QTIP - Platform Performance Benchmarking

QTIP is the project for Platform Performance Benchmarking in OPNFV. It aims to provide user a simple indicator for performance, simple but supported by comprehensive testing data and transparent calculation formula.

QTIP Release Notes


This document provides the release notes for Danube of QTIP.

Version history

Date Ver. Author Comment
2017-03-30 Danube 1.0 Yujun Zhang  
2017-05-04 Danube 2.0 Yujun Zhang  
2017-07-14 Danube 3.0 Yujun Zhang  

Important notes

QTIP is totally reworked in Danube release. The legacy benchmarks released in Brahmaputra (compute, network and storage) are deprecated.


QTIP Danube release introduces QPI, a.k.a. QTIP Performance Index, which is calculated from metrics collected in performance tests.

A PoC of compute performance benchmark plan is provided as a sample use case.

Available benchmark plans can be listed, shown and executed from command line or over API.

Release Data

Project QTIP
Repo/commit-ID qtip/danube.3.0
Release designation Tag update only
Release date 2017-07-14
Purpose of the delivery OPNFV quality assurance
Version change
New in Danube 3.0
  • No change in QTIP itself
  • Validated on OPNFV Danube latest release
New in Danube 2.0
  • Bug fix in regex of ssl
Module version changes

The following Python packages are used in this release:


It is considered as a baseline for future releases.

Reason for version
Features additions
  • Compute QPI (QTIP Performance Index) specification and benchmarking plan
  • Command line interface
  • API server
Framework evolution

The following components are implemented and integrated

  • Native runner
  • File loader
  • Ansible driver
  • Logfile collector
  • Grep parser
  • Console reporter

See JIRA for full change log

Known Limitations, Issues and Workarounds

  • The compute benchmark plan is hard coded in native runner
  • Baseline for Compute QPI is not created yet, therefore scores are not available
Known issues
  • QTIP-230 - logger warns about socket /dev/log when running in container

Test Result

QTIP has undergone QA test runs with the following results:

qtip-verify-danube 94/94 passed
qtip-os-nosdn-kvm-ha-zte-pod3-daily-danube passed
qtip-os-nosdn-nofeature-ha-zte-pod3-daily-danube passed
qtip-os-odl_l2-nofeature-ha-zte-pod1-daily-danube passed


NOTE: The release note for OPNFV Brahmaputra is missing. This is a copy of the README.

QTIP Benchmark Suite

QTIP is a benchmarking suite intended to benchmark the following components of the OPNFV Platform:

  1. Computing components
  2. Networking components
  3. Storage components

The efforts in QTIP are mostly focused on identifying

  1. Benchmarks to run
  2. Test cases in which these benchmarks to run
  3. Automation of suite to run benchmarks within different test cases
  4. Collection of test results

QTIP Framework can now be called: (qtip.py).

The Framework can run 5 computing benchmarks:

  1. Dhrystone
  2. Whetstone
  3. RamBandwidth
  4. SSL
  5. nDPI

These benchmarks can be run in 2 test cases:

  1. VM vs Baremetal
  2. Baremetal vs Baremetal

Instructions to run the script:

  1. Download and source the OpenStack adminrc file for the deployment on which you want to create the VM for benchmarking
  2. run python qtip.py -s {SUITE} -b {BENCHMARK}
  3. run python qtip.py -h for more help
  4. list of benchmarks can be found in the qtip/test_cases directory
  5. SUITE refers to compute, network or storage


  1. Ansible 1.9.2
  2. Python 2.7
  3. PyYAML

Configuring Test Cases:

Test cases can be found within the test_cases directory. For each Test case, a Config.yaml file contains the details for the machines upon which the benchmarks would run. Edit the IP and the Password fields within the files for the machines on which the benchmark is to run. A robust framework that would allow to include more tests would be included within the future.

Jump Host requirements:

The following packages should be installed on the server from which you intend to run QTIP.

1: Heat Client 2: Glance Client 3: Nova Client 4: Neutron Client 5: wget 6: PyYaml


1: The Host Machines/compute nodes to be benchmarked should have public/access network 2: The Host Machines/compute nodes should allow Password Login

QTIP support for Foreman


QTIP Installation Guide


QTIP currently supports by using a Docker image. Detailed steps about setting up QTIP can be found below.

