Yardstick Test Case Description TC069ΒΆ
Memory Bandwidth | |
test case id | OPNFV_YARDSTICK_TC069_Memory Bandwidth |
metric | Megabyte per second (MBps) |
test purpose | To evaluate the IaaS compute performance with regards to memory bandwidth. Measure the maximum possible cache and memory performance while reading and writing certain blocks of data (starting from 1Kb and further in power of 2) continuously through ALU and FPU respectively. Measure different aspects of memory performance via synthetic simulations. Each simulation consists of four performances (Copy, Scale, Add, Triad). Test results, graphs and similar shall be stored for comparison reasons and product evolution understanding between different OPNFV versions and/or configurations. |
configuration | File: opnfv_yardstick_tc069.yaml
test tool | RAMspeed RAMspeed is a free open source command line utility to measure cache and memory performance of computer systems. RAMspeed is not always part of a Linux distribution, hence it needs to be installed in the test image. |
references |
applicability | Test can be configured with different:
There are default values for each above-mentioned option. |
pre-test conditions | The test case image needs to be installed into Glance with RAmspeed included in the image. No POD specific requirements have been identified. |
test sequence | description and expected result |
step 1 | The host is installed as client. RAMspeed is invoked and logs are produced and stored. Result: logs are stored. |
test verdict | Test fails if the measured memory bandwidth is below the SLA value or if there is a test case execution problem. |