Conformance =========== The objective of this chapter is to provide an automated mechanism to validate OpenStack based cloud infrastructure against the standard set of requirements defined in :ref:`chapters/chapter02:Architecture Requirements`. Through this validation mechanism, a provider of cloud infrastructure will be able to test their conformance to this reference architecture. This will ease the integration of network functions into operator environments that host compatible cloud infrastructures, thereby reducing cost, complexity, and time of integration. The overall workstream requires the close coordination of the following: - **Requirements** - The agreed upon capabilities and conditions that a compliant cloud infrastructure must provide or satisfy. - **Tests** - The verification mechanism that determines that a given cloud infrastructure complies with one or more requirements. - **Conformance Specifications** - The definition of the requirements, tests, and circumstances (test case integration, etc.) that must be met to be deemed conformant. Requirements and Testing Principles ----------------------------------- If there is no clear traceability and strong links between **Requirements**, **Tests** and **Conformance Specifications**, then it becomes difficult to determine if a cloud infrastructure is compliant. With this in mind, below are the set of recommended principles for each of the three components to follow. Adherence to these principles will provide the following: - Enable clear progress tracking and linkage between independent projects (i.e. know what has and hasn’t been covered, and track changes over time) - Help users better understand if they meet requirements - Provide a stable set of point-in-time requirements and tests to achieve conformance - Reduce ambiguity in testing, requirements, and conformance Testing Principles: - There must be traceability between test cases and requirement being validated - Failures should provide additional content to inform the user where or how the requirement was violated (e.g. which file or resource violated the requirement). Put another way, don't require the user to read the test to understand what went wrong - Testing tools should support selection of tests based on category or profile. - Tests must be available to run locally by both VNF and cloud infrastructure providers - Testing tools must produce machine-readable result formats that can be used as input into any badging program Conformance Specifications: - Conformance specifications must refer to or define the *versioned* requirements that must be satisfied - Conformance specifications must refer to the *versioned* test implementations that must be used to validate the requirements - Conformance specifications must define the expected preconditions and environment requirements for any test tooling - Conformance specifications must define which tests must be executed in the given testing tools to achieve conformance - The conformance specifications must provide the mapping between tests and requirements to demonstrate traceability and coverage. Test Case Integration and Tooling --------------------------------- The OpenStack based cloud infrastructure suite must utilize the Anuket test case integration toolchain to deliver overall integration, the same end user actions, and a unique test result format (e.g. Anuket test result database) needed by the end users and any test case result verification program (e.g. `OVP `__). Anuket Toolchains ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anuket, previously named OPNFV, has built a complete CI/CD toolchain for continuously deploying and testing cloud infrastructure. As for all installer projects, `Jenkins `__ triggers scenario deployments, runs the Anuket gating test cases and then publishes all test results in the `centralized test database `__ and all artifacts (reports, logs, etc.) to `an S3 compatible storage service `__. The verification, validation, and conformance processes leverage existing Anuket testing knowledge (projects) and experience (history) by utilising the toolchain design already in-place. The conformance toolchain only requires for the local deployment of the components instead of leveraging the common Anuket centralized services. However, the interfaces remain unchanged for leveraging test jobs, the common test case execution, the test result database and the S3 protocol to publish the artifacts. It’s worth mentioning that dumping all results and logs required for conformance is already in place in Functest daily jobs (see `functest-wallaby-zip `__). It should be noted that `Xtesting CI `__ supports both centralized and distributed deployment models as described before. It has deployed the full toolchain in one small virtual machine to verify ONAP Openlab via Functest. Test Case Integration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To reach all goals in terms of verification, validation, compliance, and conformance, all test cases must be delivered as `Docker containers `__ to simplify the CI toolchain setup including: - the common test case execution - the unified way to manage all the interactions with the CI/CD components and with third-parties (e.g. dump all test case logs and results for conformance) For their part, the Docker containers simply enforce that the test cases are delivered with all runtime dependencies. This prevents lots of manual operations when configuring the servers running the test cases and prevents conflicts between the test cases due to any dependencies. It’s worth mentioning that all the conformance test cases already leverage `Xtesting `__ which is a simple framework to assemble sparse test cases and to accelerate the adoption of CI/CD best practices. By managing all the interactions with the CI/CD components (test scheduler, test results database, artifact repository), it allows the developer to work only on the test suites without diving into CI/CD integration. Even more, it brings the capability to run heterogeneous test cases in the same CI toolchains thanks to a few, `quickly achievable `__, constraints. The Docker containers proposed by the test projects must also embed `the Xtesting Python package `__ and `the related test case execution description files `__ as required by Xtesting. Testing