
Domino Installation Instruction

Domino Installation

Note: The steps below are tested for Ubuntu (16.04, 14.04) and OS X El Capitan.


  • git
  • python-pip
  • python (version =2.7)
  • tosca-parser (version >=0.4.0)
  • heat-translator (version >=0.5.0)

Installation Steps (Single Node)

  • Step-0: Prepare Environment
> $sudo pip install tosca-parser
> $sudo pip install heat-translator
> $sudo pip install requests
  • Step-1: Get the Domino code
git clone -b stable/danube
  • Step-2: Go to the main domino directory
cd domino

You should see,, and as executables.

Installation Steps (Multiple Node)

Repeat the installation steps for single node on each node. The script under ./domino/tests directory deploys the Domino Code on three hosts from a deployment node and tests RPC calls. In the script, the private key location and remote host IP addresses must be manually entered. IS_IPandKEY_CONFIGURED should be set true, i.e., IS_IPandKEY_CONFIGURED=true.

Domino Configuration Guide

Domino Configuration

Domino Server and Clients can be configured via (i) passing command line options (see API documentation) and (ii) the configuration file “” under the main directory.

  • The default file for logging is set as none and log level set as “WARNING”.

Domino Server

  • The default server unique user ID is set as 0 in the configuration file.
  • The default TCP port for RPC calls is set as 9090 in the configuration file.
  • The default database file for Domino Server is set as “dominoserver.db” under the main directory
  • The default folder for keeping published TOSCA files and pushed parts is set as “toscafiles” in the configuration file via variable TOSCADIR.
  • The default log level (WARNING) can be changed by passing the flags –log or -l followed by a log level, e.g., ERROR, WARNING, INFO, or DEBUG.

Domino Client

  • The default mode of CLI is non-interactive (i.e., Domino CLI Utility is used). Passing –iac=TRUE would begin the client in interactive mode.
  • The default log level (WARNING) can be changed by passing the flags –log or -l followed by a log level, e.g., ERROR, WARNING, INFO, or DEBUG.
  • The default Domino Server IP is set as “localhost”. This can be overwritten at the time of launching DominoClient via the option flags -i or –ipaddr followed by the IP address of the actual server hosting the Domino Server.
  • The default Domino Client TCP port for RPC calls is set as 9091 in the configuration file. It can be overwritten when the DominoClient is launched by passing the flags –port or -p followed by the port number.
  • The default folder for keeping preceived TOSCA files is set as “toscafiles” in the configuration file via variable TOSCA_RX_DIR.

Domino User Guide

Domino API Usage Guidelines and Examples

Using domino-cli Client


  1. Make sure that is in +x mode.
  2. Change directory to where, and are located or include file path in the PATH environment variable.
  3. Start the Domino Server:
./ --log=debug
  1. Start the Domino Client:
./ -p <portnumber> --cliport <cli-portnumber> --log=debug

Note1: The default log level is WARNING and omitting –log option will lead to minimal/no logging on the console

Note2: file includes most of the default values

  • Registration Command

Command line input:

./ <cli-portnumber> register

This message has the following fields that are automatically filled in.

Message Type (= REGISTER)
DESIRED UDID (= if not allocated, this will be assigned as Unique Domino ID)
Sequence Number (=incremented after each RPC call)
IP ADDR (= IP address of DOMINO Client to be used by DOMINO Server for future RPC Calls to this client)
TCP PORT (= TCP port of DOMINO Client to be used by DOMINO Server for future RPC Calls to this client)
Supported Templates (= Null, this field not used currently)
  • Heart Beat Command

Command line input:

./ <cli-portnumber> heartbeat

This message has the following fields that are automatically filled in.

Message Type (= HEART_BEAT)
UDID (= Unique Domino ID assigned during registration)
Sequence Number (=incremented after each RPC call)
  • Label and Template Type Subscription Command
./ <cli-portnumber> subscribe -l <labelname> -t <templatetype>

Note that -l can be substituted by –label and -t can be substituted by –ttype.

More than one label or template type can be subscribed within the same command line as comma separated labels or template types

./ <cli-portnumber> subscribe -l <label1>,<label2>,<labeln> -t <ttype1>,<ttype2>,<ttypen>

To subscribe more than one label or template type, one can also repeat the options -l and -t, e.g.:

./ <cli-portnumber> subscribe -l <label1> -l <label2> -l <labeln> -t <ttype1> -t <ttype2> -t <ttypen>

It is safe to call subscribe command multiple times with duplicate labels.

This message has the following fields that are automatically filled in.

Message Type (= SUBSCRIBE)
UDID (= Unique Domino ID assigned during registration)
Sequence Number (=incremented after each RPC call)
Template Operation (= APPEND)
Label Operation (= APPEND)

The following fields are filled in based on arguments passed on via -l/–label and -t/–ttype flags

Subscribe RPC also supports options for label using
and for supported template types using

When unspecified, the default is APPEND. DELETE deletes existing labels (template types) specified in the current call via key -l/–label (-t/–ttype). OVERWRITE removes the current set of labels (template types) and sets it to the new set of values passed in the same RPC call.

By default, no translation service is provided. Currently, only TOSCA to Heat Orchestration Template (HOT) translation is supported using OpenStack heat-translator library. A domain that requires HOT files must subscribe HOT template type using

./ <cli-portnumber> subscribe -t hot
  • Template Publishing Command
./ <cli-portnumber> publish -t <toscafile>

Note that -t can be substituted with –tosca-file.

If -t or –tosca-file flag is used multiple times, the last tosca file passed as input will be used. This usage is not recommended as undefined/unintended results may emerge as the Domino client will continue to publish.

This message has the following fields that are automatically filled in.

Message Type (= PUBLISH)
UDID (= Unique Domino ID assigned during registration)
Sequence Number (=incremented after each RPC call)
Template Type (= TOSCA)
Template File

Since Danube release, Domino Server supports stateful updates for template publishing. The following command can be used to update the service template for an existing Template Unique ID (TUID):

./ <cli-portnumber> publish -t <toscafile> -k <TUID>

Note that -k can be substituted with –tuid. When Domino Server receives this command, it verifies whether the client previously published the provided TUID. If such TUID does not exist, then Domino Server returns FAILED response back to the client. If such TUID exists, Domino Server recomputes which resources are mapped onto which domains and updates each domain with the new VNF and NS descriptors. If a previously utilized domain is no longer targeted, it is updated with a null descriptor.

  • Template Listing Command
./ <cli-portnumber> list-tuids

Queries all the Template Unique IDs (TUIDs) published by the Domino Client from the Domino Server.

Interactive CLI mode

To enter this mode, start Domino Client with interactive console option set as true, i.e., –iac=true:

./DominoClient -p <portnumber> --iax=true --log=DEBUG

The rest of the API calls are the same as in the case of using except that at the prompt there is no need to write “ <cli-portnumber>, e.g.,:

>>subscribe -l <label1> -t <ttype1>
>>publish -t <toscafile>

The interactive CLI mode is mainly supported for manual testing.
