Usage of platform components

This section of the user guide provides general system component user guides and references. This provides user information for common components of the platform where as a user you may need to perform operations, depending on the scenario deployed and types of activities you are doing.

OpenStack User Guide

Add openstack specific user guide information here. Needs to include OPNFV default ports and addresses and references to upstream documentation applicable for an OPNFV deployment.

Revision: 71fa5c62aa5c6e2675efbe4ce723462412e774b9

Build date: February 01, 2016

OpenDaylight User Guide

Add opendaylight specific user guide information here. Needs to include OPNFV default ports and addresses and references to upstream documentation applicable for an OPNFV deployment.

Revision: 71fa5c62aa5c6e2675efbe4ce723462412e774b9

Build date: February 01, 2016

ONOS User Guide

Add ONOS specific user guide information here. Needs to include OPNFV default ports and addresses and references to upstream documentation applicable for an OPNFV deployment.

Revision: 71fa5c62aa5c6e2675efbe4ce723462412e774b9

Build date: February 01, 2016

OVS User Guide

Add OVS specific user guide information here. Needs to include OPNFV default ports and addresses and references to upstream documentation applicable for an OPNFV deployment.

Revision: 71fa5c62aa5c6e2675efbe4ce723462412e774b9

Build date: February 01, 2016

Description of the test cases

Functest is an OPNFV project dedicated to functional testing. In the continuous integration, it is launched after an OPNFV fresh installation. The Functest target is to verify the basic functions of the infrastructure.

Functest includes different test suites which several test cases within. Test cases are developed in Functest and in feature projects.

The current list of test suites can be distributed in 3 main domains:

| Domain         | Test suite     | Comments                                   |
|                | vPing          | NFV "Hello World"                          |
|                +----------------+--------------------------------------------+
|    VIM         | vPing_userdata | Ping using userdata and cloud-init         |
|                |                | mechanism                                  |
|                +----------------+--------------------------------------------+
|(Virtualised    | Tempest        | OpenStack reference test suite `[2]`_      |
| Infrastructure +----------------+--------------------------------------------+
| Manager)       | Rally scenario | OpenStack testing tool testing OpenStack   |
|                |                | modules `[3]`_                             |
|                | OpenDaylight   | Opendaylight Test suite                    |
|                +----------------+--------------------------------------------+
| Controllers    | ONOS           | Test suite of ONOS L2 and L3 functions     |
|                +----------------+--------------------------------------------+
|                | OpenContrail   |                                            |
| Features       | vIMS           | Show the capability to deploy a real NFV   |
|                |                | test cases.                                |
|                |                | The IP Multimedia Subsytem is a typical    |
|                |                | Telco test case, referenced by ETSI.       |
|                |                | It provides a fully functional VoIP System.|
|                +----------------+--------------------------------------------+
|                | Promise        | Resource reservation and management project|
|                |                | to identify NFV related requirements and   |
|                |                | realize resource reservation for future    |
|                |                | usage by capacity management of resource   |
|                |                | pools regarding compute, network and       |
|                |                | storage.                                   |
|                +----------------+--------------------------------------------+
|                | SDNVPN         |                                            |

Most of the test suites are developed upstream. For example, Tempest is the OpenStack integration test suite. Functest is in charge of the integration of different functional test suites.

The Tempest suite has been customized but no new test cases have been created. Some OPNFV feature projects (e.g. SDNVPN) have created Tempest tests cases and pushed to upstream.

The tests run from CI are pushed into a database. The goal is to populate the database with results and to show them on a Test Dashboard.

There is no real notion of Test domain or Test coverage yet. Basic components (VIM, controllers) are tested through their own suites. Feature projects also provide their own test suites.

vIMS test case was integrated to demonstrate the capability to deploy a relatively complex NFV scenario on top of the OPNFV infrastructure.

Functest considers OPNFV as a black box. OPNFV, since Brahmaputra, offers lots of possible combinations:

  • 3 controllers (OpenDayligh, ONOS, OpenContrail)
  • 4 installers (Apex, Compass, Fuel, Joid)

However most of the tests shall be runnable on any configuration.

