OpenStack-based cloud infrastructure Testing Cookbook
Define the purpose of the chapter which is to:
- Identify Framework Needs, Goals, and Dependencies
- Define Opensource Integration (OVP, Functest, CVC, others)
- Provide Automation Toolchain (list, topology, flow)
Relevant Community Projects and Initiatives
`Functest `__ was
initially created to verify OPNFV Installers and Scenarios and then to
publish fair, trustable and public results regarding the status of the
different opensource technologies, especially for Neutron backends
(e.g. Neutron agents, OpenDaylight, OVN, etc.). It has been continuously
updated to offer the best testing coverage for any kind of OpenStack and
Kubernetes deployments including production environments. It also
ensures that the platforms meet Network Functions Virtualization
requirements by running and testing VNFs amongst all tests available.
Functest is driven by a true verification of the platform under test as
opposed to the interoperability programs such as
`RefStack `__ or `OPNFV Verification
Program `__ which select a small
subset of Functional tests passing in many different opensource software
- tests are skipped if an optional support is missing (e.g.
`Barbican `__ or
networking features such as `BGPVPN
interconnection `__
or `Service Function
Chaining `__)
- tests are parameterized (e.g. shared vs non-shared live migration)
- blacklist mechanisms are available if needed
It should be noted that `the RefStack
lists `__ are included as
they are in Functest in the next 3 dedicated testcases:
- refstack_compute (OpenStack Powered Compute)
- refstack_object (OpenStack Powered Object Storage)
- refstack_platform (OpenStack Powered Platform)
Functest also integrates `Kubernetes End-to-end
tests `__
and allows verifying Kubernetes Conformance (see
`k8s-conformance `__).
Dovetail (OVP) mostly leverages on Functest but only runs a small part
of Functest (~15% of all functional tests, no benchmarking tests, no VNF
deployment and testing). It’s worth mentioning that Functest is patched
to `disable API
verification `__
which has differed from OpenStack rules for years.
Then Functest conforms with the upstream rules (versions, code quality,
etc.) and especially their
`gates `__
(a.k.a. the automatic verification prior to any code review) to preserve
the quality between code and deployment. In that case, Functest can be
considered as a smooth and lightweight integration of tests developed
upstream (and the Functest team directly contributes in these projects:
`Rally `__,
`Tempest `__, etc.). It’s worth
mentioning that, as opposed to the OpenStack Gates leveraging on
`DevStack `__, it can check
the same already deployed SUT over and over even from a `Raspberry
PI `__. Here the testcases can be executed
in parallel vs the same deployment instead of being executed vs
different pools of virtual machines.
Here are the functional tests (>2000) running in OpenStack gates
integrated in Functest Smoke (see `Functest daily
jobs `__
for more details):
================= ==================
Testcases Gates
================= ==================
tempest_neutron Neutron
tempest_cinder Cinder
tempest_keystone Keystone
rally_sanity General
refstack_defcore General
tempest_full General
tempest_slow General
tempest_scenario General
patrole Patrole
tempest_barbican Barbican
networking-bgpvpn Networking BGP VPN
networking-sfc Networking SFC
================= ==================
To complete functional testing, Functest also integrates a few
tools `__
(2-3 hours) as proposed by OpenStack:
========== ===========================
Testcases Benchmarking
========== ===========================
rally_full Control Plane (API) testing
rally_jobs Control Plane (API) testing
vmtp Data Plane testing
shaker Data Plane testing
========== ===========================
And VNFs automatically deployed and tested :
============ ===================================
Testcases Benchmarking
============ ===================================
cloudify Cloudify deployment
cloudify_ims Clearwater IMS deployed via Coudify
heat_ims Clearwater IMS deployed via Heat
vyos_vrouter VyOS deployed via Cloudify
juju_epc OAI deployed via Juju
============ ===================================
Functest should be considered as a whole as it meets multiple objectives
about the reference implementation:
- verify all APIs (services, advances, features, etc.) exposed by the
reference implementation
- compare the reference implementation and local deployments from a
functional standpoint and from OpenStack control plane and dataplane
It’s worth mentioning that Functest already takes into account the first
`profiles `__.
Anuket should simply add the next Functest inputs according the
reference implementation:
- `Functest
inputs `__
- `tempest specific
configuration `__
Additional links:
- `Homepage `__
- `Run Alpine Functest containers
(Iruya) `__
- `Deploy your own Functest CI/CD
toolchains `__
- `Functest gates `__
Test Tools
1. Shaker: (The distributed
data-plane testing tool built for OpenStack)
2. Sonubuoy: It is a diagnostic tool that makes it
easier to understand the state of a Kubernetes cluster by running a
set of plugins (including Kubernetes conformance tests) in an
accessible and non-destructive manner.
Scenario Descriptor File (SDF)
As defined by Anuket, Scenario Descriptor File’s (SDF) will be utilized
to relay information from the Scenario Designer (or Test Manager), to
Release Managers, CI Pipeline Owners, and Installer Agents, to define
test scenario content, and specifications.
SDF’s will contain, but not limited to, the following Metadata,
Components, Deployment Options, Deployment Tools, and Hardware
- **Metadata**
- Name
- History
- Purpose
- Owner
- **Components**
- e.g. SDN controllers
- Versions
- Optional features, e.g. NFV features
- **Deployment Options**
- Hardware types
- Virtual deploy
- **Deployment Tools**
- Supporting installers.
- Valid options per installer.
OpenStack Testing Cookbook
At the time of writing, the CI description file is hosted in Functest
and only runs the containers listed in RM/RA-1 Requirements. It will be
completed by the next Anuket mandatory test cases and then a new CI
description file will be proposed in CIRV tree.
Please note the next two points depending on the GNU/Linux distributions
and the network settings:
- SELinux: you may have to add --system-site-packages when creating the
virtualenv (“Aborting, target uses selinux but python bindings
(libselinux-python) aren’t installed!”)
- Proxy: you may set your proxy in env for Ansible and in systemd for
To deploy your own CI toolchain running Anuket Compliance:
.. code:: bash
virtualenv functest --system-site-packages
. functest/bin/activate
pip install ansible
ansible-galaxy install collivier.xtesting
ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix community.general community.grafana kubernetes.core community.docker community.postgresql
git clone functest-src
(cd functest-src && git checkout -b stable/wallaby origin/stable/wallaby)
ansible-playbook functest-src/ansible/site.cntt.yml
OpenStack API testing configuration
Here is the default Functest tree as proposed in `Functest
Wallaby `__:
- /home/opnfv/functest/openstack.creds
- /home/opnfv/functest/images
Download the images and fill /home/opnfv/functest/openstack.creds as
proposed in `Functest
Wallaby `__
You may have to modify a few Functest env vars according to the SUT (see
env in `Functest
Wallaby `__). Be
free to modify functest-src/ansible/host_vars/ at your
convenience and then to reconfigure the toolchain:
.. code:: bash
ansible-playbook functest-src/ansible/site.cntt.yml
Run Anuket OpenStack Testing
Open in a web browser,
login as admin/admin and click on “Build with Parameters” (keep the
default build_tag value).
If the System under test (SUT) is Anuket compliant, a link to the full
archive containing all test results and artifacts will be printed in
functest-wallaby-zip’s console. Be free to download it and then to send
it to any reviewer committee.
To clean your working dir:
.. code:: bash
rm -rf functest-src functest