6.2. OPNFV Brahmaputra Results

The vsperf CI jobs that were used to obtain the results can be found at https://wiki.opnfv.org/wiki/vsperf_results.

The following table maps the results in the test dashboard to the appropriate test case in the VSPERF Framework and specifies the metric the vertical/Y axis is plotting. Please note, the presence of dpdk within a test name signifies that the vswitch under test was OVS with DPDK, while its absence indicates that the vswitch under test was stock OVS.

Dashboard Test Framework Test Metric Guest Interface
tput_ovsdpdk phy2phy_tput Throughput (FPS) N/A
tput_ovs phy2phy_tput Throughput (FPS) N/A
b2b_ovsdpdk back2back Back-to-back value N/A
b2b_ovs back2back Back-to-back value N/A
tput_mod_vlan_ovs phy2phy_tput_mod_vlan Throughput (FPS) N/A
tput_mod_vlan_ovsdpdk phy2phy_tput_mod_vlan Throughput (FPS) N/A
scalability_ovs phy2phy_scalability Throughput (FPS) N/A
scalability_ovsdpdk phy2phy_scalability Throughput (FPS) N/A
pvp_tput_ovsdpdkuser pvp_tput Throughput (FPS) vhost-user
pvp_tput_ovsvirtio pvp_tput Throughput (FPS) virtio-net
pvp_b2b_ovsdpdkuser pvp_back2back Back-to-back value vhost-user
pvp_b2b_ovsvirtio pvp_back2back Back-to-back value virtio-net
pvvp_tput_ovsdpdkuser pvvp_tput Throughput (FPS) vhost-user
pvvp_tput_ovsvirtio pvvp_tput Throughput (FPS) virtio-net
pvvp_b2b_ovsdpdkuser pvvp_back2back Throughput (FPS) vhost-user
pvvp_b2b_ovsvirtio pvvp_back2back Throughput (FPS) virtio-net

The loopback application in the VNF used for PVP and PVVP scenarios was DPDK testpmd.