2021-01-13 19:55:24,351 - xtesting.ci.run_tests - INFO - Deployment description: +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | ENV VAR | VALUE | +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | TEST_DB_EXT_URL | http://testresults.opnfv.org/test/api/v1/results | | S3_DST_URL | s3://artifacts.opnfv.org/functest- | | | kubernetes/0WFFWOS9XOLI/functest-kubernetes-pi- | | | ollivier-functest-kubernetes-cnf-hunter- | | | cnf_conformance-run-18 | | S3_ENDPOINT_URL | https://storage.googleapis.com | | DEPLOY_SCENARIO | k8-nosdn-nofeature-noha | | BUILD_TAG | 0WFFWOS9XOLI | | DEBUG | true | | INSTALLER_TYPE | unknown | | CI_LOOP | daily | | TEST_DB_URL | http://testresults.opnfv.org/test/api/v1/results | | HTTP_DST_URL | http://artifacts.opnfv.org/functest- | | | kubernetes/0WFFWOS9XOLI/functest-kubernetes-pi- | | | ollivier-functest-kubernetes-cnf-hunter- | | | cnf_conformance-run-18 | | NODE_NAME | lf-virtual1-1 | +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ 2021-01-13 19:55:24,368 - xtesting.ci.run_tests - INFO - Loading test case 'cnf_conformance'... 2021-01-13 19:55:24,388 - xtesting.ci.run_tests - INFO - Running test case 'cnf_conformance'... 2021-01-13 19:55:28,528 - functest_kubernetes.cnf_conformance.conformance - INFO - cnf-conformance setup Successfully created directories for cnf-conformance Global helm found. Version: v3.3.1 Local helm found. Version: v3.3.1 Global wget found. Version: 1.20.3 No Local wget version found Global curl found. Version: 7.64.0 No Local curl version found Global kubectl found. Version: 1.13 No Local kubectl version found Global git found. Version: 2.20.4 No Local git version found All prerequisites found. % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 658 100 658 0 0 2230 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2230 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 4 9.8M 4 441k 0 0 302k 0 0:00:33 0:00:01 0:00:32 470k 82 9.8M 82 8331k 0 0 3198k 0 0:00:03 0:00:02 0:00:01 3997k 100 9.8M 100 9.8M 0 0 3855k 0 0:00:02 0:00:02 --:--:-- 4815k Setup complete 2021-01-13 19:56:00,037 - functest_kubernetes.cnf_conformance.conformance - INFO - cnf-conformance cnf_setup cnf-config=cnf-conformance.yml Successfully created directories for cnf-conformance 2021-01-13 19:59:49,097 - functest_kubernetes.cnf_conformance.conformance - INFO - cnf-conformance workload ✔️ PASSED: hostPath volumes not found 🖥️ 💾 Statelessness final score: 5 of 10 ✔️ PASSED: No privileged containers 🔓🔑 Security final score: 5 of 5 ✔️ PASSED: Replicas increased to 3 📦📈 ✔️ PASSED: Replicas decreased to 1 📦📉 Scalability final score: 20 of 25 ✔️ PASSED: No IP addresses found ✔️ PASSED: Helm liveness probe found 🧫 ✔️ PASSED: Helm readiness probe found ✔️ PASSED: NodePort is not used install.go:172: [debug] Original chart version: "" install.go:189: [debug] CHART PATH: /root/.cache/helm/repository/coredns-1.13.8.tgz ✔️ PASSED: No hard-coded IP addresses found in the runtime K8s configuration ✔️ PASSED: CNF coredns-coredns Rollback Passed ✔️ PASSED: CNF coredns-coredns Rolling Update Passed ✔️ PASSED: CNF coredns-coredns Rolling Downgrade Passed ✔️ PASSED: CNF coredns-coredns Rolling Version Change Passed Configuration Lifecycle final score: 40 of 40 ✔️ PASSED (by default): No install script provided Successfully created directories for cnf-conformance ✔️ PASSED: Helm Chart cnfs/coredns/helm_chart/coredns Lint Passed ✔️ PASSED: Published Helm Chart Found ✔️ PASSED: Helm deploy successful Installability final score: 20 of 20 ✔️ PASSED: Image size is good 🐜 ⚖️👀 Warning: kubectl apply should be used on resource created by either kubectl create --save-config or kubectl apply Warning: kubectl apply should be used on resource created by either kubectl create --save-config or kubectl apply ✔️ PASSED: CNF had a reasonable startup time 🚀 Warning: kubectl apply should be used on resource created by either kubectl create --save-config or kubectl apply Warning: kubectl apply should