OPNFV Barometer configuration Guide

Barometer Configuration

This document provides guidelines on how to install and configure the Barometer plugin when using Fuel as a deployment tool. The plugin name is: Collectd Ceilometer Plugin. This plugin installs collectd on a compute node and enables a number of collectd plugins to collect metrics and events from the platform and send them to ceilometer.

Pre-configuration activities

The Barometer Fuel plugin can be found in /opt/opnfv on the fuel master. To enable this plugin:

$ cd /opt/opnfv
$ fuel plugins --install fuel-plugin-collectd-ceilometer-1.0-1.0.0-1.noarch.rpm

On the Fuel UI, create a new environment. * In Settings > OpenStack Services * Enable “Install Ceilometer and Aodh” * In Settings > Other * Enable “Deploy Collectd Ceilometer Plugin” * Enable the barometer plugins you’d like to deploy using the checkboxes * Continue with environment configuration and deployment as normal.

Hardware configuration

There’s no specific Hardware configuration required for this the barometer fuel plugin.

Feature configuration

Describe the procedures to configure your feature on the platform in order that it is ready to use according to the feature instructions in the platform user guide. Where applicable you should add content in the postinstall.rst to validate the feature is configured for use. (checking components are installed correctly etc...)

Upgrading the plugin

From time to time new versions of the plugin may become available.

The plugin cannot be upgraded if an active environment is using the plugin.

In order to upgrade the plugin:

  • Copy the updated plugin file to the fuel-master.
  • On the Fuel UI, reset the environment.
  • On the Fuel CLI “fuel plugins –update <fuel-plugin-file>”
  • On the Fuel UI, re-deploy the environment.

Barometer post installation procedures

Add a brief introduction to the methods of validating the installation according to this specific installer or feature.

Automated post installation activities

Describe specific post installation activities performed by the OPNFV deployment pipeline including testing activities and reports. Refer to the relevant testing guides, results, and release notes.

note: this section should be singular and derived from the test projects once we have one test suite to run for all deploy tools. This is not the case yet so each deploy tool will need to provide (hopefully very simillar) documentation of this.

Barometer post configuration procedures

The fuel plugin installs collectd and its plugins on compute nodes. separate config files for each of the collectd plugins. These configuration files can be found on the compute node @ /etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d/ directory. Each collectd plugin will have its own configuration file with a default configuration for each plugin. You can override any of the plugin configurations, by modifying the configuration file and restarting the collectd service on the compute node.

Platform components validation

  1. SSH to a compute node and ensure that the collectd service is running.
  2. On the compute node, you need to inject a corrected memory error:
$ git clone https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/cpu/mce/mce-inject.git
$ cd mce-inject
$ make
$ modprobe mce-inject

Modify the test/corrected script to include the following:

STATUS 0xcc00008000010090

Inject the error:

$ ./mce-inject < test/corrected
  1. SSH to openstack controller node and query the ceilometer DB:
$ source openrc
$ ceilometer sample-list -m interface.if_packets
$ ceilometer sample-list -m hugepages.vmpage_number
$ ceilometer sample-list -m ovs_events.gauge
$ ceilometer sample-list -m mcelog.errors

As you run each command above, you should see output similar to the examples below: