os-nosdn-kvm_ovs_dpdk-noha Overview and Description

1. os-nosdn-kvm_ovs_dpdk-noha Description

1.1. Introduction

The purpose of os-nosdn-kvm_ovs_dpdk-noha scenario testing is to test the No High Availability deployment and configuration of OPNFV software suite with OpenStack and without SDN software. This OPNFV software suite includes OPNFV KVM4NFV latest software packages for Linux Kernel and QEMU patches for achieving low latency. When deployed using Fuel, No High Availability feature is achieved by deploying OpenStack multi-node setup with 1 controller and 3 computes nodes and using Apex the setup is with 1 controller and 1 compute.

KVM4NFV packages will be installed on compute nodes as part of deployment. This scenario testcase deployment is happening on multi-node by using OPNFV Fuel and Apex deployer.

Using Fuel Installer

1.2. Scenario Components and Composition

This scenario deploys the No High Availability OPNFV Cloud based on the configurations provided in no-ha_nfv-kvm_nfv-ovs-dpdk_heat_ceilometer_scenario.yaml. This yaml file contains following configurations and is passed as an argument to deploy.py script

  • scenario.yaml: This configuration file defines translation between a short deployment scenario name(os-nosdn-kvm_ovs_dpdk-noha) and an actual deployment scenario configuration file(no-ha_nfv-kvm_nfv-ovs-dpdk_heat_ceilometer_scenario.yaml)
  • deployment-scenario-metadata: Contains the configuration metadata like title,version,created,comment.
   title: NFV KVM and OVS-DPDK NOHA deployment
   version: 0.0.1
   created: Dec 20 2016
   comment: NFV KVM and OVS-DPDK
  • stack-extensions: Stack extentions are opnfv added value features in form of a fuel-plugin.Plugins listed in stack extensions are enabled and configured. os-nosdn-kvm_ovs_dpdk-noha scenario currently uses KVM-1.0.0 plugin.
   - module: fuel-plugin-kvm
     module-config-name: fuel-nfvkvm
     module-config-version: 1.0.0
       # Module config overrides
  • dea-override-config: Used to configure the NO-HA mode,network segmentation types and role to node assignments.These configurations overrides corresponding keys in the dea_base.yaml and dea_pod_override.yaml. These keys are used to deploy multiple nodes(1 controller,3 computes) as mention below.

    • Node 1:
      • This node has MongoDB and Controller roles
      • The controller node runs the Identity service, Image Service, management portions of Compute and Networking, Networking plug-in and the dashboard
      • Uses VLAN as an interface
    • Node 2:
      • This node has compute and Ceph-osd roles
      • Ceph is a massively scalable, open source, distributed storage system
      • By default, Compute uses KVM as the hypervisor
      • Uses DPDK as an interface
    • Node 3:
      • This node has compute and Ceph-osd roles
      • Ceph is a massively scalable, open source, distributed storage system
      • By default, Compute uses KVM as the hypervisor
      • Uses DPDK as an interface
    • Node 4:
      • This node has compute and Ceph-osd roles
      • Ceph is a massively scalable, open source, distributed storage system
      • By default, Compute uses KVM as the hypervisor
      • Uses DPDK as an interface

    The below is the dea-override-config of the no-ha_nfv-kvm_nfv-ovs-dpdk_heat_ceilometer_scenario.yaml file.

    - experimental
    net_segment_type: vlan
  - id: 1
    interfaces: interfaces_vlan
    role: mongo,controller
  - id: 2
    interfaces: interfaces_dpdk
    role: ceph-osd,compute
    attributes: attributes_1
  - id: 3
    interfaces: interfaces_dpdk
    role: ceph-osd,compute
    attributes: attributes_1
  - id: 4
    interfaces: interfaces_dpdk
    role: ceph-osd,compute
    attributes: attributes_1

        value: 1024
          '2048': 1024

      segmentation_type: vlan
    - cidr: null
      gateway: null
      ip_ranges: []
        configurable: false
        map_priority: 2
        name: private
        neutron_vlan_range: true
        notation: null
        render_addr_mask: null
        render_type: null
        seg_type: vlan
        use_gateway: false
        vlan_start: null
      name: private
      vlan_start: null

          description: Configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD. This works best if Ceph
          is enabled for volumes and images, too. Enables live migration of all types of Ceph
          backed VMs (without this option, live migration will only work with VMs launched from
          Cinder volumes).
          label: Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova)
          type: checkbox
          value: true
          weight: 75
          description: Configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images. If enabled,
          this option will prevent Swift from installing.
          label: Ceph RBD for images (Glance)
          - settings:storage.images_vcenter.value == true: Only one Glance backend could be selected.
          type: checkbox
          value: true
          weight: 30
  • dha-override-config: Provides information about the VM definition and Network config for virtual deployment.These configurations overrides the pod dha definition and points to the controller,compute and fuel definition files. The no-ha_nfv-kvm_nfv-ovs-dpdk_heat_ceilometer_scenario.yaml has no dha-config changes i.e., default configuration is used.
  • os-nosdn-kvm_ovs_dpdk-noha scenario is successful when all the 4 Nodes are accessible, up and running.