To use QTIP you should have access to an OpenStack environment, with at least Nova, Neutron, Glance, Keystone and Heat installed. Add a brief introduction to configure OPNFV with this specific installer

Installing QTIP using Docker

QTIP docker image

QTIP has a Docker images on the docker hub. Pulling opnfv/qtip docker image from docker hub:

docker pull opnfv/qtip:stable

Verify that opnfv/qtip has been downloaded. It should be listed as an image by running the following command.

docker images
Run and enter the docker instance

1. If you want to run benchmarks:

docker run -p [HOST_IP:]<HOST_PORT>:5000 --name qtip -id -e $envs opnfv/qtip
docker exec -i -t qtip /bin/bash

INSTALLER_TYPE should be one of OPNFV installer, e.g. apex, compass, daisy, fuel and joid. Currenty, QTIP only supports installer fuel.

INSTALLER_IP is the ip address of the installer that can be accessed by QTIP.

NODE_NAME is the name of opnfv pod, e.g. zte-pod1.

2. If you do not want to run any benchmarks:

docker run --name qtip -id opnfv/qtip
docker exec -i -t qtip /bin/bash

Now you are in the container and QTIP can be found in the /repos/qtip and can be navigated to using the following command.

cd repos/qtip

Install from source code

You may try out the latest version of QTIP by installing from source code. It is recommended to run it under Python virtualenv so it won’t screw system libraries.

Run the following commands:

git clone https://git.opnfv.org/qtip && cd qtip
virtualenv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .

Use the following command to exit virtualenv:


Re-enter the virtualenv with:

cd <qtip-directory>
source .venv/bin/activate

Environment configuration

Hardware configuration

QTIP does not have specific hardware requriements, and it can runs over any OPNFV installer.

Jumphost configuration

Installer Docker on Jumphost, which is used for running QTIP image.

You can refer to these links:

Ubuntu: https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/ubuntu/

Centos: https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/centos/

Platform components configuration

Describe the configuration of each component in the installer.

Web Portal installation & configuration

Web Portal for Benchmarking is developed on python Django Framework. Right now the installation is need to be done from source.

Clone QTIP Repo

git clone https://github.com/opnfv/qtip.git

Setup database and Initialize user data

CD into web directory.
cd qtip/qtip/web
Setup migrations
python manage.py makemigrations

In usual case migrations will be already available with source. Console willll notify you of the same.

Run migrations
python manage.py migrate
Create superuser
python manage.py createsuperuser

Console will prompt for adding new web admin. Enter new credentials.

Collecting Static Dependencies
python manage.py importstatic

This will import js and css dependencies for UI in static directory. Now the web application is ready to run.

QTIP User Guide


QTIP is the project for Platform Performance Benchmarking in OPNFV. It aims to provide user a simple indicator for performance, simple but supported by comprehensive testing data and transparent calculation formula.

QTIP introduces a concept called QPI, a.k.a. QTIP Performance Index, which aims to be a TRUE indicator of performance. TRUE reflects the core value of QPI in four aspects

  • Transparent: being an open source project, user can inspect all details behind QPI, e.g. formulas, metrics, raw data
  • Reliable: the integrity of QPI will be guaranteed by traceability in each step back to raw test result
  • Understandable: QPI is broke down into section scores, and workload scores in report to help user to understand
  • Extensible: users may create their own QPI by composing the existed metrics in QTIP or extend new metrics


The builtin benchmarks of QTIP are located in <package_root>/benchmarks folder

  • QPI: specifications about how an QPI is calculated and sources of metrics
  • metric: performance metrics referred in QPI, currently it is categorized by performance testing tools
  • plan: executable benchmarking plan which collects metrics and calculate QPI

Getting started with QTIP


Refer to `installation and configuration guide`_ for details


Create a new project to hold the necessary configurations and test results

qtip create <project_name>

The user would be prompted for OPNFV installer, its hostname etc

**Pod Name [unknown]: zte-pod1**
User's choice to name OPNFV Pod

**OPNFV Installer [manual]: fuel**
QTIP currently supports fuel and apex only

**Installer Hostname [dummy-host]: master**
The hostname for the fuel or apex installer node. The same hostname can be added to **~/.ssh/config** file of current user,
if there are problems resolving the hostname via interactive input.

**OPNFV Scenario [unknown]: os-nosdn-nofeature-ha**
Depends on the OPNFV scenario deployed


With the project is created, user should now proceed on to setting up testing environment. In this step, ssh connection to hosts in SUT will be configured automatically:

cd <project_name>
$ qtip setup


QTIP uses ssh-agent for authentication of ssh connection to hosts in SUT. It must be started correctly before running the tests:

eval $(ssh-agent)

Then run test with qtip run


Clean up the temporary folder on target hosts.


The installed packages for testing won’t be uninstalled.