Revision: 71fa5c62aa5c6e2675efbe4ce723462412e774b9

Build date: February 01, 2016

Executing the functest suites

Manual testing

Once the Functest docker container is running and Functest environment ready (through /home/opnfv/repos/functest/docker/ script), the system is ready to run the tests.

The script is located in $repos_dir/functest/docker and it has several options:

./ -h
Script to trigger the tests automatically.

    bash [--offline] [-h|--help] [-t <test_name>]

    -h|--help         show this help text
    -r|--report       push results to database (false by default)
    -n|--no-clean     do not clean up OpenStack resources after test run
    -t|--test         run specific set of tests
      <test_name>     one or more of the following: vping,vping_userdata,odl,rally,tempest,vims,onos,promise. Separated by comma.

examples: --test vping,odl -t tempest,rally --no-clean

The -r option is used by the Continuous Integration in order to push the test results into a test collection database, see in next section for details. In manual mode, you must not use it, your try will be anyway probably rejected as your POD must be declared in the database to collect the data.

The -n option is used for preserving all the existing OpenStack resources after execution test cases.

The -t option can be used to specify the list of test you want to launch, by default Functest will try to launch all its test suites in the following order vPing, odl, Tempest, vIMS, Rally. You may launch only one single test by using -t <the test you want to launch>.

Within Tempest test suite you can define which test cases you want to execute in your environment by editing test_list.txt file before executing script.

Please note that Functest includes cleaning mechanism in order to remove everything except what was present after a fresh install. If you create your own VMs, tenants, networks etc. and then launch Functest, they all will be deleted after executing the tests. Use the –no-clean option with in order to preserve all the existing resources. However, be aware that Tempest and Rally create of lot of resources (users, tenants, networks, volumes etc.) that are not always properly cleaned, so this cleaning function has been set to keep the system as clean as possible after a full Functest run.

You may also add you own test by adding a section into the function run_test().

Automated testing

As mentioned in [1], the and can be executed within the container from jenkins. 2 jobs have been created, one to run all the test and one that allows testing test suite by test suite. You thus just have to launch the acurate jenkins job on the target lab, all the tests shall be automatically run.

When the tests are automatically started from CI, a basic algorithm has been created in order to detect whether the test is runnable or not on the given scenario. In fact, one of the most challenging task in Brahmaputra consists in dealing with lots of scenario and installers. Functest test suites cannot be systematically run (e.g. run the ODL suite on an ONOS scenario).

CI provides several information:

  • The installer (apex|compass|fuel|joid)
  • The scenario [controller]-[feature]-[mode] with
    • controller = (odl|onos|ocl|nosdn)
    • feature = (ovs(dpdk)|kvm)
    • mode = (ha|noha)

Constraints per test case are defined in the Functest configuration file /home/opnfv/functest/config/config_functest.yaml:

           scenario: '(ocl)|(odl)|(nosdn)'
           scenario: '(ocl)|(odl)|(nosdn)'
           scenario: 'odl'
           scenario: 'onos'

At the end of the Functest environment creation ( see `[1]`_), a file (/home/opnfv/functest/conf/testcase-list.txt) is created with the list of all the runnable tests. We consider the static constraints as regex and compare them with the scenario. For instance, odl can be run only on scenario including odl in its name.

The order of execution is also described in the Functest configuration file:


   1: vping
   2: vping_userdata
   3: tempest
   4: odl
   5: onos
   6: ovno
   7: doctor
   8: promise
   9: odl-vpnservice
   10: bgpvpn
   11: openstack-neutron-bgpvpn-api-extension-tests
   12: vims
   13: rally

The tests are executed as follow:

  • Basic scenario (vPing, vPing_userdata, Tempest)
  • Controller suites: ODL or ONOS or OpenContrail
  • Feature projects
  • vIMS
  • Rally (benchmark scenario)

At the end of an automated execution, everything is cleaned. We keep only the users/networks that have been statically declared in ‘’_

Revision: 71fa5c62aa5c6e2675efbe4ce723462412e774b9

Build date: February 01, 2016

Revision: 71fa5c62aa5c6e2675efbe4ce723462412e774b9

Build date: February 01, 2016