2. Release Notes

2.1. Copper Release 1 Scope

OPNFV Brahmaputra was the initial OPNFV release for Copper, and achieved the goals:

  • Add the OpenStack Congress service to OPNFV, through at least one installer project, through post-install configuration.
  • Provide basis tests scripts and tools to exercise the Congress service

2.2. Copper Release 2 Scope

OPNFV Colorado includes the additional features:
  • Congress support in the the OPNFV CI/CD pipeline for the JOID and Apex installers, through the following projects being upstreamed to OpenStack:
    • For JOID, a JuJu Charm for Congress
    • For Apex, a Puppet Module for Congress
  • Congress use case tests integrated into Functest and as manual tests
  • Further enhancements of Congress test tools