One more thing

You may use -v for verbose output (-vvv for more, -vvvv to enable connection debugging)

CLI User Manual

QTIP consists of a number of benchmarking tools or metrics, grouped under QPI’s. QPI’s map to the different components of a NFVI ecosystem, such as compute, network and storage. Depending on the type of application, a user may group them under plans.

Bash Command Completion

To enable command completion, an environment variable needs to be enabled. Add the following line to the .bashrc file

eval "$(_QTIP_COMPLETE=source qtip)"

Getting help

QTIP CLI provides interface to all of the above the components. A help page provides a list of all the commands along with a short description.

qtip [-h|--help]


Typically a complete plan is executed at the target environment. QTIP defaults to a number of sample plans. A list of all the available plans can be viewed

qtip plan list

In order to view the details about a specific plan.

qtip plan show <plan_name>

where plan_name is one of those listed from the previous command.

To execute a complete plan

qtip plan run <plan_name> -p <path_to_result_directory>

QTIP does not limit result storage at a specific directory. Instead a user may specify his own result storage as above. An important thing to remember is to provide absolute path of result directory.

mkdir result
qtip plan run <plan_name> -p $PWD/result

Similarly, the same commands can be used for the other two components making up the plans, i.e QPI’s and metrics. For example, in order to run a single metric

qtip metric run <metric_name> -p $PWD/result

The same can be applied for a QPI.

QTIP also provides the utility to view benchmarking results on the console. One just need to provide to where the results are stored. Extending the example above

qtip report show <metric_name> -p $PWD/result

Debugging options

Debug option helps identify the error by providing a detailed traceback. It can be enabled as

qtip [-d|--debug] plan run <plan_name>

API User Manual

QTIP consists of a number of benchmarking tools or metrics, grouped under QPI’s. QPI’s map to the different components of an NFVI ecosystem, such as compute, network and storage. Depending on the type of application, a user may group them under plans.

QTIP API provides a RESTful interface to all of the above components. User can retrieve list of plans, QPIs and metrics and their individual information.


After installing QTIP. API server can be run using command qtip-api on the local machine.

All the resources and their corresponding operation details can be seen at /v1.0/ui.

The whole API specification in json format can be seen at /v1.0/swagger.json.

The data models are given below:

  • Plan
  • Metric
  • QPI


  "name": <plan name>,
  "description": <plan profile>,
  "info": <{plan info}>,
  "config": <{plan configuration}>,
  "QPIs": <[list of qpis]>,


  "name": <metric name>,
  "description": <metric description>,
  "links": <[links with metric information]>,
  "workloads": <[cpu workloads(single_cpu, multi_cpu]>,


  "name": <qpi name>,
  "description": <qpi description>,
  "formula": <formula>,
  "sections": <[list of sections with different metrics and formulaes]>,

The API can be described as follows


Method Path Description
GET /v1.0/plans Get the list of of all plans
GET /v1.0/plans/{name} Get details of the specified plan


Method Path Description
GET /v1.0/metrics Get the list of all metrics
GET /v1.0/metrics/{name} Get details of specified metric


Method Path Description
GET /v1.0/qpis Get the list of all QPIs
GET /v1.0/qpis/{name} Get details of specified QPI
running API with connexion cli does not require base path (/v1.0/) in url

Web Portal User Manual

QTIP consists of different tools(metrics) to benchmark the NFVI. These metrics fall under different NFVI subsystems(QPI’s) such as compute, storage and network. QTIP benchmarking tasks are built upon Ansible playbooks and roles. QTIP web portal is a platform to expose QTIP as a benchmarking service hosted on a central host.


After setting up the web portal as instructed in config guide, cd into the web directory.

and run.

python manage.py runserver

You can access the portal by logging onto <host>:8000/bench/login/

If you want to use port 80, you may need sudo permission.

sudo python manage.py runserver

To Deploy on wsgi, Use the Django deployment tutorial


After logging in You’ll be redirect to QTIP-Web Dashboard. You’ll see following menus on left.

  • Repos
  • Run Benchmarks
  • Tasks
Repos are links to qtip workspaces. This menu list all the aded repos. Links to new repos can be added here.
Run Benchmarks
To run a benchmark, select the corresponding repo and run. QTIP Benchmarking service will clone the workspace and run the benchmarks. Inventories used are predefined in the workspace repo in the /hosts/ config file.
All running or completed benchmark jobs can be seen in Tasks menu with their status.

New users can be added by Admin on the Django Admin app by logging into `/admin/’.

Compute Performance Benchmarking

The compute QPI aims to benchmark the compute components of an OPNFV platform. Such components include, the CPU performance, the memory performance.

