Execution of vswitchperf testcases by Yardstick


Yardstick is a generic framework for a test execution, which is used for validation of installation of OPNFV platform. In the future, Yardstick will support two options of vswitchperf testcase execution:

  • plugin mode, which will execute native vswitchperf testcases; Tests will be executed the same way as today, but test results will be processed and reported by yardstick.
  • execution of yardstick testcases, which will run vswitchperf in traffic generator mode only; Yardstick framework will be used to launch VNFs and to configure flows to ensure, that traffic is properly routed. This mode will allow to test OVS performance in real world scenarios.

In Colorado release only the second option is supported.

Yardstick Installation

In order to run Yardstick testcases, you will need to prepare your test environment.

Please follow the installation instructions to install the yardstick.

Please note, that yardstick uses OpenStack for execution of testcases. OpenStack must be installed with Heat and Neutron services. Otherwise vswitchperf testcases cannot be executed.

Vswitchperf VM image preparation

In general, any Linux distribution supported by vswitchperf can be used as a base image for vswitchperf. One of the possibilities is to modify vloop-vnf image, which can be downloaded from http://artifacts.opnfv.org/.

$ wget http://artifacts.opnfv.org/vswitchperf/vloop-vnf-ubuntu-14.04_20151216.qcow2

Please follow the installation instructions to install vswitchperf inside vloop-vnf image. As vswitchperf will be run in trafficgen mode, it is possible to skip installation and compilation of OVS, QEMU and DPDK to keep image size smaller.

In case, that selected traffic generator requires installation of additional client software, please follow appropriate documentation. For example in case of IXIA, you would need to install IxOS and IxNetowrk TCL API.

Final image with vswitchperf must be uploaded into the glance service and vswitchperf specific flavor configured, e.g.:

$ glance --os-username admin --os-image-api-version 1 image-create --name
  vsperf --is-public true --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --file

$ nova --os-username admin flavor-create vsperf-flavor 100 2048 25 1

Testcase customization

Yardstick testcases are described by YAML files. vswitchperf specific testcases are part of the vswitchperf repository and their yaml files can be found at yardstick/tests directory. For detailed description of yaml file sctructure, please see yardstick documentation and testcase samples. Only vswitchperf specific parts will be discussed here.

Example of yaml file:

  type: Vsperf
    testname: 'rfc2544_p2p_tput'
    traffic_type: 'rfc2544'
    pkt_sizes: '64'
    bidirectional: 'True'
    iload: 100
    duration: 30
    trafficgen_port1: 'eth1'
    trafficgen_port2: 'eth3'
    external_bridge: 'br-ex'
    conf-file: '~/vsperf-yardstick.conf'

  host: vsperf.demo

    type: Sequence
    scenario_option_name: pkt_sizes
    - 64
    - 128
    - 512
    - 1024
    - 1518
    metrics: 'throughput_rx_fps'
    throughput_rx_fps: 500000
    action: monitor


Section option

Section option defines details of vswitchperf test scenario. Lot of options are identical to the vswitchperf parameters passed through --test-params argument. Following options are supported:

  • traffic_type - specifies the type of traffic executed by traffic generator;

    valid values are “rfc2544”, “continuous” and “back2back”; Default: ‘rfc2544’

  • pkt_sizes - a packet size for which test should be executed;

    Multiple packet sizes can be tested by modification of Sequence runner section inside YAML definition. Default: ‘64’

  • duration - sets duration for which traffic will be generated; Default: 30

  • bidirectional - specifies if traffic will be uni (False) or bi-directional

    (True); Default: False

  • iload - specifies frame rate; Default: 100

  • rfc2544_trials - specifies the number of trials performed for each packet


  • multistream - specifies the number of simulated streams; Default: 0 (i.e.

    multistream feature is disabled)

  • stream_type - specifies network layer used for multistream simulation

    the valid values are “L4”, “L3” and “L2”; Default: ‘L4’

  • conf-file - sets path to the vswitchperf configuration file, which will be

    uploaded to VM; Default: ‘~/vsperf-yardstick.conf’

  • setup-script - sets path to the setup script, which will be executed

    during setup and teardown phases

  • trafficgen_port1 - specifies device name of 1st interface connected to

    the trafficgen

  • trafficgen_port2 - specifies device name of 2nd interface connected to

    the trafficgen

  • external_bridge - specifies name of external bridge configured in OVS;

    Default: ‘br-ex’

In case that trafficgen_port1 and/or trafficgen_port2 are defined, then these interfaces will be inserted into the external_bridge of OVS. It is expected, that OVS runs at the same node, where testcase is executed. In case of more complex OpenStack installation or a need of additional OVS configuration, setup-script can be used.

Section runner

Yardstick supports several runner types. In case of vswitchperf specific TCs, Sequence runner type can be used to execute the testcase for given list of packet sizes.

Section sla

In case that sla section is not defined, then testcase will be always considered as successful. On the other hand, it is possible to define a set of test metrics and their minimal values to evaluate test success. Any numeric value, reported by vswitchperf inside CSV result file, can be used. Multiple metrics can be defined as a coma separated list of items. Minimal value must be set separately for each metric.


    metrics: 'throughput_rx_fps,throughput_rx_mbps'
    throughput_rx_fps: 500000
    throughput_rx_mbps: 1000

In case that any of defined metrics will be lower than defined value, then testcase will be marked as failed. Based on action policy, yardstick will either stop test execution (value assert) or it will run next test (value monitor).

Testcase execution

After installation, yardstick is available as python package within yardstick specific virtual environment. It means, that before test execution yardstick environment must be enabled, e.g.:

source ~/yardstick_venv/bin/activate

Next step is configuration of OpenStack environment, e.g. in case of devstack:

source /opt/openstack/devstack/openrc
export EXTERNAL_NETWORK=public

Vswitchperf testcases executable by yardstick are located at vswitchperf repository inside yardstick/tests directory. Example of their download and execution follows:

git clone https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/vswitchperf
cd vswitchperf

yardstick -d task start yardstick/tests/p2p_cont.yaml

Note: Option argument -d shows debug output.