and performs os-odl_l2-nofeature-ha CI latest verification. Currently, test projects such as Yardstick, Functest are performing daily CI tasks. Fueature projects such as Doctor, Parser will perform daily and verify CI tasks.

Additional Requirements

Server Specifications

Jump Host

POD1 share the same Jump Host in the lab.

Deploy server

Hostname Vendor Model Serial Number CPUs Memory (GB) Local Storage 1GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network 10GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network Notes
Jellyfish ZTE R5300 277662500093 E5-2620x2 128 600GB SAS 4 TB HDD IF0: 74:4a:a4:00:91:b3/ native vlan/PXE IF1: 74:4a:a4:00:91:b4/ native vlan/PXE    


Hostname Vendor Model Serial Number CPUs Memory (GB) Local Storage Lights-out network (IPMI): IP/MAC, U/P 1GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network 10GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network Notes
node1 ZTE E9000 281498500141 E5-2680x2 128 600GB HDD 4c:09:b4:b2:59:84 zteroot/superuser enp129s0f0: 4c:09:b4:b2:59:87 vlan 1/PXE vlan 101/management enp2s0f0: 4c:09:b4:b1:de:38 vlan 1/ public vlan 103/ private enp132s0f0: 4c:09:b4:b1:de:3a vlan 102/ storage  
node2 ZTE E9000 281498500179 E5-2680x2 128 600GB HDD 4c:09:b4:b2:59:f9 zteroot/superuser enp129s0f0: 4c:09:b4:b2:59:fc vlan 1/PXE vlan 101/management enp2s0f0: 4c:09:b4:b1:de:40 vlan 1/ public vlan 103/ private enp132s0f0: 4c:09:b4:b1:de:42 vlan 102/ storage  
node3 ZTE E9000 281498500008 E5-2680x2 128 600GB HDD 4c:09:b4:b2:59:9f zteroot/superuser enp129s0f0: 4c:09:b4:b2:59:a2 vlan 1/PXE vlan 101/management enp2s0f0: 4c:09:b4:b1:de:1c vlan 1/ public vlan 103/ private enp132s0f0: 4c:09:b4:b1:de:1e vlan 102/ storage  
node4 ZTE E9000 281498500157 E5-2680x2 128 600GB HDD 4c:09:b4:b2:59:d5 zteroot/superuser enp129s0f0: 4c:09:b4:b2:59:d8 vlan 1/PXE vlan 101/management enp2s0f0: 4c:09:b4:b1:de:18 vlan 1/ public vlan 103/ private enp132s0f0: 4c:09:b4:b1:de:1a vlan 102/ storage  
node5 ZTE E9000 281498500119 E5-2680x2 128 600GB HDD 4c:09:b4:b2:59:72 zteroot/superuser enp129s0f0: 4c:09:b4:b2:59:75 vlan 1/PXE vlan 101/management enp2s0f0: 4c:09:b4:b1:de:48 vlan 1/ public vlan 103/ private enp132s0f0: 4c:09:b4:b1:de:4a vlan 102/ storage  

Subnet allocations

Network name Address Mask Gateway VLAN id
Public untagged
Fuel Admin/PXE native vlan 1
Fuel Mangement   101
Fuel Storage   102

VPN Users

Name Email Project Role Notes

Firewall Rules

Port(s) Service Note
1194(OpenVPN) Jenkins  

POD Topology

POD diagram not found

ZTE POD2 Specification


POD2(means ZTE-POD2) uses Fuel as the installer and performs os-odl_l2-nofeature-ha CI latest verification. Qtip daily CI task will be migrated from POD1 to POD2. Qtip is also working on integration with Yardstick umbrella project.

Additional Requirements

Server Specifications

Jump Host

POD2 share the same Jump Host in the lab.

Deploy Server

POD2 share the same Deploy Server with POD1.

Hostname Vendor Model Serial Number CPUs Memory (GB) Local Storage 1GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network 10GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network Notes
Jellyfish ZTE R5300 277662500093 E5-2620x2 128 600GB SAS 4 TB HDD IF0: 74:4a:a4:00:91:b3/ native vlan/PXE IF1: 74:4a:a4:00:91:b4/ native vlan/PXE    

Compute Nodes

Hostname Vendor Model Serial Number CPUs Memory (GB) Local Storage Lights-out network (IPMI): IP/MAC, U/P 1GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network 10GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network Notes
node1 ZTE E9000 281498500141 E5-2680x2 128 600GB HDD 3c:da:2a:e8:01:ea zteroot/superuser enp129s0f0: 3c:da:2a:e8:01:ed vlan 500/PXE vlan 501/management enp2s0f0: 3c:da:2a:e9:02:dc vlan 500/ public vlan 503/ private enp132s0f0: 3c:da:2a:e9:02:de vlan 502/ storage  
node2 ZTE E9000 281498500179 E5-2680x2 128 600GB HDD 3c:da:2a:e8:02:49 zteroot/superuser enp129s0f0: 3c:da:2a:e8:02:4c vlan 500/PXE vlan 501/management enp2s0f0: 3c:da:2a:e9:02:d0 vlan 500/ public vlan 503/ private enp132s0f0: 3c:da:2a:e9:02:d2 vlan 502/ storage  
node3 ZTE E9000 281498500008 E5-2680x2 128 600GB HDD 3c:da:2a:e8:01:a4 zteroot/superuser enp129s0f0: 3c:da:2a:e8:01:a7 vlan 500/PXE vlan 501/management enp2s0f0: 3c:da:2a:e9:02:ec vlan 500/ public vlan 503/ private enp132s0f0: 3c:da:2a:e9:02:ee vlan 502/ storage  
node4 ZTE E9000 281498500157 E5-2680x2 128 600GB HDD 3c:da:2a:e8:01:c7 zteroot/superuser enp129s0f0: 3c:da:2a:e8:01:ca vlan 500/PXE vlan 501/management enp2s0f0: 3c:da:2a:e9:02:d4 vlan 500/ public vlan 503/ private enp132s0f0: 3c:da:2a:e9:02:d6 vlan 502/ storage  
node5 ZTE E9000 281498500119 E5-2680x2 128 600GB HDD 3c:da:2a:e8:01:b3 zteroot/superuser enp129s0f0: 3c:da:2a:e8:01:b6 vlan 500/PXE vlan 501/management enp2s0f0: 3c:da:2a:e9:02:ac vlan 500/ public vlan 503/ private enp132s0f0: 3c:da:2a:e9:02:ae vlan 502/ storage  