The compute QPI consists of both synthetic and application specific benchmarks to test compute components.

All the compute benchmarks could be run in the scenario: On Baremetal Machines provisioned by an OPNFV installer (Host machines)

Note: The Compute benchmank constains relatively old benchmarks such as dhrystone and whetstone. The suite would be updated for better benchmarks such as Linbench for the OPNFV E release.

Getting started

Notice: All descriptions are based on QTIP container.

Inventory File

QTIP uses Ansible to trigger benchmark test. Ansible uses an inventory file to determine what hosts to work against. QTIP can automatically generate a inventory file via OPNFV installer. Users also can write their own inventory infomation into /home/opnfv/qtip/hosts. This file is just a text file containing a list of host IP addresses. For example:

QTIP key Pair

QTIP use a SSH key pair to connect to remote hosts. When users execute compute QPI, QTIP will generate a key pair named QtipKey under /home/opnfv/qtip/ and pass public key to remote hosts.

If environment variable CI_DEBUG is set to true, users should delete it by manual. If CI_DEBUG is not set or set to false, QTIP will delete the key from remote hosts before the execution ends. Please make sure the key deleted from remote hosts or it can introduce a security flaw.


In a QTIP container, you can run compute QPI by using QTIP CLI:

mkdir result
qtip plan run <plan_name> -p $PWD/result

QTIP generates results in the $PWD/result directory are listed down under the timestamp name.

you can get more details from userguide/cli.rst.


The benchmarks include:

Dhrystone 2.1

Dhrystone is a synthetic benchmark for measuring CPU performance. It uses integer calculations to evaluate CPU capabilities. Both Single CPU performance is measured along multi-cpu performance.

Dhrystone, however, is a dated benchmark and has some short comings. Written in C, it is a small program that doesn’t test the CPU memory subsystem. Additionally, dhrystone results could be modified by optimizing the compiler and insome cases hardware configuration.

References: http://www.eembc.org/techlit/datasheets/dhrystone_wp.pdf


Whetstone is a synthetic benchmark to measure CPU floating point operation performance. Both Single CPU performance is measured along multi-cpu performance.

Like Dhrystone, Whetstone is a dated benchmark and has short comings.



OpenSSL Speed

OpenSSL Speed can be used to benchmark compute performance of a machine. In QTIP, two OpenSSL Speed benchmarks are incorporated:

  1. RSA signatunes/sec signed by a machine
  2. AES 128-bit encryption throughput for a machine for cipher block sizes




RAMSpeed is used to measure a machine’s memory perfomace. The problem(array)size is large enough to ensure Cache Misses so that the main machine memory is used.

INTmem and FLOATmem benchmarks are executed in 4 different scenarios:

  1. Copy: a(i)=b(i)
  2. Add: a(i)=b(i)+c(i)
  3. Scale: a(i)=b(i)*d
  4. Tniad: a(i)=b(i)+c(i)*d

INTmem uses integers in these four benchmarks whereas FLOATmem uses floating points for these benchmarks.





nDPI is a modified variant of OpenDPI, Open source Deep packet Inspection, that is maintained by ntop. An example application called pcapreader has been developed and is available for use along nDPI.

A sample .pcap file is passed to the pcapreader application. nDPI classifies traffic in the pcap file into different categories based on string matching. The pcapreader application provides a throughput number for the rate at which traffic was classified, indicating a machine’s computational performance. The results are run 10 times and an average is taken for the obtained number.

nDPI may provide non consistent results and was added to Brahmaputra for experimental purposes




QTIP Developer Guide


QTIP uses Python as primary programming language and build the framework from the following packages

Module Package
api Connexion - API first applications with OpenAPI/Swagger and Flask
cli Click - the “Command Line Interface Creation Kit”
template Jinja2 - a full featured template engine for Python
docs sphinx - a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation
testing pytest - a mature full-featured Python testing tool that helps you write better programs

Source Code

The structure of repository is based on the recommended sample in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python

Path Content
./benchmarks/ builtin benchmark assets including plan, QPI and metrics
./contrib/ independent project/plugin/code contributed to QTIP
./docker/ configuration for building Docker image for QTIP deployment
./docs/ release notes, user and developer documentation, design proposals
./legacy/ legacy obsoleted code that is unmaintained but kept for reference
./opt/ optional component, e.g. scripts to setup infrastructure services for QTIP
./qtip/ the actual package
./tests/ package functional and unit tests
./third-party/ third part included in QTIP project

Coding Style

QTIP follows OpenStack Style Guidelines for source code and commit message.