  • In os-nosdn-kvm_ovs_dpdk-noha scenario, OVS is installed on the compute nodes with DPDK configured
  • Hugepages for DPDK are configured in the attributes_1 section of the


  • Hugepages are only configured for compute nodes
  • This results in faster communication and data transfer among the compute nodes

1.3. Scenario Usage Overview

  • The high availability feature is disabled and deploymet is done by deploy.py with noha_nfv-kvm_nfv-ovs-dpdk_heat_ceilometer_scenario.yaml as an argument.
  • Install Fuel Master and deploy OPNFV Cloud from scratch on Hardware Environment:

Command to deploy the os-nosdn-kvm_ovs_dpdk-noha scenario:

$ cd ~/fuel/ci/
$ sudo ./deploy.sh -f -b file:///tmp/opnfv-fuel/deploy/config -l devel-pipeline -p default \
-s no-ha_nfv-kvm_nfv-ovs-dpdk_heat_ceilometer_scenario.yaml -i file:///tmp/opnfv.iso

-b is used to specify the configuration directory

-i is used to specify the image downloaded from artifacts.


Check $ sudo ./deploy.sh -h for further information.
  • os-nosdn-kvm_ovs_dpdk-noha scenario can be executed from the jenkins project “fuel-os-nosdn-kvm_ovs_dpdk-noha-baremetal-daily-master”
  • This scenario provides the No High Availability feature by deploying 1 controller,3 compute nodes and checking if all the 4 nodes are accessible(IP,up & running).
  • Test Scenario is passed if deployment is successful and all 4 nodes have accessibility (IP , up & running).

Using Apex Installer

1.4. Scenario Components and Composition

This scenario is composed of common OpenStack services enabled by default, including Nova, Neutron, Glance, Cinder, Keystone, Horizon. Optionally and by default, Tacker and Congress services are also enabled. Ceph is used as the backend storage to Cinder on all deployed nodes.

The os-nosdn-kvm_ovs_dpdk-noha.yaml file contains following configurations and is passed as an argument to deploy.sh script.

  • global-params: Used to define the global parameter and there is only one such parameter exists,i.e, ha_enabled
  ha_enabled: false
  • deploy_options: Used to define the type of SDN controller, configure the tacker, congress, service functioning chaining support(sfc) for ODL and ONOS, configure ODL with SDNVPN support, which dataplane to use for overcloud tenant networks, whether to run the kvm real time kernel (rt_kvm) in the compute node(s) to reduce the network latencies caused by network function virtualization and whether to install and configure fdio functionality in the overcloud
  sdn_controller: false
  tacker: true
  congress: true
  sfc: false
  vpn: false
  rt_kvm: true
  dataplane: ovs_dpdk
  • performance: Used to set performance options on specific roles. The valid roles are ‘Compute’, ‘Controller’ and ‘Storage’, and the valid sections are ‘kernel’ and ‘nova’
      hugepages: 1024
      hugepagesz: 2M
      hugepagesz: 2M
      hugepages: 2048
      intel_iommu: 'on'
      iommu: pt
      socket_memory: 1024
      pmd_cores: 2
      dpdk_cores: 1

1.5. Scenario Usage Overview

  • The high availability feature can be acheived by executing deploy.sh with os-nosdn-kvm_ovs_dpdk-noha.yaml as an argument.
  • Build the undercloud and overcloud images as mentioned below:
cd ~/apex/build/
make images-clean
make images
  • Command to deploy os-nosdn-kvm_ovs_dpdk-noha scenario:
cd ~/apex/ci/
./deploy.sh -v --ping-site <ping_ip-address> --dnslookup-site <dns_ip-address> -n \
~/apex/config/network/intc_network_settings.yaml -d ~/apex/config/deploy/os-nosdn-kvm_ovs_dpdk-noha.yaml
-v is used for virtual deployment -n is used for providing the network configuration file -d is used for providing the scenario configuration file

1.6. References

For more information on the OPNFV Euphrates release, please visit http://www.opnfv.org/Euphrates