yardstick.orchestrator package Submodules yardstick.orchestrator.heat module

Heat template and stack management

class yardstick.orchestrator.heat.HeatObject[source]

Bases: object

base class for template and stack


returns stack state as a string

class yardstick.orchestrator.heat.HeatStack(name)[source]

Bases: yardstick.orchestrator.heat.HeatObject

Represents a Heat stack (deployed template)

delete(block=True, retries=3)[source]

deletes a stack in the target cloud using heat (with retry) Sometimes delete fail with “InternalServerError” and the next attempt succeeds. So it is worthwhile to test a couple of times.

static delete_all()[source]
stacks = []
static stacks_exist()[source]

check if any stack has been deployed


update a stack

class yardstick.orchestrator.heat.HeatTemplate(name, template_file=None, heat_parameters=None)[source]

Bases: yardstick.orchestrator.heat.HeatObject

Describes a Heat template and a method to deploy template to a stack

add_floating_ip(name, network_name, port_name, router_if_name, secgroup_name=None)[source]

add to the template a Neutron FloatingIP resource see: https://bugs.launchpad.net/heat/+bug/1299259


add to the template a Nova KeyPair


add to the template a Neutron Net

add_port(name, network_name, subnet_name, sec_group_id=None)[source]

add to the template a named Neutron Port

add_router(name, ext_gw_net, subnet_name)[source]

add to the template a Neutron Router and interface

add_router_interface(name, router_name, subnet_name)[source]

add to the template a Neutron RouterInterface and interface


add to the template a Neutron SecurityGroup

add_server(name, image, flavor, ports=None, networks=None, scheduler_hints=None, user=None, key_name=None, user_data=None, metadata=None, additional_properties=None)[source]

add to the template a Nova Server

add_servergroup(name, policy)[source]

add to the template a Nova ServerGroup

add_subnet(name, network, cidr)[source]

add to the template a Neutron Subnet


creates a template in the target cloud using heat returns a dict with the requested output values from the template Module contents