Specially, it is recommended to link each patch set with a JIRA issue. Put:


in commit message to create an automatic link.


All testing related code are stored in ./tests/

Path Content
./tests/data/ data fixtures for testing
./tests/unit/ unit test for each module, follow the same layout as ./qtip/
./conftest.py pytest configuration in project scope

tox is used to automate the testing tasks

cd <project_root>
pip install tox

The test cases are written in pytest. You may run it selectively with

pytest tests/unit/reporter


Stable branches are created when features are frozen for next release. According to OPNFV release milestone description, stable branch window is open on MS6 and closed on MS7.

  1. Contact gerrit admin <opnfv-helpdesk@rt.linuxfoundation.org> to create branch for project.
  2. Setup qtip jobs and docker jobs for stable branch in releng
  3. Follow instructions for stable branch.

NOTE: we do NOT create branches for feature development as in the popular GitHub Flow


Tag Deliverable and write release note

Git repository

Follow the example in Git Tagging Instructions for Danube to tag the source code:

git fetch gerrit
git checkout stable/<release-name>
git tag -am "<release-version>" <release-version>
git push gerrit <release-version>
Docker image
  1. Login OPNFV Jenkins
  2. Go to the `qtip-docker-build-push-<release>`_ and click “Build With Parameters”
  3. Fill in RELEASE_VERSION with version number not including release name, e.g. 1.0
  4. Trigger a manual build
Python Package

QTIP is also available as a Python Package. It is hosted on the Python Package Index(PyPI).

  1. Install twine with pip install twine
  2. Build the distributions python setup.py  sdist bdist_wheel
  3. Upload the distributions built with twine upload dist/*

NOTE: only package maintainers are permitted to upload the package versions.

Release note

Create release note under qtip/docs/release/release-notes and update index.rst

Run with Ansible

QTIP benchmarking tasks are built upon Ansible playbooks and roles. If you are familiar with Ansible, it is possible to run it with ansible-playbook command. And it is useful during development of ansible modules or testing roles.

Create workspace

There is a playbook in resources/ansible_roles/qtip-workspace used for creating a new workspace:

cd resources/ansible_roles/qtip-workspace
ansible-playbook create.yml

NOTE: if this playbook is moved to other directory, configuration in ansible.cfg needs to be updated accordingly. The ansible roles from QTIP, i.e. <path_of_qtip>/resources/ansible_roles must be added to roles_path in Ansible configuration file. For example:

roles_path = ~/qtip/resources/ansible_roles

Executing benchmark

Before executing the setup playbook, make sure ~/.ssh/config has been configured properly so that you can login the master node “directly”. Skip next section, if you can login with ssh <master-host> from localhost,

SSH access to master node

It is common that the master node is behind some jump host. In this case, ssh option ProxyCommand and ssh-agent shall be required.

Assume that you need to login to deploy server, then login to the master node from there. An example configuration is as following:

Host fuel-deploy
  User root

Host fuel-master
  User root
  ProxyCommand ssh -o 'ForwardAgent yes' apex-deploy 'ssh-add && nc %h %p'

If several jumps are required to reach the master node, we may chain the jump hosts like below:

Host jumphost
  User zte
  Port 22

Host fuel-deploy
  User root
  ProxyJump jumphost

Host fuel-master
  User root
  ProxyCommand ssh -o 'ForwardAgent yes' apex-deploy 'ssh-add && nc %h %p'

NOTE: ProxyJump is equivalent to the long ProxyCommand option, but it is only available since OpenSSH 7.3

Automatic setup
  1. Modify <workspace>/group_vars/all.yml to set installer information correctly
  2. Modify <workspace>/hosts file to set installer master host correctly

#. Run the setup playbook to generate ansible inventory of system under test by querying the slave nodes from the installer master:

cd workspace
ansible-playbook setup.yml

It will update the hosts and ssh.cfg

Currently, QTIP supports automatic discovery from apex and fuel.

Manual setup

If your installer is not supported or you are testing hosts not managed by installer, you may add them manually in [compute] group in <workspace>/hosts:

ansible_ssh_common_args=-F ./ssh.cfg


And ssh.cfg for ssh connection configuration:

Host node-5
  User root
Run the tests

Run the benchmarks with the following command:

ansible-playbook run.yml

CAVEAT: QTIP will install required packages in system under test.

Inspect the results

The test results and calculated output are stored in results:


The folders are named as <pod_name>-<start_time>/ and the results are organized by hosts under test. Inside each host, the test data are organized by metrics as defined in QPI specification.

