<Project Name> Installation Guide

Installation Guide

Refer to https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/DOC/Installation+procedure Naming Convention is: <Name> <Use Case> <file name>. Eg: Apex Installation Guide Abstract

<Project Name> <Release Name> Abstract

Abstract explaining the Document

<Project Name> <Release Name> Prerequisite

Hardware requirement

List out the HW requirements

Software requirement

List out the SW requirements


<Project Name> <Release Name> Supported Scenarios


Add a short brief about supported scenarios

<Scenario> Installation Guide

<Project Name> <Release Name> Installation

Preparing for Installation

Include any pre configuration, database, or other software downloads required to install <project>.

Installing <Feature>

Installation toolkit

Verifying your Installation

Describe how to verify the installation.


<optional> Text goes here.

<Project Name> <Release Name> Post Installation

Post Installation Configuration

Post Installation Configuration section must include some basic (must-do) procedures if any, to get started.

Upgrading From <a Previous Release>

Text goes here.

?Uninstalling? <Feature>

Text here.

<Project Name> <Release Name> Compatibility

Compatibility with Previous Releases

<optional, required if there’s a previous release> Is it compatible? Did anything about how a user or developer would consume it change? If so, document it here.

Migration from Previous Releases

<optional, required if there’s a previous release for the project>

Describe any special step somebody would have to take to migrate from a previous release to this one. If migration isn’t supported for some combinations, state that as well.