Subnet allocations

Network name Address Mask Gateway VLAN id
Public Untagged
Fuel Admin native vlan 500
Fuel Mangement   501
Fuel Storage   502

VPN Users

Name Email Project Role Notes

Firewall Rules

Port(s) Service Note
1194(OpenVPN) Jenkins  

POD Topology

POD diagram not found

ZTE SH POD3 Specification


POD3(means ZTE-POD3) uses Fuel as the installer and performs os-nosdn-kvm-ha CI latest verification. Feature projects like NFV-KVMV, OVSNFV will be run in this POD.

Additional Requirements

Server Specifications

Jump Host

POD3 share the same Jump Host in the lab.

Deploy Server

Hostname Vendor Model Serial Number CPUs Memory (GB) Local Storage 1GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network 10GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network Notes
Spider ZTE R5300 210077307607 E5-2609x1 32 600GB SAS 1.2TB SCSI IF0: 74:4a:a4:00:21:0b/ native vlan/PXE IF1: 74:4a:a4:00:21:0c/ native vlan/PXE    

Compute Nodes

Hostname Vendor Model Serial Number CPUs Memory (GB) Local Storage Lights-out network (IPMI): IP/MAC, U/P 1GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network 10GbE: NIC#/IP MAC/VLAN/Network Notes
node1 ZTE E9000 289016500203 E5-2670x2 64 600GB HDD 0c:12:62:e4:bf:de zteroot/superuser   enp2s0f0: 74:4a:a4:00:0b:85 vlan 100/ Admin(PXE) enp2s0f1: 74:4a:a4:00:0b:86 vlan 101/ mgmt enp132s0f0: 74:4a:a4:00:0b:87 vlan 102/ storage enp132s0f1: 74:4a:a4:00:0b:88 vlan 103/ public vlan 1020/ private  
node2 ZTE E9000 289016500197 E5-2670x2 64 600GB HDD 0C:12:62:E4:C0:33 zteroot/superuser   enp2s0f0: 74:4a:a4:00:5c:5d vlan 100/ Admin(PXE) enp2s0f1: 74:4a:a4:00:5c:5e vlan 101/ mgmt enp132s0f0: 74:4a:a4:00:5c:5f vlan 102/ storage enp132s0f1: 74:4a:a4:00:5c:60 vlan 103/ public vlan 1020/ private  
node3 ZTE E9000 289016500003 E5-2670x2 64 600GB HDD 74:4A:A4:00:30:93 zteroot/superuser   enp2s0f0: 74:4a:a4:00:5c:35 vlan 100/ Admin(PXE) enp2s0f1: 74:4a:a4:00:5c:36 vlan 101/ mgmt enp132s0f0: 74:4a:a4:00:5c:37 vlan 102/ storage enp132s0f1: 74:4a:a4:00:5c:38 vlan 103/ public vlan 1020/ private  
node4 ZTE E9000 289016500105 E5-2670x2 64 600GB HDD 0C:12:62:E4:C0:42 zteroot/superuser   enp2s0f0: 74:4a:a4:00:5c:69 vlan 100/ Admin(PXE) enp2s0f1: 74:4a:a4:00:5c:6a vlan 101/ mgmt enp132s0f0: 74:4a:a4:00:5c:6b vlan 102/ storage enp132s0f1: 74:4a:a4:00:5c:6c vlan 103/ public vlan 1020/ private  
node5 ZTE E9000 289016500195 E5-2670x2 64 600GB HDD 74:4A:A4:00:30:43 zteroot/superuser   enp2s0f0: 74:4a:a4:00:5c:6d vlan 100/ Admin(PXE) enp2s0f1: 74:4a:a4:00:5c:6e vlan 101/ mgmt enp132s0f0: 74:4a:a4:00:5c:6f vlan 102/ storage enp132s0f1: 74:4a:a4:00:5c:70 vlan 103/ public vlan 1020/ private  

Subnet allocations

Network name Address Mask Gateway VLAN id
Public 103
Fuel Admin/PXE native valn 100
Fuel Mangement   101
Fuel Storage   102

VPN Users

Name Email Project Role Notes

Firewall Rules

Port(s) Service Note
5000(OpenVPN) Jenkins  

POD Topology

POD diagram not found