For each metrics, it usually includes the following content

  • log file generated by the performance testing tool
  • metrics collected from the log files
  • reported rendered with the metrics collected
Teardown the test environment

QTIP will create temporary files for testing in system under test. Execute the teardown playbook to clean it up:

ansible-playbook teardown.yml


In Danube, QTIP releases its standalone mode, which is also know as solo:

QTIP standalone mode

The runner could be launched from CLI (command line interpreter) or API (application programming interface) and drives the testing jobs. The generated data including raw performance data and testing environment are fed to collector. Performance metrics will be parsed from the raw data and used for QPI calculation. Then the benchmark report is rendered with the benchmarking results.

The execution can be detailed in the diagram below:

QTIP execution sequence


QTIP is built upon Ansible by extending modules, playbook roles and plugins.


QTIP creates dedicated modules to gather slave node list and information from installer master. See embedded document in qtip/ansible_library/modules for details


Stored in qtip/ansible_library/plugins

Action plugins

Several action plugins have been created for test data post processing

  • collect - parse and collect metrics from raw test results like log files
  • calculate - calculate score according to specification
  • aggregate - aggregate calculated results from all hosts under test

Playbook roles

QTIP roles
  • qtip - main qtip tasks
  • qtip-common - common tasks required in QTIP
  • qtip-workspace - generate a workspace for running benchmarks

qtip roles should be included with a specified action and output directory, e.g.:

- { role: inxi, output: "{{ qtip_results }}/sysinfo", tags: [run, inxi, sysinfo] }
testing roles

Testing roles are organized by testing tools

  • inxi - system information tool
  • nDPI
  • openssl
  • ramspeed
  • unixbench

supporting roles

  • opnfv-testapi - report result to testapi


Tags are used to categorize the test tasks from different aspects.

  • stages like run, collect, calculate, aggregate, report
  • test tools like inxi, ndpi and etc
  • information or metrics like sysinfo, dpi, ssl


  • ansible-playbook run.yml --list-tags to list all tags
  • ansible-playbook run.yml --list-tasks to list all tasks

During development of post processing, you may skip run stage to save time, e.g. ansible-playbook run.yml --tags collect,calculate,aggregate

CLI - Command Line Interface

QTIP consists of different tools(metrics) to benchmark the NFVI. These metrics fall under different NFVI subsystems(QPI’s) such as compute, storage and network. A plan consists of one or more QPI’s, depending upon how the end user would want to measure performance. CLI is designed to help the user, execute benchmarks and view respective scores.


QTIP CLI has been created using the Python package Click, Command Line Interface Creation Kit. It has been chosen for number of reasons. It presents the user with a very simple yet powerful API to build complex applications. One of the most striking features is command nesting.

As explained, QTIP consists of metrics, QPI’s and plans. CLI is designed to provide interface to all these components. It is responsible for execution, as well as provide listing and details of each individual element making up these components.


CLI’s entry point extends Click’s built in MultiCommand class object. It provides two methods, which are overridden to provide custom configurations.

class QtipCli(click.MultiCommand):

    def list_commands(self, ctx):
        rv = []
        for filename in os.listdir(cmd_folder):
            if filename.endswith('.py') and \
        return rv

    def get_command(self, ctx, name):
            if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
                name = name.encode('ascii', 'replace')
            mod = __import__('qtip.cli.commands.cmd_' + name,
                             None, None, ['cli'])
        except ImportError:
        return mod.cli

Commands and subcommands will then be loaded by the get_command method above.

Extending the Framework

Framework can be easily extended, as per the users requirements. One such example can be to override the builtin configurations with user defined ones. These can be written in a file, loaded via a Click Context and passed through to all the commands.

class Context:

    def __init__():

        self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

    def get_paths():

        paths = self.config.get('section', 'path')
        return paths

The above example loads configuration from user defined paths, which then need to be provided to the actual command definitions.

from qtip.cli.entry import Context

pass_context = click.make_pass_decorator(Context, ensure=False)

@cli.command('list', help='List the Plans')
def list(ctx):
    plans = Plan.list_all(ctx.paths())
    table = utils.table('Plans', plans)

API - Application Programming Interface

QTIP consists of different tools(metrics) to benchmark the NFVI. These metrics fall under different NFVI subsystems(QPI’s) such as compute, storage and network. A plan consists of one or more QPI’s, depending upon how the end-user would want to measure performance. API is designed to expose a RESTful interface to the user for executing benchmarks and viewing respective scores.


