Setup in OpenStack and Open Daylight L2-Only Environment

If you intend to set up a service VM as an IPv6 vRouter in an environment of OpenStack and Open Daylight L2-only of OPNFV Brahmaputra Release base platform, the instructions are as follows.

Please NOTE that:

  • The hostnames, IP addresses, and username are for exemplary purpose in instructions. Please change as needed to fit your environment.
  • The instructions apply to both deployment model of single controller node and HA (High Availability) deployment model where multiple controller nodes are used.
  • However, in case of HA, when ipv6-router is created in step SETUP-SVM-11, it could be created in any of the controller node. Thus you need to identify in which controller node ipv6-router is created in order to manually spawn radvd daemon inside the ipv6-router namespace in steps SETUP-SVM-24 through SETUP-SVM-30.

Install OPNFV and Preparation

OPNFV-INSTALL-1: To install pure OpenStack option of OPNFV Brahmaputra Release:

deploy --scenario os_odl-l2_ha

OPNFV-INSTALL-2: Clone the following GitHub repository to get the configuration and metadata files

git clone /opt/stack/opnfv_os_ipv6_poc

Source the Credentials in OpenStack Controller Node

SETUP-SVM-1: Login in OpenStack Controller Node. Start a new terminal, and change directory to where OpenStack is installed.

SETUP-SVM-2: Source the credentials.

source openrc admin demo

Add External Connectivity to br-ex

In OpenStack Controller Node, eth1 is configured to provide external/public connectivity for both IPv4 and IPv6 (optional). So let us add this interface to br-ex and move the IP address, including the default route from eth1 to br-ex.

SETUP-SVM-3: Add eth1 to br-ex and move the IP address and the default route from eth1 to br-ex

sudo ip addr del dev eth1
sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-ex eth1
sudo ifconfig eth1 up
sudo ip addr add dev br-ex
sudo ifconfig br-ex up
sudo ip route add default via dev br-ex

Please note that:

  • The IP address and related subnet and gateway addressed in the command below are for exemplary purpose. Please replace them with the IP addresses of your actual network.
  • This can be automated in /etc/network/interfaces.

SETUP-SVM-4: Verify that br-ex now has the original external IP address, and that the default route is on br-ex

$ ip a s br-ex
38: br-ex: <BROADCAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1430 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default
    link/ether 00:50:56:82:42:d1 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global br-ex
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::543e:28ff:fe70:4426/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
$ ip route
default via dev br-ex dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src dev virbr0  proto kernel  scope link  src dev br-ex  proto kernel  scope link  src

Please note that The IP addresses above are exemplary purpose

Create IPv4 Subnet and Router with External Connectivity

SETUP-SVM-5: Create a Neutron router ipv4-router which needs to provide external connectivity.

neutron router-create ipv4-router

SETUP-SVM-6: Create an external network/subnet ext-net using the appropriate values based on the data-center physical network setup.

neutron net-create --router:external ext-net
neutron subnet-create --disable-dhcp --allocation-pool start=,end= --gateway ext-net

Please note that the IP addresses in the command above are for exemplary purpose. Please replace the IP addresses of your actual network.

SETUP-SVM-7: Associate the ext-net to the Neutron router ipv4-router.

neutron router-gateway-set ipv4-router ext-net

SETUP-SVM-8: Create an internal/tenant IPv4 network ipv4-int-network1

neutron net-create ipv4-int-network1

SETUP-SVM-9: Create an IPv4 subnet ipv4-int-subnet1 in the internal network ipv4-int-network1

neutron subnet-create --name ipv4-int-subnet1 --dns-nameserver ipv4-int-network1

SETUP-SVM-10: Associate the IPv4 internal subnet ipv4-int-subnet1 to the Neutron router ipv4-router.

neutron router-interface-add ipv4-router ipv4-int-subnet1

Create IPv6 Subnet and Router with External Connectivity

Now, let us create a second neutron router where we can “manually” spawn a radvd daemon to simulate an external IPv6 router.