Cookbooks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `Xtesting CI `__ leverages the common test case execution proposed by Xtesting. Thanks to a simple test case list, this tool deploys plug-and-play `CI/CD toolchains in a few commands `__. In addition, it supports multiple components such as Jenkins and Gitlab CI (test schedulers) and `multiple deployment models `__ such as all-in-one or centralized services. `Xtesting `__ and `Xtesting CI `__ combined meet the requirements about verification, validation, compliance, and conformance: - smoothly assemble multiple heterogeneous test cases - generate the Jenkins jobs in `Anuket Releng `__ to verify Anuket RC1 and RC2 - deploy local CI/CD toolchains everywhere to check compliance with Anuket - `dump all test case results and logs `__ for third-party conformance review Here are a couple of publicly available playbooks : - `Xtesting samples `__ - `OpenStack verification `__ - `Anuket RC1 `__ - `Kubernetes verification `__ Conformance Test Suite ---------------------- Functest in a nutshell ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `Functest `__ was initially created to verify OPNFV Installers and Scenarios and then to publish fair, trustable and public results regarding the status of the different opensource technologies, especially for Neutron backends (e.g. Neutron agents, OpenDaylight, OVN, etc.). It has been continuously updated to offer the best testing coverage for any kind of OpenStack and Kubernetes deployments including production environments. It also ensures that the platforms meet Network Functions Virtualization requirements by running and testing VNFs amongst all tests available. Functest is driven by a true verification of the platform under test as opposed to the interoperability programs such as `RefStack `__ or `OPNFV Verification Program `__ which select a small subset of Functional tests passing in many different opensource software combinations: - tests are skipped if an optional support is missing (e.g. `Barbican `__ or networking features such as `BGPVPN interconnection `__ or `Service Function Chaining `__) - tests are parameterized (e.g. shared vs non-shared live migration) - blacklist mechanisms are available if needed It should be noted that `the RefStack lists `__ are included as they are in Functest in the next 3 dedicated testcases: - refstack_compute (OpenStack Powered Compute) - refstack_object (OpenStack Powered Object Storage) - refstack_platform (OpenStack Powered Platform) Functest also integrates `Kubernetes End-to-end tests `__ and allows verifying Kubernetes Conformance (see `k8s-conformance `__). Then Functest conforms with the upstream rules (versions, code quality, etc.) and especially their `gates `__ (a.k.a. the automatic verification prior to any code review) to preserve the quality between code and deployment. In that case, Functest can be considered as a smooth and lightweight integration of tests developed upstream (and the Functest team directly contributes in these projects: `Rally `__, `Tempest `__, etc.). It’s worth mentioning that, as opposed to the OpenStack Gates leveraging on `DevStack `__, it can check the same already deployed SUT over and over even from a `Raspberry PI `__. Here the testcases can be executed in parallel vs the same deployment instead of being executed vs different pools of virtual machines. Here are the functional tests (>2000) running in OpenStack gates integrated in Functest Smoke (see `Functest daily jobs `__ for more details): .. table:: Functional tests :widths: auto ================= ================== Testcases Gates ================= ================== tempest_neutron Neutron tempest_cinder Cinder tempest_keystone Keystone rally_sanity General refstack_defcore General tempest_full General tempest_slow General tempest_scenario General patrole Patrole tempest_barbican Barbican networking-bgpvpn Networking BGP VPN networking-sfc Networking SFC ================= ================== To complete functional testing, Functest also integrates a few `performance tools `__ (2-3 hours) as proposed by OpenStack: .. table:: Performance tools :widths: auto ========== =========================== Testcases Benchmarking ========== =========================== rally_full Control Plane (API) testing rally_jobs Control Plane (API) testing vmtp Data Plane testing shaker Data Plane testing ========== =========================== And VNFs automatically deployed and tested : .. table:: VNFs :widths: auto ============ =================================== Testcases Benchmarking ============ =================================== cloudify Cloudify deployment cloudify_ims Clearwater IMS deployed via Coudify heat_ims Clearwater IMS deployed via Heat vyos_vrouter VyOS deployed via Cloudify juju_epc OAI deployed via Juju ============ =================================== Functest should be considered as a whole as it meets multiple objectives about the reference implementation: - verify all APIs (services, advances, features, etc.) exposed by the reference implementation - compare the reference implementation and local deployments from a functional standpoint and from OpenStack control plane and dataplane capabilities Additional links: - `Homepage `__ - `Run Alpine Functest containers (Wallaby) `__ - `Deploy your own Functest CI/CD toolchains `__ - `Functest gates `__ Test Case traceability ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Interfaces & APIs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The `OpenStack Gates `__ verify all changes proposed mostly by running thousands of Tempest tests completed by Rally scenarios in a few cases. Skipping tests is allowed in all OpenStack Gates and only failures rate the review -1 because of the multiple capabilities and backends selected in the different Gate jobs. The classical `Functest containers `__ conform to this model which also fits the heterogeneous user deployments. From an OpenStack based cloud infrastructure Conformance state point, the capabilities are well described in :ref:`chapters/chapter05:interfaces and apis` which allows tuning the test configurations and the test lists to avoid skipping any test. It results that all tests covering optional capabilities and all upstream skipped tests due to known bugs are not executed. All remaining tests must be executed and