be used on resource created by either kubectl create --save-config or kubectl apply Warning: kubectl apply should be used on resource created by either kubectl create --save-config or kubectl apply Microservice final score: 10 of 10 Error from server (AlreadyExists): error when creating "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chaos-mesh/chaos-mesh/v0.8.0/manifests/crd.yaml": customresourcedefinitions.apiextensions.k8s.io "iochaos.pingcap.com" already exists Error from server (AlreadyExists): error when creating "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chaos-mesh/chaos-mesh/v0.8.0/manifests/crd.yaml": customresourcedefinitions.apiextensions.k8s.io "kernelchaos.pingcap.com" already exists Error from server (AlreadyExists): error when creating "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chaos-mesh/chaos-mesh/v0.8.0/manifests/crd.yaml": customresourcedefinitions.apiextensions.k8s.io "networkchaos.pingcap.com" already exists Error from server (AlreadyExists): error when creating "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chaos-mesh/chaos-mesh/v0.8.0/manifests/crd.yaml": customresourcedefinitions.apiextensions.k8s.io "podchaos.pingcap.com" already exists Error from server (AlreadyExists): error when creating "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chaos-mesh/chaos-mesh/v0.8.0/manifests/crd.yaml": customresourcedefinitions.apiextensions.k8s.io "stresschaos.pingcap.com" already exists Error from server (AlreadyExists): error when creating "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chaos-mesh/chaos-mesh/v0.8.0/manifests/crd.yaml": customresourcedefinitions.apiextensions.k8s.io "timechaos.pingcap.com" already exists Cloning into '/var/lib/xtesting/results/cnf_conformance/tools/chaos_mesh'... Note: checking out 'tags/v0.8.0'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example: git checkout -b HEAD is now at 0d10282 Add a new `StressChaos` to generate plenty of stresses (#332) (#454) Error: cannot re-use a name that is still in use ✖️ FAILURE: Replicas did not return desired count after network chaos test 📶☠️ ✔️ PASSED: Application pod is healthy after high CPU consumption 📦💻🐷📈 ✔️ PASSED: Replicas available match desired count after container kill test 🗡️💀♻️ Resilience final score: 9 of 20 Final workload score: 109 of 125 Results have been saved to results/cnf-conformance-results-20210113-195600-046.yml 2021-01-13 19:59:49,124 - functest_kubernetes.cnf_conformance.conformance - INFO - +-------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | NAME | STATUS | +-------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | volume_hostpath_not_found | passed | | privileged | passed | | increase_capacity | passed | | decrease_capacity | passed | | ip_addresses | passed | | liveness | passed | | readiness | passed | | nodeport_not_used | passed | | hardcoded_ip_addresses_in_k8s_runtime_configuration | passed | | rollback | passed | | rolling_update | passed | | rolling_downgrade | passed | | rolling_version_change | passed | | install_script_helm | passed | | helm_chart_valid | passed | | helm_chart_published | passed | | helm_deploy | passed | | reasonable_image_size | passed | | reasonable_startup_time | passed | | chaos_network_loss | failed | | chaos_cpu_hog | passed | | chaos_container_kill | passed | +-------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+ 2021-01-13 19:59:49,125 - xtesting.ci.run_tests - INFO - Test result: +-------------------------+------------------+------------------+----------------+ | TEST CASE | PROJECT | DURATION | RESULT | +-------------------------+------------------+------------------+----------------+ | cnf_conformance | functest | 04:24 | FAIL | +-------------------------+------------------+------------------+----------------+ 2021-01-13 19:59:52,176 - functest_kubernetes.cnf_conformance.conformance - INFO - cnf-conformance cnf_cleanup cnf-config=cnf-conformance.yml Successfully cleaned up coredns