Compliance Verification Program Testing User Guide

Conducting CVP Testing with Dovetail


The Dovetail testing framework for CVP consists of two major parts: the testing client that executes all test cases in a lab (vendor self-testing or a third party lab), and the server system that is hosted by the CVP administrator to store and view test results based on a web API. The following diagram illustrates this overall framework.


Within the tester’s lab, the Test Host is the machine where Dovetail executes all automated test cases. As it hosts the test harness, the Test Host must not be part of the System Under Test (SUT) itself. The above diagram assumes that the tester’s Test Host is situated in a DMZ which has internal network access to the SUT and external access to the OPNFV server via the public Internet. This arrangement may not be supported in some labs. Dovetail also supports an offline mode of testing that is illustrated in the next diagram.


In the offline mode, the Test Host only needs to have access to the SUT via the internal network, but does not need to connect to the public Internet. This user guide will highlight differences between the online and offline modes of the Test Host. While it is possible to run the Test Host as a virtual machine, this user guide assumes it is a physical machine for simplicity.

The rest of this guide will describe how to install the Dovetail tool as a Docker container image, go over the steps of running the CVP test suite, and then discuss how to view test results and make sense of them.

Readers interested in using Dovetail for its functionalities beyond CVP testing, e.g. for in-house or extended testing, should consult the Dovetail developer’s guide for additional information.

Installing Dovetail

In this section, we describe the procedure to install Dovetail client tool on the Test Host. The Test Host must have network access to the management network with access rights to the Virtual Infrastructure Manager’s API.

Checking the Test Host Readiness

The Test Host must have network access to the Virtual Infrastructure Manager’s API hosted in the SUT so that the Dovetail tool can exercise the API from the Test Host. It must also have ssh access to the Linux operating system of the compute nodes in the SUT. The ssh mechanism is used by some test cases to generate test events in the compute nodes. You can find out which test cases use this mechanism in the test specification document.

We have tested the Dovetail tool on the following host operating systems. Other versions or distribution of Linux may also work, but community support may be more available on these versions.

  • Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (Xenial) or 14.04 LTS (Trusty)
  • CentOS-7-1611
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3
  • Fedora 24 or 25 Server

Non-Linux operating systems, such as Windows, Mac OS, have not been tested and are not supported.

If online mode is used, the tester should also validate that the Test Host can reach the public Internet. For example,

$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=48 time=52.952 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=48 time=53.805 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=48 time=53.349 ms

Or, if the lab environment does not allow ping, try validating it using HTTPS instead.

$ curl
<!doctype html>

<html lang="en-US" class="no-js">

The following are all the ports that should be open in the firewall to the public Internet in order to support the Dovetail online mode testing.

Configuring the Test Host Environment

The Test Host needs a few environment variables set correctly in order to access the Openstack API required to drive the Dovetail tests. For convenience and as a convention, we will also create a home directoryi for storing all Dovetail related config files:

$ cd $HOME
$ mkdir -p dovetail/pre_config

At this point, you will need to consult your SUT (Openstack) administrator to correctly set the configurations in a file named The Openstack settings need to be configured such that the Dovetail client has all the necessary credentials and privileges to execute all test operations. If the SUT uses terms somewhat differently from the standard Openstack naming, you will need to adjust this file accordingly.

In our example, we will use the file ‘$HOME/dovetail/pre_config/’. Create and edit the file so that all parameters are set correctly to match your SUT. Here is an example of what this file should contain.

$ cat ~/dovetail/pre_config/

# Project-level authentication scope (name or ID), recommend admin project.
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin

# For identity v2, it uses OS_TENANT_NAME rather than OS_PROJECT_NAME.
export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin

# Authentication username, belongs to the project above, recommend admin user.
export OS_USERNAME=admin

# Authentication password. Use your own password
export OS_PASSWORD=xxxxxxxx

# Authentication URL, one of the endpoints of keystone service. If this is v3 version,
# there need some extra variables as follows.
export OS_AUTH_URL=''

# Default is 2.0. If use keystone v3 API, this should be set as 3.

# Domain name or ID containing the user above.
# Command to check the domain: openstack user show <OS_USERNAME>
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=default

# Domain name or ID containing the project above.
# Command to check the domain: openstack project show <OS_PROJECT_NAME>

# Home directory for dovetail
export DOVETAIL_HOME=$HOME/dovetail

Export all these variables into environment by,

$ source $HOME/dovetail/pre_config/

You can validate that the Openstack environmental settings are correct by,

$ openstack service list

Installing Prerequisite on the Test Host

The main prerequisite software for Dovetail are Python and Docker.

In the CVP test suite for the Danube release, Dovetail requires Python 2.7. Python 3.x is not supported at this time.

Use the following steps to check if the right version of python is already installed, and if not, install it.

$ python --version
Python 2.7.6

If your Test Host does not have Python installed, or the version is not 2.7, you should consult Python installation guides corresponding to the operating system in your Test Host on how to install Python 2.7.

Dovetail does not work with Docker versions prior to 1.12.3. We have validated Dovetail with Docker 17.03 CE. Other versions of Docker later than 1.12.3 may also work, but community support may be more available on Docker 17.03 CE.