must pass successfully. New `Functest containers `__ have been proposed for Anuket Compliance which simply override the default test configurations and the default test lists. Any optional capability or services (e.g. Barbican) can be still verified by the classical Functest containers. The next subsections only detail the Tempest tests which must not be executed from a Compliance state point. The remaining tests have to pass successfully. They cover all together the API testing requirements as asked by :ref:`chapters/chapter05:interfaces and apis` The following software versions are considered here to verify OpenStack Wallaby selected by Anuket: .. list-table:: Software versions :widths: 60 40 :header-rows: 1 * - Software - Version * - Functest - wallaby * - Cinder Tempest plugin - 1.4.0 * - Keystone Tempest plugin - 0.7.0 * - Heat Tempest plugin - 1.2.0 * - Neutron Tempest plugin - 1.4.0 * - Rally OpenStack - 2.2.1.dev11 * - Tempest - 27.0.0 Identity - Keystone API testing ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Keystone API is covered in the OpenStack Gates via `Tempest `__ and `keystone-tempest-plugin `__ as integrated in `Functest Smoke CNTT `__. According to :ref:`chapters/chapter05:interfaces and apis` the following test names must not be executed: .. list-table:: Keystone API testing :widths: 60 40 :header-rows: 1 * - Test rejection regular expressions - Reasons * - .*api.identity.v3.test_oauth1_tokens - oauth1 * - .*scenario.test_federated_authentication - federation * - .*identity.admin.v2 - API v2 * - .*identity.v2 - API v2 * - .*identity.v3.test_access_rules - access_rules * - .*identity.v3.test_application_credentials.\\ ApplicationCredentialsV3Test.\\ test_create_application_credential_access_rules - access_rules Keystone API is also covered by `Rally `__. Here are the mainline tasks integrated in `Functest Smoke CNTT `__: - Authenticate.keystone - KeystoneBasic.add_and_remove_user_role - KeystoneBasic.create_add_and_list_user_roles - KeystoneBasic.create_and_list_tenants - KeystoneBasic.create_and_delete_role - KeystoneBasic.create_and_delete_service - KeystoneBasic.get_entities - KeystoneBasic.create_update_and_delete_tenant - KeystoneBasic.create_user - KeystoneBasic.create_tenant - KeystoneBasic.create_and_list_users - KeystoneBasic.create_tenant_with_users Image - Glance API testing '''''''''''''''''''''''''' Glance API is covered in the OpenStack Gates via `Tempest `__ as integrated in `Functest Smoke CNTT `__. According to :ref:`chapters/chapter05:interfaces and apis` the following test names must not be executed: .. list-table:: Glance API testing :widths: 60 40 :header-rows: 1 * - Test rejection regular expressions - Reasons * - .*image.v1 - API v1 * - .*image.v2.admin.test_images.ImportCopyImagesTest - import_image * - .*image.v2.test_images_negative.ImagesNegativeTest.\\ test_create_image_reserved_property - os_glance_reserved * - .*image.v2.test_images_negative.ImagesNegativeTest.\\ test_update_image_reserved_property - os_glance_reserved * - .*image.v2.test_images_negative.ImportImagesNegativeTest.\\ test_image_web_download_import_with_bad_url - web-downloadimport * - .*image.v2.test_images.ImportImagesTest - import_image * - .*image.v2.test_images.MultiStoresImportImages - import_image Glance API is also covered by `Rally `__. Here are the mainline tasks integrated in `Functest Smoke CNTT `__: - Authenticate.validate_glance - GlanceImages.create_and_delete_image - GlanceImages.create_and_list_image - GlanceImages.list_images - GlanceImages.create_image_and_boot_instances Block Storage - Cinder API testing '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Cinder API is covered in the OpenStack Gates via `Tempest `__ and `cinder-tempest-plugin `__ as integrated in `Functest Smoke CNTT `__. According to :ref:`chapters/chapter05:interfaces and apis` the following test names must not be executed: .. list-table:: Cinder API testing :widths: 60 40 :header-rows: 1 * - Test rejection regular expressions - Reasons * - .*test_incremental_backup - * - .*test_consistencygroups - consistency_group * - .*test_backup_crossproject_admin_negative - * - .*test_backup_crossproject_user_negative - * - .*test_volume_encrypted.TestEncryptedCinderVolumes - attach_encrypted_volume * - .*test_encrypted_volumes_extend - extend_attached_encrypted_volume * - .*test_group_snapshots.GroupSnapshotsV319Test.\\ test_reset_group_snapshot_status - * - .*test_multi_backend - multi-backend * - .*test_volume_retype.VolumeRetypeWithMigrationTest - multi-backend * - .*test_volume_delete_cascade.VolumesDeleteCascade.\\ test_volume_from_snapshot_cascade_delete - * - .*test_volumes_backup.VolumesBackupsTest.\\ test_volume_backup_create_get_detailed_list_restore_delete - ceph * - .*test_volumes_extend.VolumesExtendAttachedTest.\\ test_extend_attached_volume - extend_attached_volume * - .*tempest.scenario.test_volume_migrate_attached - multi-backend Cinder API is also covered by `Rally `__. Here are the mainline tasks integrated in `Functest Smoke CNTT `__: - Authenticate.validate_cinder - CinderVolumes.create_and_delete_snapshot - CinderVolumes.create_and_delete_volume - CinderVolumes.create_and_extend_volume - CinderVolumes.create_from_volume_and_delete_volume - CinderQos.create_and_list_qos - CinderQos.create_and_set_qos - CinderVolumeTypes.create_and_list_volume_types - CinderVolumeTypes.create_volume_type_and_encryption_type - Quotas.cinder_update_and_delete - Quotas.cinder_update Object Storage - Swift API testing '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Swift API is covered in the OpenStack Gates via `Tempest `__ as integrated in `Functest Smoke CNTT `__. According to :ref:`chapters/chapter05:interfaces and apis` the following test names must not be executed: .. list-table:: Swift API testing :widths: 60 40 :header-rows: 1 * - Test rejection regular expressions - Reasons * - .*test_container_sync.ContainerSyncTest.\\ test_container_synchronization - * - .*test_container_sync_middleware.ContainerSyncMiddlewareTest.\\ test_container_synchronization - container_sync * - .*test_object_services.ObjectTest.