1. Introduction¶
This document represents and describes the results of the OPNFV NetReady (Network Readiness) project. Specifically, the document comprises a selection of NFV-related networking use cases and their networking requirements, a corresponding gap analysis of the aforementioned requirements with respect to the current OpenStack networking architecture and a description of potential solutions and improvements.
1.1. Scope¶
NetReady is a project within the OPNFV initiative. Its focus is on NFV (Network Function Virtualization) related networking use cases and their requirements on the underlying NFVI (Network Function Virtualization Infrastructure).
The NetReady project addresses the OpenStack networking architecture, specifically OpenStack Neutron, from a NFV perspective. Its goal is to identify gaps in the current OpenStack networking architecture with respect to NFV requirements and to propose and evaluate improvements and potential complementary solutions.
1.2. Problem Description¶
Traditionally, OpenStack networking, represented typically by the OpenStack Neutron project, targets virtualized data center networking. This comprises primarily establishing and managing layer 2 network connectivity among VMs (Virtual Machines). Over the past releases of OpenStack, Neutron has accumulated an extensive feature set, covering L2 and L3 networking features such as <list of examples>.
It is often stated that NFV imposes additional requirements on the networking architecture and feature set of the underlying NFVI beyond those of data center networking. For instance, the NFVI needs to establish and manage connectivity beyond the data center to the WAN (Wide Area Network). Moreover, NFV networking use cases often abstract from L2 connectivity and for example focus on L3-only connectivity. Hence, the NFVI networking architecture needs to be flexible enough to be able to meet the requirements of NFV-related use cases in addition to traditional data center networking.
It is an ongoing debate how well the current OpenStack networking architecure can meet the additional requirements of NFV networking. Hence, a thorough analysis of NFV networking requirements and their relation to the OpenStack networking architecture is needed.
1.3. Goals¶
The goals of the NetReady project and correspondingly this document are the following:
- This document comprises a collection of relevant NFV networking use cases and clearly describes their requirements on the NFVI. These requirements are stated independently of a particular implementation, for instance OpenStack Neutron. Instead, requirements are formulated in terms of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and data models needed to realize a given NFV use case.
- The list of use cases is not considered to be all-emcompassing but it represents a carefully selected set of use cases that are considered to be relevant at the time of writing. More use cases may be added over time.
- This document contains a thorough analysis of the gaps in the current OpenStack networking architecture with respect to the requirements imposed by the selected NFV use cases.
- This document describes the proposed improvements and complementary solutions needed to enable OpenStack to fulfill the identified NFV requirements.