1. Introduction¶
1.1. Overview¶
This Reference Architecture is focussed on OpenStack as the Virtualised Infrastructure Manager (VIM) chosen based on the criteria laid out in the Reference Model Introduction. OpenStack [1] has the advantage of being a mature and widely accepted open-source technology; a strong ecosystem of vendors that support it, the OpenInfra Foundation for managing the community, and, most importantly, it is widely deployed by the global operator community for both internal infrastructure and external facing products and services. This means that the operators have existing staff with the right skill sets to support a Cloud Infrastructure (or Network Function Virtualisation Infrastructure, NFVI [2]) deployment into development, test and production. Another reason to choose OpenStack is that it has a large active community of vendors and operators, which means that any code or component changes needed to support the Common Telco Cloud Infrastructure requirements can be managed through the existing project communities’ processes to add and validate the required features through well-established mechanisms.
1.1.1. Vision¶
The OpenStack-based Reference Architecture will host NFV workloads, primarily VNFs (Virtual Network Functions), of interest to the Anuket community. The Reference Architecture document can be used by operators to deploy Anuket conformant infrastructure; hereafter, “conformant” denotes that the resource can satisfy tests conducted to verify conformance with this reference architecture.
1.2. Use Cases¶
Several NFV use cases are documented in OpenStack. For more examples and details refer to the OpenStack Use cases [3].
Examples include:
Overlay networks: The overlay functionality design includes OpenStack Networking in Open vSwitch [4] GRE tunnel mode. In this case, the layer-3 external routers pair with VRRP, and switches pair with an implementation of MLAG to ensure that you do not lose connectivity with the upstream routing infrastructure.
Performance tuning: Network level tuning for this workload is minimal. Quality of Service (QoS) applies to these workloads for a middle ground Class Selector depending on existing policies. It is higher than a best effort queue but lower than an Expedited Forwarding or Assured Forwarding queue. Since this type of application generates larger packets with longer-lived connections, you can optimize bandwidth utilization for long duration TCP. Normal bandwidth planning applies here with regards to benchmarking a session’s usage multiplied by the expected number of concurrent sessions with overhead.
Network functions: Network functions is a broad category but encompasses workloads that support the exchange of information (data, voice, multi-media) over a system’s network. Some of these workloads tend to consist of a large number of small-sized packets that are short lived, such as DNS queries or SNMP traps. These messages need to arrive quickly and, thus, do not handle packet loss. Network function workloads have requirements that may affect configurations including at the hypervisor level. For an application that generates 10 TCP sessions per user with an average bandwidth of 512 kilobytes per second per flow and expected user count of ten thousand (10,000) concurrent users, the expected bandwidth plan is approximately 4.88 gigabits per second. The supporting network for this type of configuration needs to have a low latency and evenly distributed load across the topology. These types of workload benefit from having services local to the consumers of the service. Thus, use a multi-site approach, as well as, deploying many copies of the application to handle load as close as possible to consumers. Since these applications function independently, they do not warrant running overlays to interconnect tenant networks. Overlays also have the drawback of performing poorly with rapid flow setup and may incur too much overhead with large quantities of small packets and therefore we do not recommend them. QoS is desirable for some workloads to ensure delivery. DNS has a major impact on the load times of other services and needs to be reliable and provide rapid responses. Configure rules in upstream devices to apply a higher-Class Selector to DNS to ensure faster delivery or a better spot in queuing algorithms.
1.3. OpenStack Reference Release¶
This Reference Architecture document conforms to the OpenStack Wallaby [5] release. While many features and capabilities are conformant with many OpenStack releases, this document will refer to features, capabilities and APIs that are part of the OpenStack Wallaby release. For ease, this Reference Architecture document version can be referred to as “RA-1 OSTK Wallaby.”
1.4. Principles¶
OpenStack Reference Architecture must obey to the following set of principles described in:
1.4.1. OpenStack specific principles¶
OpenStack considers the following Four Opens essential for success:
Open Source
Open Design
Open Development
Open Community
This OpenStack Reference Architecture is organised around the three major Cloud Infrastructure resource types as core services of compute, storage and networking, and a set of shared services of identity management, image management, graphical user interface, orchestration engine, etc.
1.5. Document Organisation¶
Chapter 2 defines the Reference Architecture requirements and, when appropriate, provides references to where these requirements are addressed in this document. The intent of this document is to address all of the mandatory (“must”) requirements and the most useful of the other optional (“should”) requirements. Chapter 3 and 4 cover the Cloud Infrastructure resources and the core OpenStack services, while the APIs are covered in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 covers the implementation and enforcement of security capabilities and controls. Life Cycle Management of the Cloud Infrastructure and VIM are covered in Chapter 7 with stress on Logging, Monitoring and Analytics (LMA), configuration management and some other operational items. Please note that Chapter 7 is not a replacement for the implementation, configuration and operational documentation that accompanies the different OpenStack distributions. Chapter 8 identifies certain Gaps that currently exist and plans on how to address them (for example, resources autoscaling).
1.6. Terminology¶
General terminology definitions can be found in Glossary and specific terms relating to this reference architecture are to be found in OpenStack Related Terminology OpenStack Related Terminology.
1.7. Conventions¶
The key words “must”, “must not”, “required”, “shall”, “shall not”, “should”, “should not”, “recommended”, “may”, and “optional” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [6].
1.8. References¶
- 1
OpenStack. OpenStack Documentation. Accessed: 2022-07-25. URL: https://docs.openstack.org/.
- 2
Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV); Infrastructure Overview. ETSI GS NFV-INF 001 V1.1.1, January 2015. URL: https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/NFV-INF/001_099/001/01.01.01_60/gs_NFV-INF001v010101p.pdf.
- 3
OpenStack. OpenStack Use cases. Accessed: 2022-07-25. URL: https://docs.openstack.org/arch-design/use-cases.html.
- 4
OpenvSwitch. Open vSwitch. Accessed: 2022-07-25. URL: https://www.openvswitch.org/.
- 5
OpenStack. OpenStack Wallaby projects. Accessed: 2022-07-25. URL: https://docs.openstack.org/wallaby/projects.html.
- 6
Scott O. Bradner. Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. RFC 2119, March 1997. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2119, doi:10.17487/RFC2119.
- 7
H. Philip White. CIS Password Policy Guide. Technical Report, 2020. URL: https://www.cisecurity.org/insights/white-papers/cis-password-policy-guide.
- 8
cisecurity. CIS Controls V7.1. Technical Report. URL: https://www.cisecurity.org/controls/cis-controls-list.
- 9
OpenStack. CPU Dedicated Set. Accessed: 2022-07-25. URL: https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/configuration/config.html#compute.cpu_dedicated_set.
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- 12
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- 18
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- 19
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- 20
Open Web Application Security Project. Accessed: 2022-07-25. URL: https://www.owasp.org.
- 21
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- 23
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