\\ test_create_object_with_transfer_encoding - Swift API is also covered by `Rally `__. Here are the mainline tasks integrated in `Functest Smoke CNTT `__: - SwiftObjects.create_container_and_object_then_list_objects - SwiftObjects.list_objects_in_containers - SwiftObjects.create_container_and_object_then_download_object - SwiftObjects.create_container_and_object_then_delete_all - SwiftObjects.list_and_download_objects_in_containers Networking - Neutron API testing '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Neutron API is covered in the OpenStack Gates via `Tempest `__ and `neutron-tempest-plugin `__ as integrated in `Functest Smoke CNTT `__. According to :ref:`chapters/chapter05:interfaces and apis` the following test names must not be executed: .. list-table:: Neutron API testing :widths: 60 40 :header-rows: 1 * - Test rejection regular expressions - Reasons * - .*admin.test_agent_availability_zone - DHCP agent and L3 agent * - .*admin.test_dhcp_agent_scheduler - dhcp_agent_scheduler * - .*admin.test_l3_agent_scheduler - l3_agent_scheduler * - .*admin.test_logging - logging * - .*admin.test_logging_negative - logging * - .*admin.test_network_segment_range - network-segment-range * - .*admin.test_ports.PortTestCasesAdmin.\\ test_regenerate_mac_address - port-mac-address-regenerate * - .*admin.test_ports.PortTestCasesResourceRequest - port-resource-request * - .*admin.test_routers_dvr - dvr * - .*admin.test_routers_flavors - l3-flavors * - .*admin.test_routers_ha - l3-ha * - .*test_floating_ips.FloatingIPPoolTestJSON - floatingip-pools * - .*test_floating_ips.FloatingIPTestJSON.\\ test_create_update_floatingip_port_details - fip-port-details * - .*test_metering_extensions - metering * - .*test_metering_negative - metering * - .*test_networks.NetworksSearchCriteriaTest.\\ test_list_validation_filters - filter-validation * - .*test_networks.NetworksTestAdmin.\\ test_create_tenant_network_vxlan - vxlan * - .*test_networks.NetworksTestJSON.\\ test_create_update_network_dns_domain - dns-integration * - .*test_port_forwardings - floating-ip-port-forwarding * - .*test_port_forwarding_negative - floating-ip-port-forwarding * - .*test_ports.PortsTaggingOnCreation - tag-ports-during-bulk-creation * - .*test_ports.PortsTestJSON.\\ test_create_port_with_propagate_uplink_status - uplink-status-propagation * - .*test_ports.PortsTestJSON.\\ test_create_port_without_propagate_uplink_status - uplink-status-propagation * - .*test_ports.PortsTestJSON.\\ test_create_update_port_with_dns_domain - dns-domain-ports * - .*test_ports.PortsTestJSON.\\ test_create_update_port_with_dns_name - dns-integration * - .*test_ports.PortsTestJSON.\\ test_create_update_port_with_no_dns_name - dns-integration * - .*test_revisions.TestRevisions.\\ test_update_dns_domain_bumps_revision - dns-integration * - .*test_revisions.TestRevisions.\\ test_update_router_extra_attributes\_\\ bumps_revision - l3-ha * - .*test_router_interface_fip - router-interface-fip * - .*test_routers.DvrRoutersTest - dvr * - .*test_routers.HaRoutersTest - l3-ha * - .*test_routers.RoutersIpV6Test.\\ test_extra_routes_atomic - extraroute-atomic * - .*test_routers.RoutersTest.\\ test_extra_routes_atomic - extraroute-atomic * - .*test_routers_negative.DvrRoutersNegativeTest - dvr * - .*test_routers_negative.\\ DvrRoutersNegativeTestExtended - dvr * - .*test_routers_negative.HaRoutersNegativeTest - l3-ha * - .*test_security_groups.RbacSharedSecurityGroupTest - rbac-security-groups * - .*test_subnetpool_prefix_ops - subnetpool-prefix-ops * - .*test_subnetpools.RbacSubnetPoolTest - rbac-subnetpool * - .*test_subnetpools_negative.SubnetPoolsNegativeTestJSON.\\ test_tenant_create_subnetpool_associate_shared_address_scope - rbac-subnetpool * - .*test_subnetpools.SubnetPoolsSearchCriteriaTest.\\ test_list_validation_filters - filter-validation * - .*test_subnets.SubnetsSearchCriteriaTest.\\ test_list_validation_filters - filter-validation * - .*test_timestamp.TestTimeStamp.\\ test_segment_with_timestamp - standard-attr-segment * - .*test_trunk.TrunkTestInheritJSONBase.\\ test_add_subport - * - .*test_trunk.TrunkTestMtusJSON - vxlan * - .*test_trunk_negative.TrunkTestJSON.\\ test_create_subport_invalid_inherit_network\_\\ segmentation_type - vxlan * - .*test_trunk_negative.TrunkTestMtusJSON - vxlan * - .*test_qos.QosMinimumBandwidthRuleTestJSON - * - .*network.test_tags - tag-ext * - .*test_routers.RoutersIpV6Test.\\ test_create_router_set_gateway_with_fixed_ip - * - .*test_routers.RoutersTest.\\ test_create_router_set_gateway_with_fixed_ip - * - .*test_network_basic_ops.\\ TestNetworkBasicOps.test_router_rescheduling - l3_agent_scheduler * - .*test_network_advanced_server_ops.\\ TestNetworkAdvancedServerOps.\\ test_server_connectivity_cold_migration_revert - Neutron API is also covered by `Rally `__. Here are the mainline tasks integrated in `Functest Smoke CNTT `__: - Authenticate.validate_neutron - NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_networks - NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_ports - NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_routers - NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_subnets - NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_networks - NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_ports - NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_routers - NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_subnets - NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_delete_security_groups - NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_delete_security_group_rule - NeutronNetworks.set_and_clear_router_gateway - Quotas.neutron_update Compute - Nova API testing '''''''''''''''''''''''''' Nova API is covered in the OpenStack Gates via `Tempest `__ as integrated in `Functest Smoke CNTT `__. According to :ref:`chapters/chapter05:interfaces and apis` the following test names must not be executed: .. list-table:: Nova API testing :widths: 60 40 :header-rows: 1 * - Test rejection regular expressions - Reasons * - .*admin.test_agents - xenapi_apis * - .*test_fixed_ips - neutron * - .*test_fixed_ips_negative - neutron * - .*test_auto_allocate_network - shared networks * - .*test_flavors_microversions.FlavorsV255TestJSON - max_microversion: 2.53 * - .*test_flavors_microversions.FlavorsV261TestJSON - max_microversion: 2.53 * - .*test_floating_ips_bulk - nova-network * - .*test_live_migration.\\ LiveAutoBlockMigrationV225Test.test_iscsi_volume - block live migration * - .*test_live_migration.\\ LiveAutoBlockMigrationV225Test.