1. Overview¶
1.1. Introduction¶
1.1.1. About Reference Implementation¶
This document includes the requirement and deployment details of the the first reference implementation for CNTT. This first reference implementation follows the requirement and architecture design of the OpenStack Based Reference Architecture. This document will includes the detailed requirement of RI for CNTT, NFVi configurations according to the requirement of RA and each different flavor of VNF, Lab requirements for RI deployment and validation and installer requirement. This reference implementation will fully reveal the capabilities and features defined in CNTT RM and RA, and thus will be utilized as ‘golden NFVi’ in the Reference Compliance of CNTT.
In order to promote quick deployment of RI and not re-invent wheels, the CNTT community works closely with OPNFV, utilizing and evolving OPNFV CI pipeline and installer automation and testing automation capabilities. Detailed collaboration and contribution to OPNFV will be concluded in the following sessions.
1.1.2. Terminology¶
Terminology in this document will follow Glossary.
1.2. Scope¶
The scope of this document is illustrated in Figure 1-1 below:

Figure 1.1 Figure 1-1: RI-1 Scope.¶
generate eco-system requirements for the establishment of Reference Implementation, including Labs, toolings, installers, releases and automation requirements
Provide detailed description file definition for installers, VNF features, and etc..
Provide detailed Lab criteria and operations
Provide a Run-book for the first RI, which includes detailed steps for the deployment and configuration.
Provide detailed design for automation of deployment and testing, provide continuous integration and delivery pipeline for RI
Gap analysis with required actions for existing eco-system within LFN/OPNFV community projects
1.3. Relationship to other communities¶

Figure 1.2 Figure 1-2: RI-1 Relation to other communities.¶
Relationship with OPNFV
Current collaboration with OPNFV includes:
OPNFV CIRV project.
This project is the ‘landing’ place for CNTT in OPNFV. It is responsible for driving activities of CNTT within OPNFV, working with multiple projects, including Airship, Functest, Dovetail, and ext.. The project team is working closely with the CNTT RI WSs.
Detailed information of this project can be found here: https://wiki.opnfv.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=47284396
The CNTT RI WSs work closely with the OPNFV Infra WG for the requirement of Labs and Installers. The detailed requirements explained in Lab Requirements and Hardware Delivery and Configuration Requirements of this document are discussed and reviewed with the Infra WG, and will be used as guideline for detailed development work in Infra WG.
OPNFV Testing WG.
The CNTT RI WSs works with the Testing WG for manifest testing for the Reference implementation.
Airship Project.
The Airship Project will be used as the installer for the first RI.
Relationship with OVP
This RI will act as ‘golden NFVi’ for the test of VNFs within OVP. The figure below shows verification process of OVP and its relationship with CNTT. The verification process for OVP can be classified as ‘cloud platform world’ and ‘MANO world’, while the ‘cloud platform world’ mainly focusing on the capability and features for the platform, and the interoperability of platform with VNFs, and the ‘MANO’ world mainly focusing on MANO related VNF features and interoperability.
CNTT will focus on the ‘cloud platform world’ of OVP, through the following aspects:
Providing CNTT verification labs with standard hardware/software for cloud platform and VNF verification
Providing Reference Implementation as Golden NFVi for interoperability testing with VNFs
Providing Reference Compliance test requirements and test cases for compliance test for both NFVi and VNFs
1.4. Roadmap¶
This document is planned to release on Jan. 2020, while the first of RI code (including installers, manifest test cases, automation CI) will follow the release routine of OPNFV Release J.