Parser Configuration Guide¶
Parser configuration¶
Parser can be configured with any installer in current OPNFV, it only depends on openstack.
Pre-configuration activities¶
For parser, there is not specific pre-configuration activities.
Hardware configuration¶
For parser, there is not hardware configuration needed for any current feature.
Feature configuration¶
For parser, there is not specific configure on openstack.
Parser configuration¶
Parser can be configured with any installer in current OPNFV.
Pre-configuration activities¶
For parser, there is not specific pre-configuration activities.
Hardware configuration¶
For parser, there is not hardware configuration needed for this specific installer.
Jumphost configuration¶
For parser, there is not intial Jumphost configuration (network and software)needed in order to deploy any installer.
Platform components configuration¶
For tosca2heat components(tosca-parser and heat-translator) in parser,there are not specific configuration of each component in installer.