\\ test_live_block_migration - block live migration * - .*test_live_migration.\\ LiveAutoBlockMigrationV225Test.\\ test_live_block_migration_paused - block live migration * - .*test_live_migration.\\ LiveAutoBlockMigrationV225Test.\\ test_volume_backed_live_migration - volume-backed live migration * - .*test_live_migration.LiveMigrationTest.\\ test_iscsi_volume - block live migration * - .*test_live_migration.LiveMigrationTest.\\ test_live_block_migration - block live migration * - .*test_live_migration.LiveMigrationTest.\\ test_live_block_migration_paused - block live migration * - .*test_live_migration.LiveMigrationTest.\\ test_volume_backed_live_migration - volume-backed live migration * - .*test_live_migration.\\ LiveMigrationRemoteConsolesV26Test - serial_console * - .*test_quotas.QuotasAdminTestV257 - max_microversion: 2.53 * - .*test_servers.ServersAdminTestJSON.\\ test_reset_network_inject_network_info - xenapi_apis * - .*certificates.test_certificates - cert * - .*test_quotas_negative.\\ QuotasSecurityGroupAdminNegativeTest - * - .*test_novnc - vnc_console * - .*test_server_personality - personality * - .*test_servers.ServerShowV263Test.\\ test_show_update_rebuild_list_server - certified_image_ref * - .*test_servers_microversions.ServerShowV254Test - max_microversion: 2.53 * - .*test_servers_microversions.ServerShowV257Test - max_microversion: 2.53 * - .*test_servers_negative.ServersNegativeTestJSON.\\ test_personality_file_contents_not_encoded - personality * - .*test_server_actions.ServerActionsTestJSON.\\ test_change_server_password - change_password * - .*test_server_actions.ServerActionsTestJSON.\\ test_get_vnc_console - vnc_console * - .*test_server_actions.ServerActionsTestJSON.\\ test_reboot_server_soft - * - .*test_server_rescue.\\ ServerBootFromVolumeStableRescueTest - stable_rescue * - .*test_server_rescue.ServerStableDeviceRescueTest - stable_rescue * - .*test_security_group_default_rules - * - .*test_security_groups_negative.\\ SecurityGroupsNegativeTestJSON.\\ test_security_group_create_with_duplicate_name - neutron * - .*test_security_groups_negative.\\ SecurityGroupsNegativeTestJSON.\\ test_security_group_create_with\_\\ invalid_group_description - * - .*test_security_groups_negative.\\ SecurityGroupsNegativeTestJSON.\\ test_security_group_create_with_invalid_group_name - * - .*test_security_groups_negative.\\ SecurityGroupsNegativeTestJSON.\\ test_update_security_group_with_invalid_sg_description - neutron * - .*test_security_groups_negative.\\ SecurityGroupsNegativeTestJSON.\\ test_update_security_group_with_invalid_sg_description - neutron * - .*test_security_groups_negative.\\ SecurityGroupsNegativeTestJSON.\\ test_update_security_group_with_invalid_sg_id - neutron * - .*test_security_groups_negative.\\ SecurityGroupsNegativeTestJSON.\\ test_update_security_group_with_invalid_sg_name - neutron * - .*test_server_metadata.ServerMetadataTestJSON - xenapi_apis * - .*test_server_metadata_negative.\\ ServerMetadataNegativeTestJSON.\\ test_delete_metadata_non_existent_server - xenapi_apis * - .*test_server_metadata_negative.\\ ServerMetadataNegativeTestJSON.\\ test_metadata_items_limit - xenapi_apis * - .*test_server_metadata_negative.\\ ServerMetadataNegativeTestJSON.\\ test_set_metadata_invalid_key - xenapi_apis * - .*test_server_metadata_negative.\\ ServerMetadataNegativeTestJSON.\\ test_set_metadata_non_existent_server - xenapi_apis * - .*test_server_metadata_negative.\\ ServerMetadataNegativeTestJSON.\\ test_set_server_metadata_blank_key - xenapi_apis * - .*test_server_metadata_negative.\\ ServerMetadataNegativeTestJSON.\\ test_set_server_metadata_missing_metadata - xenapi_apis * - .*test_server_metadata_negative.\\ ServerMetadataNegativeTestJSON.\\ test_update_metadata_non_existent_server - xenapi_apis * - .*test_server_metadata_negative.\\ ServerMetadataNegativeTestJSON.\\ test_update_metadata_with_blank_key - xenapi_apis * - .*test_list_server_filters.\\ ListServerFiltersTestJSON.\\ test_list_servers_filtered_by_ip_regex - * - .*servers.test_virtual_interfaces - nova-network * - .*compute.test_virtual_interfaces_negative - nova-network * - .*compute.test_networks - nova-network * - .*test_attach_volume.AttachVolumeMultiAttach - volume_multiattach * - .*test_volume_boot_pattern.\\ TestVolumeBootPattern.\\ test_boot_server_from_encrypted_volume_luks - attach_encrypted_volume * - .*test_volume_swap - swap_volume * - .*test_encrypted_cinder_volumes - attach_encrypted_volume * - .*test_minbw_allocation_placement - microversion * - .\*test_volumes_negative.\\ UpdateMultiattachVolumeNegativeTest.\\ test_multiattach_rw_volume_update_failure - volume_multiattach * - .*test_shelve_instance.TestShelveInstance.\\ test_cold_migrate_unshelved_instance - shelve_migrate Nova API is also covered by `Rally `__. Here are the mainline tasks integrated in `Functest Smoke CNTT `__: - Authenticate.validate_nova - NovaServers.boot_and_live_migrate_server - NovaServers.boot_server_attach_created_volume_and_live_migrate - NovaServers.boot_server_from_volume_and_live_migrate - NovaKeypair.boot_and_delete_server_with_keypair - NovaServers.boot_server_from_volume_and_delete - NovaServers.pause_and_unpause_server - NovaServers.boot_and_migrate_server - NovaServers.boot_server_and_list_interfaces - NovaServers.boot_server_associate_and_dissociate_floating_ip - NovaServerGroups.create_and_delete_server_group - Quotas.nova_update Orchestration - Heat API testing '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Heat API is covered in the OpenStack Gates via `heat-tempest-plugin `__ as integrated in `Functest Smoke CNTT `__ According to :ref:`chapters/chapter05:interfaces and apis` the following test names must not be executed: .. list-table:: Heat API testing :widths: 60 40 :header-rows: 1 * - Test rejection regular expressions - Reasons * - .*functional.test_lbaasv2 - lbaasv2 * - .*functional.test_encryption_vol_type -!/story/2007804 * - .*RemoteStackTest.\\ test_stack_create_with_cloud_credential - * - .*scenario.test_aodh_alarm - aodh * - .*tests.scenario.test_autoscaling_lb - lbaas * - .*scenario.test_autoscaling_lbv2 - lbaasv2 * - .*scenario.test_server_software_config - * - .*test_volumes.\\ VolumeBackupRestoreIntegrationTest - * - .*scenario.test_octavia_lbaas - octavia * - .