SETUP-SVM-11: Create a second Neutron router ipv6-router which needs to provide external connectivity

neutron router-create ipv6-router

SETUP-SVM-12: Associate the ext-net to the Neutron router ipv6-router

neutron router-gateway-set ipv6-router ext-net

SETUP-SVM-13: Create a second internal/tenant IPv4 network ipv4-int-network2

neutron net-create ipv4-int-network2

SETUP-SVM-14: Create an IPv4 subnet ipv4-int-subnet2 for the ipv6-router internal network ipv4-int-network2

neutron subnet-create --name ipv4-int-subnet2 --dns-nameserver ipv4-int-network2

SETUP-SVM-15: Associate the IPv4 internal subnet ipv4-int-subnet2 to the Neutron router ipv6-router.

neutron router-interface-add ipv6-router ipv4-int-subnet2

Prepare Image, Metadata and Keypair for Service VM

SETUP-SVM-16: Download fedora22 image which would be used as vRouter

glance image-create --name 'Fedora22' --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --is-public true --copy-from

SETUP-SVM-17: Create a keypair

nova keypair-add vRouterKey > ~/vRouterKey

SETUP-SVM-18: Create ports for vRouter and both the VMs with some specific MAC addresses.

neutron port-create --name eth0-vRouter --mac-address fa:16:3e:11:11:11 ipv4-int-network2
neutron port-create --name eth1-vRouter --mac-address fa:16:3e:22:22:22 ipv4-int-network1
neutron port-create --name eth0-VM1 --mac-address fa:16:3e:33:33:33 ipv4-int-network1
neutron port-create --name eth0-VM2 --mac-address fa:16:3e:44:44:44 ipv4-int-network1

Boot Service VM (vRouter) with eth0 on ipv4-int-network2 and eth1 on ipv4-int-network1

Let us boot the service VM (vRouter) with eth0 interface on ipv4-int-network2 connecting to ipv6-router, and eth1 interface on ipv4-int-network1 connecting to ipv4-router.

SETUP-SVM-19: Boot the vRouter using Fedora22 image on the OpenStack Compute Node with hostname opnfv-os-compute

nova boot --image Fedora22 --flavor m1.small --user-data /opt/stack/opnfv_os_ipv6_poc/metadata.txt --availability-zone nova:opnfv-os-compute --nic port-id=$(neutron port-list | grep -w eth0-vRouter | awk '{print $2}') --nic port-id=$(neutron port-list | grep -w eth1-vRouter | awk '{print $2}') --key-name vRouterKey vRouter

Please note that /opt/stack/opnfv_os_ipv6_poc/metadata.txt is used to enable the vRouter to automatically spawn a radvd, and

  • Act as an IPv6 vRouter which advertises the RA (Router Advertisements) with prefix 2001:db8:0:2::/64 on its internal interface (eth1).
  • Forward IPv6 traffic from internal interface (eth1)

SETUP-SVM-20: Verify that Fedora22 image boots up successfully and vRouter has ssh keys properly injected

nova list
nova console-log vRouter

Please note that it may take a few minutes for the necessary packages to get installed and ssh keys to be injected.

# Sample Output
[  762.884523] cloud-init[871]: ec2: #############################################################
[  762.909634] cloud-init[871]: ec2: -----BEGIN SSH HOST KEY FINGERPRINTS-----
[  762.931626] cloud-init[871]: ec2: 2048 e3:dc:3d:4a:bc:b6:b0:77:75:a1:70:a3:d0:2a:47:a9   (RSA)
[  762.957380] cloud-init[871]: ec2: -----END SSH HOST KEY FINGERPRINTS-----
[  762.979554] cloud-init[871]: ec2: #############################################################

Boot Two Other VMs in ipv4-int-network1

In order to verify that the setup is working, let us create two cirros VMs with eth1 interface on the ipv4-int-network1, i.e., connecting to vRouter eth1 interface for internal network.

We will have to configure appropriate mtu on the VMs’ interface by taking into account the tunneling overhead and any physical switch requirements. If so, push the mtu to the VM either using dhcp options or via meta-data.

SETUP-SVM-21: Create VM1 on OpenStack Controller Node with hostname opnfv-os-controller

nova boot --image cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec --flavor m1.tiny --nic port-id=$(neutron port-list | grep -w eth0-VM1 | awk '{print $2}') --availability-zone nova:opnfv-os-controller --key-name vRouterKey --user-data /opt/stack/opnfv_os_ipv6_poc/ VM1

SETUP-SVM-22: Create VM2 on OpenStack Compute Node with hostname opnfv-os-compute

nova boot --image cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec --flavor m1.tiny --nic port-id=$(neutron port-list | grep -w eth0-VM2 | awk '{print $2}') --availability-zone nova:opnfv-os-compute --key-name vRouterKey --user-data /opt/stack/opnfv_os_ipv6_poc/ VM2

SETUP-SVM-23: Confirm that both the VMs are successfully booted.

nova list
nova console-log VM1
nova console-log VM2

Spawn RADVD in ipv6-router

Let us manually spawn a radvd daemon inside ipv6-router namespace to simulate an external router. First of all, we will have to identify the ipv6-router namespace and move to the namespace.

