Dovetail Overview

Dovetail Tool

What is Dovetail tool

A toolset for providing an evaluation of a deployed cloud environment for OPNFV certification.


Dovetail tool intends on being THE source of tools to provide evaluation of the use of OPNFV trademarks.

Dovetail tool provides users with a wrapper which leverage other test projects, such as Functest, Yardstick, etc, that helps to provide evaluation of the use of OPNFV trademarks. It does so by validating any NFV(Network Function Virtualization) implementation against the test cases in Dovetail.

Dovetail Tool Installation


The Dovetail tool supports installation either directly on the Linux host, or within a Docker container. The detailed installation procedure on the Linux host or via the Docker container are shown in the following sections.

There is a need to config the following parameters before Dovetail tool running on the SUT (System Under Test):

SUT_TYPE, SUT type, e.g., apex, compass, fuel, joid, etc
SUT_IP, SUT external network IP, e.g.,
NODE_NAME, this can be shown in the test result for users to see which pod the dovetail tool runs
DEPLOY_SCENARIO, deployment scenario, e.g., os-nosdn-nofeature-ha
BUILD_TAG, this can be shown in the test result for users to identify logs
CI_DEBUG, true for debug information printed and false for not printed
DEPLOY_TYPE, baremetal or virtual

Dovetail tool installation on local Linux host environment

In order to install Dovetail into a local Linux host environment, the following steps should be performed:

Downloading Dovetail tool

Source code downloading:

git clone

Environment preparation

Dovetail configuration:

cd {dovetail_path}/dovetail/conf
vim functest_config.yml
vim yardstick_config.yml

To modify the envs parameters, e.g., SUT_TYPE, SUT_IP, NODE_NAME, DEPLOY_SCENARIO, BUILD_TAG, CI_DEBUG, DEPLOY_TYPE, in the yml files.

System dependencies are installed via the file, and you will need sudo access to complete the installation.

cd {dovetail_path}/dovetail/dovetail

At this point the environment is now ready for Dovetail execution.

Compliance and certification test cases

The compliance and certification test cases can be defined under the /dovetail/cert directory, which is defined in yaml format. A sample file named basic.yml is provided as follows:

  name: certification_basic
    - dovetail.ipv6.tc001

The testcase listed here is dovetail.ipv6.tc001, defined within dovetail/testcase.

Note: if a new test case yaml file is created, its name should start with certification_, in similiar fashion as the sample file certification_basic.

Running Dovetail tool

After environment preparation is complete and test cases added, the Dovetail tool can be run with

python --scenario basic

The value basic passed to the scenario flag can be replaced with the test cases yaml file. If not argument is given, the basic scenario will be run as the default.

Running Dovetail in a Docker container

The Dovetail tool can be run in a Docker container by utilizing the following steps:

Pull Dovetail Docker image from public Dockerhub

sudo docker pull opnfv/dovetail:<Tag>

<Tag> here is the version, ‘latest’ is used for the master branch.

Dovetail Docker container creation

Next, create the dovetail-docker-env file to define the environment parameters


Then to instantiate the Dovetail Docker container, execute:

sudo docker run --privileged=true --rm -t \
     --env-file dovetail-docker-env \
     -v /home/opnfv/dovetail/results:/home/opnfv/dovetail/results \
     -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
     --name <Dovetail_Container_Name> \
     opnfv/dovetail:<Tag> /bin/bash

To attach dovetail container and Running test cases

Before connecting to the container, you can check the container status by running

docker ps -a

Attach to the container by starting it and obtaining a bash prompt with

docker exec -it <Dovetail_Container_Name> bash

Inside the container the following commands can be executed to trigger the testcases

cd /home/opnfv/dovetail/dovetail
python --scenario basic

Results Output

The running log is stored in /home/opnfv/dovetail/results/dovetail.log. The certification report is stored in /home/opnfv/dovetail/results/dovetail_report.txt.

Config Template Syntax

For Dovetail tool, the config files are located in dovetail/dovetail/conf, which are written in yaml format. As both functest and yardstick are utilized by Dovetail, their configuration files should be configured as follows, within the functest_config.yml and yardstick_config.yml files, respectively.

Functest config template syntax

An example functest configuration is shown as follows:

  image_name: opnfv/functest
  docker_tag: latest
  envs: '-e INSTALLER_TYPE=compass -e INSTALLER_IP=
         -e NODE_NAME=dovetail-pod -e DEPLOY_SCENARIO=ha_nosdn
         -e BUILD_TAG=dovetail -e CI_DEBUG=true -e DEPLOY_TYPE=baremetal'
  opts: '-id --privileged=true'
      - 'echo test for precondition'
      - 'python /home/opnfv/repos/functest/ci/ start'
      - 'python /home/opnfv/repos/functest/ci/ -t {{script_testcase}} -r'
      - ''
    dir: '/home/opnfv/functest/results'
    store_type: 'file'
    file_path: 'tempest/tempest.log'
    db_url: ''
  • image_name and docker_tag sections define the docker image pulled from the public dockerhub.
  • envs should be correctly configed according to the SUT(System Under Test).
  • pre_condition represents some cleanups or preparations. testcase represents the testcases running cmds. post_condition represents some cleanups needed after all testcases finished.
  • result section gives the directory of the dovetail tool test result. db_url gives the database URL of the dovetail results to be stored.

Yardstick config template syntax

The configuration in yardstick_config.yml is similiar to functest_config.yml, and an example is shown as follows:

  image_name: opnfv/yardstick
  docker_tag: latest
  envs: '-e INSTALLER_TYPE=compass -e INSTALLER_IP=
         -e NODE_NAME=dovetail-pod -e DEPLOY_SCENARIO=ha_nosdn
         -e BUILD_TAG=dovetail -e CI_DEBUG=true -e DEPLOY_TYPE=baremetal
         -e EXTERNAL_NETWORK=ext-net'
  opts: '-id --privileged=true'
      - 'source /home/opnfv/repos/yardstick/tests/ci/ &&
         source /home/opnfv/repos/yardstick/tests/ci/ && cleanup'
      - 'source /home/opnfv/repos/yardstick/tests/ci/ &&
         cd /home/opnfv/repos/yardstick && source tests/ci/'
      - 'mkdir -p /home/opnfv/yardstick/results/'
      - 'cd /home/opnfv/repos/yardstick && source tests/ci/ &&
         yardstick task start tests/opnfv/test_cases/{{script_testcase}}.yaml
         --output-file /home/opnfv/yardstick/results/{{script_testcase}}.out &>
      - ''
    dir: '/home/opnfv/yardstick/results'
    store_type: 'file'
    file_path: 'yardstick.log'
    db_url: ''

The main differences between yardstick_config.yml and functest_config.yml are the cmds subsection.

Jinja2 template syntax

Jinja2 module can be used to config the {{script_testcase}}. The parameters are defined in dovetail/dovetail/conf/dovetail_config.yml:

- name: testcase
  path: '("name",)'
- name: script_testcase
  path: '("scripts", "testcase")'

Here path is the path defined in the testcase configuration files. Take script_testcase as an example. For testcase dovetail.ipv6.tc001:

  name: dovetail.ipv6.tc001
  objective: VIM ipv6 operations, to create/delete network, port and subnet in bulk operation
    type: functest
    testcase: tempest_smoke_serial

The path (“scripts”, “testcase”) means ‘testcase’ is the subsection of ‘scripts’ section. From above, by following the path (“scripts”, “testcase”) we can get the value of {{script_testcase}} is ‘tempest_smoke_serial’.