Source code for yardstick.dispatcher.http

# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp
# All Rights Reserved.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

# yardstick comment: this is a modified copy of
# ceilometer/ceilometer/dispatcher/

import os
import json
import logging
import requests

from oslo_config import cfg

from yardstick.dispatcher.base import Base as DispatchBase

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

http_dispatcher_opts = [
               help='The target where the http request will be sent. '
                    'If this is not set, no data will be posted. For '
                    'example: target = http://hostname:1234/path'),
               help='The max time in seconds to wait for a request to '

CONF.register_opts(http_dispatcher_opts, group="dispatcher_http")

[docs]class HttpDispatcher(DispatchBase): """Dispatcher class for posting data into a http target. """ __dispatcher_type__ = "Http" def __init__(self, conf): super(HttpDispatcher, self).__init__(conf) self.headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} self.timeout = CONF.dispatcher_http.timeout = self.raw_result = [] self.result = { "project_name": "yardstick", "description": "yardstick test cases result", "pod_name": os.environ.get('NODE_NAME', 'unknown'), "installer": os.environ.get('INSTALLER_TYPE', 'unknown'), "version": os.environ.get('YARDSTICK_VERSION', 'unknown') }
[docs] def record_result_data(self, data): self.raw_result.append(data)
[docs] def flush_result_data(self): if == '': # if the target was not set, do not do anything LOG.error('Dispatcher target was not set, no data will' 'be posted.') return self.result["details"] = self.raw_result case_name = "" for v in self.raw_result: if isinstance(v, dict) and "scenario_cfg" in v: case_name = v["scenario_cfg"]["tc"] break if case_name == "": LOG.error('Test result : %s' % json.dumps(self.result)) LOG.error('The case_name cannot be found, no data will be posted.') return self.result["case_name"] = case_name try: LOG.debug('Test result : %s' % json.dumps(self.result)) res =, data=json.dumps(self.result), headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout) LOG.debug('Test result posting finished with status code' ' %d.' % res.status_code) except Exception as err: LOG.exception('Failed to record result data: %s', err)