OPNFV Parser Installation Instruction

Parser tosca2heat Installation

Please follow the below installation steps to install tosca2heat submodule in parser.

Step 1: Clone the parser project.

git clone https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/parser

Step 2: Install the heat-translator sub project.

# uninstall pre-installed tosca-parser
pip uninstall -y heat-translator

# change directory to heat-translator
cd parser/tosca2heat/heat-translator

# install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

# install heat-translator
python setup.py install

Step 3: Install the tosca-parser sub project.

  # uninstall pre-installed tosca-parser
  pip uninstall -y tosca-parser

  # change directory to tosca-parser
  cd parser/tosca2heat/tosca-parser

  # install requirements
  pip install -r requirements.txt

  # install tosca-parser
  python setup.py install

**Notes** It must uninstall pre-installed tosca-parser and heat-translator before install the two
components, and install heat-translator before installing tosca-parser, which is sure to use the
OPNFV version of tosca-parser and heat-translator other than openstack's components.

Parser yang2tosca Installation

Parser yang2tosca requires the following to be installed.

Step 1: Clone the parser project.

git clone https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/parser

Step 2: Clone pyang tool or download the zip file from the following link.

git clone https://github.com/mbj4668/pyang.git


wget https://github.com/mbj4668/pyang/archive/master.zip

Step 3: Change directory to the downloaded directory and run the setup file.

cd pyang
python setup.py

Step 4: install python-lxml

Please follow the below installation link. http://lxml.de/installation.html

Parser policy2tosca installation

Please follow the below installation steps to install parser - POLICY2TOSCA.

Step 1: Clone the parser project.

git clone https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/parser

Step 2: Install the policy2tosca module.

cd parser/policy2tosca
python setup.py install