Please NOTE that in case of HA (High Availability) deployment model where multiple controller nodes are used, ipv6-router created in step SETUP-SVM-11 could be in any of the controller node. Thus you need to identify in which controller node ipv6-router is created in order to manually spawn radvd daemon inside the ipv6-router namespace in steps SETUP-SVM-24 through SETUP-SVM-30. The following command in Neutron will display the controller on which the ipv6-router is spawned.

neutron l3-agent-list-hosting-router ipv6-router

Then you login to that controller and execute steps SETUP-SVM-24 through SETUP-SVM-30

SETUP-SVM-24: identify the ipv6-router namespace and move to the namespace

sudo ip netns exec qrouter-$(neutron router-list | grep -w ipv6-router | awk '{print $2}') bash

SETUP-SVM-25: Upon successful execution of the above command, you will be in the router namespace. Now let us configure the IPv6 address on the <qr-xxx> interface.

export router_interface=$(ip a s | grep -w "global qr-*" | awk '{print $7}')
ip -6 addr add 2001:db8:0:1::1 dev $router_interface

SETUP-SVM-26: Update the sample file /opt/stack/opnfv_os_ipv6_poc/scenario2/radvd.conf with $router_interface.

cp /opt/stack/opnfv_os_ipv6_poc/scenario2/radvd.conf /tmp/radvd.$router_interface.conf
sed -i 's/$router_interface/'$router_interface'/g' /tmp/radvd.$router_interface.conf

SETUP-SVM-27: Spawn a radvd daemon to simulate an external router. This radvd daemon advertises an IPv6 subnet prefix of 2001:db8:0:1::/64 using RA (Router Advertisement) on its $router_interface so that eth0 interface of vRouter automatically configures an IPv6 SLAAC address.

$radvd -C /tmp/radvd.$router_interface.conf -p /tmp/ -m syslog

SETUP-SVM-28: Add an IPv6 downstream route pointing to the eth0 interface of vRouter.

ip -6 route add 2001:db8:0:2::/64 via 2001:db8:0:1:f816:3eff:fe11:1111

SETUP-SVM-29: The routing table should now look similar to something shown below.

ip -6 route show
2001:db8:0:1::1 dev qr-42968b9e-62 proto kernel metric 256
2001:db8:0:1::/64 dev qr-42968b9e-62 proto kernel metric 256 expires 86384sec
2001:db8:0:2::/64 via 2001:db8:0:1:f816:3eff:fe11:1111 dev qr-42968b9e-62 proto ra metric 1024 expires 29sec
fe80::/64 dev qg-3736e0c7-7c proto kernel metric 256
fe80::/64 dev qr-42968b9e-62 proto kernel metric 256

SETUP-SVM-30: If all goes well, the IPv6 addresses assigned to the VMs would be as shown as follows:

vRouter eth0 interface would have the following IPv6 address: 2001:db8:0:1:f816:3eff:fe11:1111/64
vRouter eth1 interface would have the following IPv6 address: 2001:db8:0:2::1/64
VM1 would have the following IPv6 address: 2001:db8:0:2:f816:3eff:fe33:3333/64
VM2 would have the following IPv6 address: 2001:db8:0:2:f816:3eff:fe44:4444/64

Testing to Verify Setup Complete

Now, let us ssh to one of the VMs, e.g. VM1, to confirm that it has successfully configured the IPv6 address using SLAAC with prefix 2001:db8:0:2::/64 from vRouter.

Please note that you need to get the IPv4 address associated to VM1. This can be inferred from nova list command.

SETUP-SVM-31: ssh VM1

ssh -i /home/odl/vRouterKey cirros@<VM1-IPv4-address>

If everything goes well, ssh will be successful and you will be logged into VM1. Run some commands to verify that IPv6 addresses are configured on eth0 interface.

SETUP-SVM-32: Show an IPv6 address with a prefix of 2001:db8:0:2::/64

ip address show

SETUP-SVM-33: ping some external IPv6 address, e.g. ipv6-router

ping6 2001:db8:0:1::1

If the above ping6 command succeeds, it implies that vRouter was able to successfully forward the IPv6 traffic to reach external ipv6-router.

SETUP-SVM-34: When all tests show that the setup works as expected, You can now exit the ipv6-router namespace.


Next Steps

Congratulations, you have completed the setup of using a service VM to act as an IPv6 vRouter. This setup allows further open innovation by any 3rd-party. Please refer to relevant sections in User’s Guide for further value-added services on this IPv6 vRouter.

Revision: ab286a625d8bb034ed7fc1e7bc50fbceb52cd758

Build date: January 17, 2016