*scenario.test_server_cfn_init - Heat API is also covered by `Rally `__. Here are the mainline tasks integrated in `Functest Smoke CNTT `__: - Authenticate.validate_heat - HeatStacks.create_update_delete_stack - HeatStacks.create_check_delete_stack - HeatStacks.create_suspend_resume_delete_stack - HeatStacks.list_stacks_and_resources Dashboard ^^^^^^^^^ Horizon is covered in the OpenStack Gates via `tempest-horizon `__ as integrated in `Functest Healthcheck `__. OpenStack API benchmarking ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `Rally `__ is tool and framework that allows to perform OpenStack API benchmarking. Here are the Rally-based test cases proposed by `Functest Benchmarking CNTT `__: - `rally_full `__: Functest scenarios iterating 10 times the mainline Rally scenarios - `rally_jobs `__: Neutron scenarios executed in the OpenStack gates At the time of writing, no KPI is defined in :ref:`chapters/chapter05:interfaces and apis` which would have asked for an update of the default SLA (maximum failure rate of 0%) proposed in `Functest Benchmarking CNTT `__ Identity - Keystone API benchmarking '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' `Functest rally_full_cntt `__: .. table:: Keystone API benchmarking :widths: auto ============================================== ========== Scenarios Iterations ============================================== ========== Authenticate.keystone 10 KeystoneBasic.add_and_remove_user_role 10 KeystoneBasic.create_add_and_list_user_roles 10 KeystoneBasic.create_and_list_tenants 10 KeystoneBasic.create_and_delete_role 10 KeystoneBasic.create_and_delete_service  10 KeystoneBasic.get_entities 10 KeystoneBasic.create_update_and_delete_tenant  10 KeystoneBasic.create_user 10 KeystoneBasic.create_tenant 10 KeystoneBasic.create_and_list_users 10 KeystoneBasic.create_tenant_with_users 10 ============================================== ========== Image - Glance API benchmarking ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' `Functest rally_full_cntt `__: .. table:: Glance API benchmarking :widths: auto ============================================ ========== Scenarios Iterations ============================================ ========== Authenticate.validate_glance 10 GlanceImages.create_and_delete_image 10 GlanceImages.create_and_list_image 10 GlanceImages.list_images 10 GlanceImages.create_image_and_boot_instances 10 GlanceImages.create_and_deactivate_image 10 GlanceImages.create_and_download_image 10 GlanceImages.create_and_get_image 10 GlanceImages.create_and_update_image 10 ============================================ ========== Block Storage - Cinder API benchmarking ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' `Functest rally_full_cntt `__: .. table:: Cinder API benchmarking :widths: auto ============================================================= ========== Scenarios Iterations ============================================================= ========== Authenticate.validate_glance 10 CinderVolumes.create_and_attach_volume 10 CinderVolumes.create_and_list_snapshots 10 CinderVolumes.create_and_list_volume 10 CinderVolumes.create_and_upload_volume_to_image 10 CinderVolumes.create_nested_snapshots_and_attach_volume 10 CinderVolumes.create_snapshot_and_attach_volume 10 CinderVolumes.create_volume 10 CinderVolumes.list_volumes 10 CinderVolumes.create_and_delete_snapshot 10 CinderVolumes.create_and_delete_volume 10 CinderVolumes.create_and_extend_volume 10 CinderVolumes.create_from_volume_and_delete_volume 10 CinderQos.create_and_get_qos 10 CinderQos.create_and_list_qos 10 CinderQos.create_and_set_qos 10 CinderVolumeTypes.create_and_get_volume_type 10 CinderVolumeTypes.create_and_list_volume_types 10 CinderVolumeTypes.create_and_update_volume_type 10 CinderVolumeTypes.create_volume_type_and_encryption_type 10 CinderVolumeTypes.create_volume_type_add_and_list_type_access 10 Quotas.cinder_update_and_delete 10 Quotas.cinder_update 10 ============================================================= ========== Object Storage - Swift API benchmarking ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' `Functest rally_full_cntt `__: .. table:: Swift API benchmarking :widths: auto ============================================================= ========== Scenarios Iterations ============================================================= ========== SwiftObjects.create_container_and_object_then_list_objects 10 SwiftObjects.list_objects_in_containers 10 SwiftObjects.create_container_and_object_then_download_object 10 SwiftObjects.create_container_and_object_then_delete_all 10 SwiftObjects.list_and_download_objects_in_containers 10 ============================================================= ========== Networking - Neutron API benchmarking ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' `Functest rally_full_cntt `__: .. table:: Neutron API benchmarking :widths: auto ========================================================== ========== Scenarios Iterations ========================================================== ========== Authenticate.validate_neutron 10 NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_networks 10 NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_ports 10 NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_routers 10 NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_subnets 10 NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_networks 10 NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_ports 10 NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_routers 10 NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_subnets 10 NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_networks 10 NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_ports 10 NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_routers 10 NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_subnets 10 NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_delete_security_groups 10 NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_delete_security_group_rule 10 NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_list_security_group_rules 10 NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_show_security_group 10 NeutronNetworks.set_and_clear_router_gateway 10 NeutronNetworks.create_and_show_ports 10 NeutronNetworks.create_and_show_routers 10 NeutronNetworks.create_and_show_subnets 10 Quotas.neutron_update 