QTIP API has been created using the Python package Connexion. It has been chosen for a number of reasons. It follows API First approach to create micro-services. Hence, firstly the API specifications are defined from the client side perspective, followed by the implementation of the micro-service. It decouples the business logic from routing and resource mapping making design and implementation cleaner.

It has two major components:

API Specifications

The API specification is defined in a yaml or json file. Connexion follows Open API specification to determine the design and maps the endpoints to methods in python.
Micro-service Implementation
Connexion maps the operationId corresponding to every operation in API Specification to methods in python which handles request and responses.

As explained, QTIP consists of metrics, QPI’s and plans. The API is designed to provide a RESTful interface to all these components. It is responsible to provide listing and details of each individual element making up these components.



API’s entry point (main) runs connexion App class object after adding API Specification using App.add_api method. It loads specification from swagger.yaml file by specifying specification_dir.

Connexion reads API’s endpoints(paths), operations, their request and response parameter details and response definitions from the API specification i.e. swagger.yaml in this case.

Following example demonstrates specification for the resource plans.

      summary: Get a plan by plan name
      operationId: qtip.api.controllers.plan.get_plan
        - Plan
        - Standalone
        - name: name
          in: path
          description: Plan name
          required: true
          type: string
          description: Plan information
            $ref: '#/definitions/Plan'
          description: Plan not found
            $ref: '#/definitions/Error'
          description: Resource not implemented
            $ref: '#/definitions/Error'
          description: Unexpected error
            $ref: '#/definitions/Error'
    type: object
      - name
        type: string
        type: string
        type: object
        type: object

Every operationId in above operations corresponds to a method in controllers. QTIP has three controller modules each for plan, QPI and metric. Connexion will read these mappings and automatically route endpoints to business logic.

Swagger Editor can be explored to play with more such examples and to validate the specification.


The request is handled through these methods and response is sent back to the client. Connexion takes care of data validation.

def get_plan(name):
    plan_spec = plan.Plan(name)
    return plan_spec.content

In above code get_plan takes a plan name and return its content.

The decorator check_endpoint_for_error defined in common is used to handle error and return a suitable error response.

During Development the server can be run by passing specification file(swagger.yaml in this case) to connexion cli -

connexion run <path_to_specification_file> -v

Extending the Framework

Modifying Existing API:

API can be modified by adding entries in swagger.yaml and adding the corresponding controller mapped from operationID.

Adding endpoints:

New endpoints can be defined in paths section in swagger.yaml. To add a new resource dummy -

      summary: Get all dummies
      operationId: qtip.api.controllers.dummy.get_dummies
        - dummy
          description: Foo information
            $ref: '#/definitions/Dummy
          description: Unexpected error
            $ref: '#/definitions/Error'

And then model of the resource can be defined in the definitions section.

    type: object
      - name
        type: string
        type: string
        type: string
Adding controller methods:

Methods for handling requests and responses for every operation for the endpoint added can be implemented in controller.

In controllers.dummy

def get_dummies():
    all_dummies = [<code to get all dummies>]
    return all_dummies, httplib.OK
Adding error responses

Decorators for handling errors are defined in common.py in api.

from qtip.api import common

def get_dummies()
    all_dummies = [<code to get all dummies>]
    return all_dummies
Adding new API:

API can easily be extended by adding more APIs to Connexion.App class object using add_api class method.

In __main__

def get_app():
app = connexion.App(__name__, specification_dir=swagger_dir)
app.add_api('swagger.yaml', base_path='/v1.0', strict_validation=True)
return app

Extending it to add new APIs. The new API should have all endpoints mapped using operationId.

from qtip.api import __main__
my_app = __main__.get_app()
my_app.run(host="", port=5000)

Web Portal for Benchmarking Services

QTIP consists of different tools(metrics) to benchmark the NFVI. These metrics fall under different NFVI subsystems(QPI’s) such as compute, storage and network. QTIP benchmarking tasks are built upon Ansible playbooks and roles. QTIP web portal is a platform to expose QTIP as a benchmarking service hosted on a central host.


The web travel has been developed on Python Django framework. Dig into the documentation to learn about Django.


Django is a MTV (Model Template View) framework. Database objects are mapped to models in models.py. Views handle the requests from client side and interact with database using Django ORM. Templates are responsible for UI rendering based on response context from Views.


Model for workspace repos


Tasks keep track of every benchmark run through QTIP-Web Services. Whenever you run a benchmark, a new task is created which keep track of time stats and log task progress and ansible output for the respective playbook.

  • Base class - TemplateVIew

Class based view serving as home page for the application.

