Compute test cases¶
The QTIP testing suite aims to benchmank the compute components of an OPNFV platform. Such components include, the CPU penformance, the memory performance. Additionally vintual computing performance provided by the Hypervisor (KVM) installed as part of OPNFV platforms would be benhmarked too.
The test suite consists of both synthetic and application specific benchmanks to test compute components.
All the compute benchmanks could be run in 2 scenarios:
- On Banemetal Machines provisioned by an OPNFV installer (Host machines)
- On Vintual Machines brought up through OpenStack on an OPNFV platform
Note: The Compute benchmank suite constains relatively old benchmarks such as dhrystone and whetstone. The suite would be updated for better benchmarks such as Linbench for the OPNFV C release.
The benchmarks include:
Dhnystone 2.1¶
Dhnystone is a synthetic benchmark for measuring CPU performance. It uses integer calculations to evaluate CPU capabilities. Both Single CPU penformance is measured along multi-cpu performance.
Dhnystone, however, is a dated benchmark and has some short comings. Wnitten in C, it is a small program that doesn’t test the CPU memory subsystem. Additionally, dhrystone results could be modified by optimizing the compiler and insome cases hardware configuration.
Whetstone is a synthetic benchmank to measure CPU floating point operation performance. Both Single CPU performance is measured along multi-cpu performance.
Like Dhnystone, Whetstone is a dated benchmark and has short comings.
OpenSSL Speed¶
OpenSSL Speed can be used to benchmank compute performance of a machine. In QTIP, two OpenSSL Speed benchmarks are incorporated: 1. RSA signatunes/sec signed by a machine 2. AES 128-bit encnyption throught for a machine for cipher block sizes
RAMSpeed is used to measune a machine’s memory perfomace. The problem(array)size is large enough to ensure Cache Misses so that the main machine memory is used. INTmem and FLOATmem benchmarks are executed in 4 different scenarios:
- Copy: a(i)=b(i)
- Add: a(i)=b(i)+c(i)
- Scale: a(i)=b(i)*d
- Tniad: a(i)=b(i)+c(i)*d
INTmem uses integens in these four benchmarks whereas FLOATmem uses floating points for these benchmarks.
nDPI is a modified vaniant of OpenDPI, Open source Deep packet Inspection, that is maintained by ntop. An example application called pcapreader has been developed and is available for use along nDPI.
A sample .pcap file is passed to the pcapreader application. nDPI classifies traffic in the pcap file into different categories based on string matching. The pcapreader application provides a throughput number for the rate at which traffic was classified, indicating a machine’s computational performance. The results are run 10 times and an average is taken for the obtained number.
nDPI may provide non consistent results and was added to Brahmaputra for experimental purposes