10 ========================================================== ========== `Functest rally_jobs_cntt `__: .. table:: Neutron API benchmarking :widths: auto ========================================== ========== Scenarios Iterations ========================================== ========== NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_networks 40 NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_ports 40 NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_routers 40 NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_subnets 40 NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_networks 100 NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_ports 8 NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_routers 40 NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_subnets 40 NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_networks 40 NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_ports 40 NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_routers 40 NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_subnets 100 NeutronTrunks.create_and_list_trunks 4 Quotas.neutron_update 40 ========================================== ========== Compute - Nova API benchmarking ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' `Functest rally_full_cntt `__: .. list-table:: Nova API benchmarking :widths: 70 30 :header-rows: 1 * - Scenarios - Iterations * - Authenticate.validate_nova - 10 * - NovaKeypair.create_and_delete_keypair - 10 * - NovaKeypair.create_and_list_keypairs - 10 * - NovaServers.boot_and_bounce_server - 10 * - NovaServers.boot_and_delete_server - 10 * - NovaServers.boot_and_list_server - 10 * - NovaServers.boot_and_rebuild_server - 10 * - NovaServers.snapshot_server - 10 * - NovaServers.boot_server_from_volume - 10 * - NovaServers.boot_server - 10 * - NovaServers.list_servers - 10 * - NovaServers.resize_server - 10 * - NovaServers.boot_and_live_migrate_server - 10 * - NovaServers.boot_server_attach_created_volume_and_live_migrate - 10 * - NovaServers.boot_server_from_volume_and_live_migrate - 10 * - NovaKeypair.boot_and_delete_server_with_keypair - 10 * - NovaServers.boot_server_from_volume_and_delete - 10 * - NovaServers.pause_and_unpause_server - 10 * - NovaServers.boot_and_migrate_server - 10 * - NovaServers.boot_server_and_list_interfaces - 10 * - NovaServers.boot_and_get_console_url - 10 * - NovaServers.boot_server_and_attach_interface - 10 * - NovaServers.boot_server_attach_volume_and_list_attachments - 10 * - NovaServers.boot_server_associate_and_dissociate_floating_ip - 10 * - NovaServers.boot_and_associate_floating_ip - 10 * - NovaServerGroups.create_and_delete_server_group - 10 * - NovaServerGroups.create_and_get_server_group - 10 * - NovaServerGroups.create_and_list_server_groups - 10 * - Quotas.nova_update - 10 Orchestration - Heat API benchmarking ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' `Functest rally_full_cntt `__: .. table:: Heat API benchmarking :widths: auto ============================================= ========== Scenarios Iterations ============================================= ========== Authenticate.validate_heat 10 HeatStacks.create_and_delete_stack 10 HeatStacks.create_and_list_stack 10 HeatStacks.create_update_delete_stack 10 HeatStacks.create_check_delete_stack 10 HeatStacks.create_suspend_resume_delete_stack 10 HeatStacks.list_stacks_and_resources 10 ============================================= ========== Dataplane benchmarking ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `Functest Benchmarking CNTT `__ offers two benchmarking dataplane test cases leveraging on: - `VMTP `__ - `Shaker `__ `VMTP `__ is a small python application that will automatically perform ping connectivity, round trip time measurement (latency) and TCP/UDP throughput measurement on any OpenStack deployment. `Shaker `__ wraps around popular system network testing tools like iperf, iperf3 and netperf (with help of flent). `Shaker `__ is able to deploy OpenStack instances and networks in different topologies. `Shaker `__ scenario specifies the deployment and list of tests to execute. At the time of writing, no KPIs are defined in Anuket specifications which would have asked for an update of the default SLA proposed in `Functest Benchmarking CNTT `__ On top of this dataplane benchmarking described in VMTP & Shaker, we need to integrate testing as described in `ETSI GS NFV-TST 009: Specification of Networking Benchmarks and Measurement Methods for NFVI `__. This type of testing is better suited to measure the networking capabilities of a compute node. The `rapid scripts `__ in conjunction with the `PROX tool `__ offers an open source implementation for this type of testing. VMTP '''' Here are the `scenarios `__ executed by `Functest vmtp `__: - VM to VM same network fixed IP (intra-node) - VM to VM different network fixed IP (intra-node) - VM to VM different network floating IP (intra-node) - VM to VM same network fixed IP (inter-node) - VM to VM different network fixed IP (inter-node) - VM to VM different network floating IP (inter-node) Here are all results per scenario: .. table:: All results per scenario :widths: auto ======== ======== =============== protocol pkt_size results ======== ======== =============== ICMP 64 rtt_avg_ms ICMP 64 rtt_max_ms ICMP 64 rtt_min_ms ICMP 64 rtt_stddev ICMP 391 rtt_avg_ms ICMP 391 rtt_max_ms ICMP 391 rtt_min_ms ICMP 391 rtt_stddev ICMP 1500 rtt_avg_ms ICMP 1500 rtt_max_ms ICMP 1500 rtt_min_ms ICMP 1500 rtt_stddev UDP 128 loss_rate UDP 128 throughput_kbps UDP 1024 loss_rate UDP 1024 throughput_kbps UDP 8192 loss_rate UDP 8192 throughput_kbps TCP 65536 rtt_ms TCP 65536 throughput_kbps ======== ======== =============== Shaker '''''' Here are the `scenarios `__ executed by Shaker: - OpenStack L2 - OpenStack L3 East-West - OpenStack L3 North-South - OpenStack L3 North-South Performance Here are all samples: .. table:: All samples :widths: auto ============== ====================== test samples ============== ====================== Bi-directional ping_icmp (ms) Bi-directional tcp_download (Mbits/s) Bi-directional tcp_upload (Mbits/s) Download ping_icmp (ms) Download tcp_download (Mbits/s) Upload ping_icmp (ms) Upload tcp_upload (Mbits/s) Ping ping_icmp (ms) Ping ping_udp (ms) TCP bandwidth (bit/s) TCP retransmits UDP packets (pps) ============== ====================== Opensource VNF onboarding and testing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Running opensource VNFs is a key technical solution to ensure that the platforms meet Network Functions Virtualization requirements. `Functest VNF `__ offers 5 test cases which automatically onboard and test the following 3 opensource VNFs: - `Clearwater IMS `__ - `VyOS vRouter `__ - `OpenAirInterface vEPC `__ Here are the full list of orchestrators used for all these deployments: - `Cloudify `__ - `Heat `__ - `Juju `__ The VNF are covered by upstream tests when possible (see `clearwater-live-test `__) and by Functest VNF tests in the other cases. Test Cases Traceability to Requirements --------------------------------------- RM/RA-1 Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following test cases must pass as they are for OpenStack based cloud infrastructure Conformance: .. table:: OpenStack based cloud infrastructure Conformance :widths: auto ======================================== ===================== ======== container test case criteria ======================================== ===================== ======== opnfv/functest-healthcheck:wallaby tempest_horizon PASS opnfv/functest-smoke-cntt:wallaby tempest_neutron_cntt PASS opnfv/functest-smoke-cntt:wallaby tempest_cinder_cntt PASS opnfv/functest-smoke-cntt:wallaby tempest_keystone_cntt PASS opnfv/functest-smoke-cntt:wallaby rally_sanity_cntt PASS opnfv/functest-smoke-cntt:wallaby tempest_full_cntt PASS opnfv/functest-smoke-cntt:wallaby tempest_scenario_cntt PASS opnfv/functest-smoke-cntt:wallaby tempest_slow_cntt PASS opnfv/functest-benchmarking-cntt:wallaby rally_full_cntt PASS opnfv/functest-benchmarking-cntt:wallaby rally_jobs_cntt PASS opnfv/functest-benchmarking-cntt:wallaby vmtp PASS opnfv/functest-benchmarking-cntt:wallaby shaker PASS opnfv/functest-vnf:wallaby cloudify PASS opnfv/functest-vnf:wallaby cloudify_ims PASS opnfv/functest-vnf:wallaby heat_ims PASS opnfv/functest-vnf:wallaby vyos_vrouter PASS opnfv/functest-vnf:wallaby juju_epc PASS ======================================== ===================== ======== TC Mapping to Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | test case | requirements | +=======================+====================================================+ | tempest_horizon | Horizon testing | +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | tempest_neutron_cntt | Neutron API testing | +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | tempest_cinder_cntt | Cinder API testing | +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | tempest_keystone_cntt | Keystone API testing | +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | rally_sanity_cntt | Keystone, Glance, Cinder, Swift, Neutron, Nova and | | | Heat API testing | +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | tempest_full_cntt | Keystone, Glance, Cinder, Swift, Neutron and Nova | | | API testing | +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | tempest_scenario_cntt | Keystone, Glance, Cinder, Swift, Neutron and Nova | | | API testing | +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | tempest_slow_cntt | Keystone, Glance, Cinder, Swift, Neutron and Nova | | | API testing | +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | rally_full_cntt | Keystone, Glance, Cinder, Swift, Neutron, Nova and | | | Heat API benchmarking | +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | rally_jobs_cntt | Neutron API benchmarking | +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | vmtp | Dataplane benchmarking | +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | shaker | Dataplane benchmarking | +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | cloudify | opensource VNF onboarding and testing | +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | cloudify_ims | opensource VNF onboarding and testing | +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | heat_ims | opensource VNF onboarding and testing | +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | vyos_vrouter | opensource VNF onboarding and testing | +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | juju_epc | opensource VNF onboarding and testing | +-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ OpenStack Testing Cookbook -------------------------- Please note the next two points depending on the GNU/Linux distributions and the network settings: - SELinux: you may have to add --system-site-packages when creating the virtualenv (“Aborting, target uses selinux but python bindings (libselinux-python) aren’t installed!”) - Proxy: you may set your proxy in env for Ansible and in systemd for Docker To deploy your own CI toolchain running OpenStack based cloud infrastructure Conformance: .. code:: bash virtualenv functest --system-site-packages . functest/bin/activate pip install ansible ansible-galaxy install collivier.xtesting ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix community.general community.grafana kubernetes.core community.docker community.postgresql git clone functest-src (cd functest-src && git checkout -b stable/wallaby origin/stable/wallaby) ansible-playbook functest-src/ansible/site.cntt.yml OpenStack API testing configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is the default Functest tree as proposed in `Functest Wallaby `__: - /home/opnfv/functest/openstack.creds - /home/opnfv/functest/images Download the images and fill /home/opnfv/functest/openstack.creds as proposed in `Functest Wallaby `__ You may have to modify a few Functest env vars according to the SUT (see env in `Functest Wallaby `__). Be free to modify functest-src/ansible/host_vars/ at your convenience and then to reconfigure the toolchain: .. code:: bash ansible-playbook functest-src/ansible/site.cntt.yml Run OpenStack based cloud infrastructure Conformance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Open in a web browser, login as admin/admin and click on “Build with Parameters” (keep the default build_tag value). If the System under test (SUT) is compliant, a link to the full archive containing all test results and artifacts will be printed in functest-wallaby-zip’s console. Be free to download it and then to send it to any reviewer committee. To clean your working dir: .. code:: bash deactivate rm -rf functest-src functest