os-nosdn-kvm-ha Overview and Description

1. Introduction

The purpose of os-nosdn-kvm-ha scenario testing is to test the High Availability deployment and configuration of OPNFV software suite with OpenStack and without SDN software. This OPNFV software suite includes OPNFV KVM4NFV latest software packages for Linux Kernel and QEMU patches for achieving low latency. High Availability feature is achieved by deploying OpenStack multi-node setup with 3 controllers and 2 computes nodes

KVM4NFV packages will be installed on compute nodes as part of deployment. This scenario testcase deployment is happening on multi-node by using OPNFV Fuel deployer.

2. Scenario Components and Composition

This scenario deploys the High Availability OPNFV Cloud based on the configurations provided in ha_nfv-kvm_heat_ceilometer_scenario.yaml. This yaml file contains following configurations and is passed as an argument to deploy.py script

  • scenario.yaml:This configuration file defines translation between a short deployment scenario name(os-nosdn-kvm-ha) and an actual deployment scenario configuration file(ha_nfv-kvm_heat_ceilometer_scenario.yaml)
  • deployment-scenario-metadata:Contains the configuration metadata like title,version,created,comment.
  • stack-extensions:Stack extentions are opnfv added value features in form of a fuel-plugin.Plugins listed in stack extensions are enabled and configured.
  • dea-override-config: Used to configure the HA mode,network segmentation types and role to node assignments.These configurations overrides corresponding keys in the dea_base.yaml and dea_pod_override.yaml. These keys are used to deploy multiple nodes(3 controllers,2 computes) as mention below.
    • Node 1: This node has MongoDB and Controller roles. The controller node runs the Identity service, Image Service, management portions of Compute and Networking, Networking plug-in and the dashboard. The Telemetry service which was designed to support billing systems for OpenStack cloud resources uses a NoSQL database to store information. The database typically runs on the controller node.
    • Node 2: This node has Controller and Ceph-osd roles. Ceph is a massively scalable, open source, distributed storage system. It is comprised of an object store, block store and a POSIX-compliant distributed file system. Enabling Ceph, configures Nova to store ephemeral volumes in RBD, configures Glance to use the Ceph RBD backend to store images, configures Cinder to store volumes in Ceph RBD images and configures the default number of object replicas in Ceph.
    • Node 3: This node has Controller role in order to achieve high availability.
    • Node 4: This node has Compute role. The compute node runs the hypervisor portion of Compute that operates tenant virtual machines or instances. By default, Compute uses KVM as the hypervisor.
    • Node 5: This node has compute role.
  • dha-override-config:Provides information about the VM definition and Network config for virtual deployment.These configurations overrides the pod dha definition and points to the controller,compute and fuel definition files.
  • os-nosdn-kvm-ha scenario is successful when all the 5 Nodes are accessible, up and running

3. Scenario Usage Overview

  • The high availability feature can be acheived by executing deploy.py with ha_nfv-kvm_heat_ceilometer_scenario.yaml as an argument.

  • Install Fuel Master and deploy OPNFV Cloud from scratch on Hardware Environment:


    sudo python deploy.py -iso ~/ISO/opnfv.iso -dea ~/CONF/hardware/dea.yaml -dha ~/CONF/hardware/dha.yaml -s /mnt/images -b pxebr -log ~/Deployment-888.log.tar.gz

  • Install Fuel Master and deploy OPNFV Cloud from scratch on Virtual Environment:


    sudo python deploy.py -iso ~/ISO/opnfv.iso -dea ~/CONF/virtual/dea.yaml -dha ~/CONF/virtual/dha.yaml -s /mnt/images -log ~/Deployment-888.log.tar.gz

  • os-nosdn-kvm-ha scenario can be executed from the jenkins project “fuel-os-nosdn-kvm-ha-baremetal-daily-master”

  • This scenario provides the High Availability feature by deploying 3 controller,2 compute nodes and checking if all the 5 nodes are accessible(IP,up & running).

  • Test Scenario is passed if deployment is successful and all 5 nodes have accessibility (IP , up & running).

  • Observed that scenario is not running any testcase on top of deployment.

4. Known Limitations, Issues and Workarounds

  • Test scenario os-nosdn-kvm-ha result is not stable. After node reboot triggered by kvm plugin, sometimes puppet agent (mcollective) is not responding with in the given time.

5. References

For more information on the OPNFV Colorado release, please visit http://www.opnfv.org/colorado