$ docker --version
Docker version 17.03.1-ce, build c6d412e

If your Test Host does not have Docker installed, or Docker is older than 1.12.3, or you have Docker version other than 17.03 CE and wish to change, you will need to install, upgrade, or re-install in order to run Dovetail. The Docker installation process can be more complex, you should refer to the official Docker installation guide that is relevant to your Test Host’s operating system.

The above installation steps assume that the Test Host is in the online mode. For offline testing, use the following offline installation steps instead.

In order to install or upgrade Python offline, you may download packaged Python 2.7 for your Test Host’s operating system on a connected host, copy the packge to the Test Host, then install from that local copy.

In order to install Docker offline, download Docker static binaries and copy the tar file to the Test Host, then you may follow these instructions to install.

$ tar /path/to/the-file.tar.gz

Copy the executables to a directory on $PATH, for example, /usr/bin/.

$ sudo cp docker/* /usr/bin/

Start the Docker daemon.

$ sudo dockerd &

Installing Dovetail on the Test Host

The Dovetail project maintains a Docker image that has Dovetail test tools preinstalled. This Docker image is tagged with versions. Before pulling the Dovetail image, check the OPNFV’s CVP web page first to determine the right tag for CVP testing.

If the Test Host is online, you can directly pull.

$ sudo docker pull opnfv/dovetail:latest
latest: Pulling from opnfv/dovetail
30d541b48fc0: Pull complete
8ecd7f80d390: Pull complete
46ec9927bb81: Pull complete
2e67a4d67b44: Pull complete
7d9dd9155488: Pull complete
cc79be29f08e: Pull complete
e102eed9bf6a: Pull complete
952b8a9d2150: Pull complete
bfbb639d1f38: Pull complete
bf7c644692de: Pull complete
cdc345e3f363: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:d571b1073b2fdada79562e8cc67f63018e8d89268ff7faabee3380202c05edee
Status: Downloaded newer image for opnfv/dovetail:latest

Editor's note: 'The correct <tag> will replace *latest* once it is released.'

An example of the <tag> is latest.

Editor's note: 'Until the official tag is released, use *latest*.'

If the Test Host is offline, you will need to first pull the Dovetail Docker image, and all the dependent images that Dovetail uses, to a host that is online. The reason that you need to pull all dependent images is because Dovetail normally does dependency checking at run-time and automatically pull images as needed, if the Test Host is online. If the Test Host is offline, then all these dependencies will also need to be manually copied.

$ sudo docker pull opnfv/dovetail:latest
$ sudo docker pull opnfv/functest:latest
$ sudo docker pull opnfv/yardstick:latest

Once all these images are pulled, save the images, copy to the Test Host, and then load the Dovetail and all dependent images at the Test Host.

At the online host, save images.

$ sudo docker save -o dovetail.tar opnfv/dovetail:latest opnfv/functest:latest opnfv/yardstick:latest

Copy dovetail.tar file to the Test Host, and then load the images on the Test Host.

$ sudo docker load --input dovetail.tar

Now check to see that the Dovetail image has been pulled or loaded properly.

$ sudo docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
opnfv/functest      latest              9eaeaea5f203        8 days ago          1.53GB
opnfv/dovetail      latest              5d25b289451c        8 days ago          516MB
opnfv/yardstick     latest              574596b6ea12        8 days ago          1.2GB

Regardless of whether you pulled down the Dovetail image directly online, or loaded from a static image tar file, you are ready to run Dovetail.

$ sudo docker run --privileged=true -it \
          -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
          opnfv/dovetail:<tag> /bin/bash

The -e options set the env variables in the container and the -v options map files in the host to files in the container.

Running the CVP Test Suite

Now you should be in the Dovetail container’s prompt and ready to execute test suites.

The Dovetail client CLI allows the tester to specify which test suite to run. By default the results are stored in a local file $DOVETAIL_HOME/results.

$ dovetail run --testsuite <test-suite-name>

Multiple test suites may be available. For the purpose of running CVP test suite, the test suite name follows the following format, CVP_<major>_<minor>_<patch> For example, CVP_1_0_0.

$ dovetail run --testsuite CVP_1_0_0

If you are not running the entire test suite, you can choose to run an individual test area instead.

$ dovetail run --testsuite CVP_1_0_0 --testarea ipv6

Until the official test suite is approved and released, you can use the proposed_tests for your trial runs, like this.

$ dovetail run --testsuite proposed_tests --testarea ipv6
2017-05-23 05:01:49,488 - run - INFO - ================================================
2017-05-23 05:01:49,488 - run - INFO - Dovetail compliance: proposed_tests!
2017-05-23 05:01:49,488 - run - INFO - ================================================
2017-05-23 05:01:49,488 - run - INFO - Build tag: daily-master-4bdde6b8-afa6-40bb-8fc9-5d568d74c8d7
2017-05-23 05:01:49,536 - run - INFO -
2017-05-23 05:01:49,710 - run - INFO - >>[testcase]: dovetail.ipv6.tc001
2017-05-23 05:08:22,532 - run - INFO - Results have been stored with file /home/opnfv/dovetail/results/functest_results.txt.
2017-05-23 05:08:22,538 - run - INFO - >>[testcase]: dovetail.ipv6.tc002

Making Sense of CVP Test Results

Updating Dovetail or a Test Suite

Dovetail Command Line Interface Reference