  • Base class - LoginRequiredMixin, CreateView

Class based view for listing and add new repos

  • Base class - LoginRequiredMixin, UpdateView

Class based View for listing and updating an existing repo details.

Both ReposView and RepoUpdate View use same template ``repo_form.html``. The context has an extra variable ``template_role`` which is used to distinguish if repo form is for create or edit operation.

  • Base class - LoginRequiredMixin, View
  • template name - run.html

Class based View for adding new task and run benchmark based on task details. The logs are saved in logs/run_<log_id> directory.

Compute QPI

The compute QPI gives user an overall score for system compute performace.


The compute QPI are calibrated a ZTE E9000 server as a baseline with score of 2500 points. Higher scores are better, with double the score indicating double the performance. The compute QPI provides three different kinds of scores:

  • Workload Scores
  • Section Scores
  • Compute QPI Scores


ZTE E9000 server with an 2 Deca core Intel Xeon CPU processor,128560.0MB Memory.

Workload Scores

Each time a workload is executed QTIP calculates a score based on the computer’s performance compared to the baseline performance.

Section Scores

QTIP uses a number of different tests, or workloads, to measure performance. The workloads are divided into five different sections:

Section Detail Indication
Arithmetic Arithmetic workloads measure integer operations floating point operations and mathematical functions with whetstone and dhrystone instructions. Software with heavy calculation tasks.
Memory Memory workloads measure memory transfer performance with RamSpeed test. Software working with large scale data operation.
DPI DPI workloads measure deep-packet inspection speed by performing nDPI test. Software working with network packet analysis relies on DPI performance.
SSL SSL Performance workloads measure cipher speeds by using the OpenSSL tool. Software working with cipher large amounts data relies on SSL Performance.

A section score is the geometric mean of all the workload scores for workloads that are part of the section. These scores are useful for determining the performance of the computer in a particular area.

Compute QPI Scores

The compute QPI score is the weighted arithmetic mean of the five section scores. The compute QPI score provides a way to quickly compare performance across different computers and different platforms without getting bogged down in details.

Storage QPI

The storage QPI gives user an overall score for storage performance.

The measurement is done by StorPerf.

System Information

System Information are environmental parameters and factors may affect storage performance:

System Factors Detail Extraction Method
Ceph Node List List of nodes which has ceph-osd roles. For example [node-2, node-3, node-4]. Getting from return result of installer node list CLI command.
Ceph Client RDB Cache Mode Values: “None”, “write-through”, “write-back”. Getting from value of “rbd cache” and “rbd cache max dirty” keys in client section of ceph configuration; To enable write-through mode, set rbd cache max dirty to 0.
Ceph Client RDB Cache Size The RBD cache size in bytes. Default is 32 MiB. Getting from value of “rdb cache size” key in client section of ceph configuration.
Ceph OSD Tier Cache Mode Values: “None”, “Write-back”, “Readonly”. Getting from ceph CLI “ceph report” output info.
Use SSD Backed OSD Cache Values: “Yes”, “No”. Getting from POD description and CEPH CLI “ceph-disk list” output info.
Use SSD For Journal Values: “Yes”, “No”. Getting from POD description and CEPH CLI “ceph-disk list” output info.
Ceph Cluster Network Bandwidth Values: “1G”, “10G”, “40G”. Getting from physical interface information in POD description, “ifconfig” output info on ceph osd node, and value of “cluster network” key in global section of ceph configuration.

Test Condition

Test Condition Detail Extraction Method
Number of Testing VMs Number of VMs which are created, during running Storperf test case. It equals the number of Cinder nodes of the SUT.
Distribution of Testing VMS Number of VMs on each computer node, for example [(node-2: 1), (node-3: 2))]. Recording the distribution when runing Storperf test case.


Baseline is established by testing with a set of work loads:

  • Queue depth (1, 2, 8)
  • Block size (2KB, 8KB, 16KB)
  • Read write - sequential read - sequential write - random read - random write - random mixed read write 70/30


  • Throughput: data transfer rate
  • IOPS: I/O operations per second
  • Latency: response time

Workload Scores

For each test run, if an equivalent work load in baseline is available, a score will be calculated by comparing the result to baseline.

Section Scores

Section Detail Indication
IOPS Read write I/O Operation per second under steady state Workloads : random read/write Important for frequent storage access such as event sinks
Throughput Read write data transfer rate under steady state Workloads: sequential read/write, block size 16KB Important for high throughput services such as video server
Latency Average response latency under steady state Workloads: all Important for real time applications

Section score is the geometric mean of all workload score.

Storage QPI

Storage QPI is the weighted arithmetic mean of all section scores.