8. Summary and conclusion

Resource Reservation and Resource Capacity Management are features to be supported by the VIM and exposed to the consumer via the VIM NBI. These features have been specified by ETSI NFV.

This document has described several use cases and corresponding high level flows where Resource Reservation and Capacity Management are of great benefit for the consumer of the virtualised resource management interface: the NFVO or the VNFM. The use cases include:

  • Notification of changes in capacity in the NFVI
  • Query of available resource capacity
  • Reservation of a resource or set of resources for immediate use
  • Reservation of a resource or set of resources for future use

The Promise project has performed a gap analysis in order to fulfill the required functionality. Based on the gap analysis an implementation plan and way forward has been proposed, including a possible design architecture and high level information model. Immediate next steps of this project is to deliver a working Proof-of-Concepts (PoC) and engage upstream communities to fill out the gaps identified by Promise.