ONOSFW Release Notes

1. OPNFV Brahmaputra release note for onosfw

1.1. Abstract

This document describes the release note of onosfw project, including upstream project ONOS and OpenStack

1.2. License

OPNFV Brahmaputra release note for onosfw Docs (c) by Henry (HUAWEI)

OPNFV Brahmaputra release note for onosfw Docs are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You should have received a copy of the license along with this. If not, see <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/>.

1.3. Version history

Date Ver. Author Comment
2016-01-21 1.0.0 Henry (HUAWEI) Rewritten for ONOSFW B release
2016-01-20 0.0.2 Henry (HUAWEI) Minor changes & formatting
2016-01-19 0.0.1 Henry (HUAWEI) First draft

1.4. Introduction

ONOSFW addresses integrating an SDN controller of choice based on a target applications or use cases within the OPNFV defined NFVI and VIM framework. It aims to provide end user and open source community with greater flexibility to build service applications, and to help leverage corresponding open source development efforts and results as well. Furthermore, it will create some common framework elements to address multi tenancy support, integration between the network controller and a DPI engine for context-based flow policies. It will also provide driver integration to support the Neutron ML2 & Router plugin.

1.5. ONOSFW Test Scenarios

FuncTest Usecase Installers Apex Compass Fuel JOID
vPing For user metadata Should Fail; ONOSFW do not support user metadata in BM Should Fail; ONOSFW do not support user metadata in BM Should Fail; ONOSFW do not support user metadata in BM Should Fail; ONOSFW do not support user metadata in BM
vPing Success Success Success Success
tempest Success Success Success Success
RALLY Success Success Success Success
ONOS Success Success Success Success

Secenario 14 ONOS-HA for Virtual:

FuncTest Usecase Installers Apex Compass Fuel JOID
vPing For user metadata Should Fail; ONOSFW do not support user metadata in BM Should Fail; ONOSFW do not support user metadata in BM Should Fail; ONOSFW do not support user metadata in BM Should Fail; ONOSFW do not support user metadata in BM
vPing Success Success Success Success
tempest Success Success Success Success
RALLY Success Success Success Success
ONOS Success Success Success Success

1.6. ONOS Release

ONOS wiki of onosfw : onosfw proposal in ONOS.

ONOS Emu code:ONOS Emu Code.

ONOS Emu Release Note ONOS Emu Release Note.

The APIs docs exist as a submodule in docs/apis. In order to retrieve them, you must change directories to “apis” and then do a “git pull origin master”. This will pull down all relevant API documents related to the source components in this release”. here is api link: https://github.com/onosfw/apis

1.7. OpenStack Release

OpenStack Liberty wiki page OpenStack Liberty wiki.

OpenStack Liberty api page OpenStack Networking Api.



Build date: December 06, 2016



Build date: December 06, 2016