2021-06-14 18:12:34,131 - xtesting.ci.run_tests - INFO - Deployment description: +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | ENV VAR | VALUE | +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | CI_LOOP | daily | | DEBUG | false | | DEPLOY_SCENARIO | k8-nosdn-nofeature-noha | | INSTALLER_TYPE | unknown | | BUILD_TAG | 0H3Y7UABWUEF | | NODE_NAME | lf-virtual1-5 | | TEST_DB_URL | http://testresults.opnfv.org/test/api/v1/results | | TEST_DB_EXT_URL | http://testresults.opnfv.org/test/api/v1/results | | S3_ENDPOINT_URL | https://storage.googleapis.com | | S3_DST_URL | s3://artifacts.opnfv.org/functest- | | | kubernetes/0H3Y7UABWUEF/functest-kubernetes-pi- | | | ollivier-functest-kubernetes-benchmarking-arm- | | | leguer-netperf-run-4 | | HTTP_DST_URL | http://artifacts.opnfv.org/functest- | | | kubernetes/0H3Y7UABWUEF/functest-kubernetes-pi- | | | ollivier-functest-kubernetes-benchmarking-arm- | | | leguer-netperf-run-4 | +-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ 2021-06-14 18:12:34,144 - xtesting.ci.run_tests - INFO - Loading test case 'netperf'... 2021-06-14 18:12:34,207 - xtesting.ci.run_tests - INFO - Running test case 'netperf'... 2021-06-14 18:52:48,756 - functest_kubernetes.netperf.netperf - INFO - launch -iterations 1 -kubeConfig /root/.kube/config Network Performance Test Parameters : Iterations : 1 Host Networking : false Docker image : sirot/netperf-latest ------------------------------------------------------------ Selected primary,secondary nodes = (leguer-control-plane, leguer-worker) Created orchestrator service Created netperf-w2 service Creating replication controller netperf-orch Created orchestrator replication controller Creating replication controller netperf-w1 Creating replication controller netperf-w2 Creating replication controller netperf-w3 Waiting for netperf pods to start up Waiting for orchestrator pod creation Orchestrator Pod is netperf-orch-ghrtf Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Scanned orchestrator pod filesystem - no results file found yet...waiting for orchestrator to write CSV file... Test concluded - CSV raw data written to results_netperf-latest/netperf-latest_20210614185247.csv TEST RUN (Iteration 0) FINISHED - cleaning up services and pods Deleting rc netperf-orch Deleting rc netperf-w1 Deleting rc netperf-w2 Deleting rc netperf-w3 Deleting pod netperf-orch-ghrtf Deleting pod netperf-w1-ps4zl Deleting pod netperf-w2-nh727 Deleting pod netperf-w3-qbc64 Deleting svc netperf-orch Deleting svc netperf-w2 2021-06-14 18:52:51,543 - functest_kubernetes.netperf.netperf - INFO - plotperf -c /var/lib/xtesting/results/netperf/netperf.csv -o /var/lib/xtesting/results/netperf -s netperf /usr/local/bin/plotperf:76: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: Adding an axes using the same arguments as a previous axes currently reuses the earlier instance. In a future version, a new instance will always be created and returned. Meanwhile, this warning can be suppressed, and the future behavior ensured, by passing a unique label to each axes instance. chart = plt.subplot(111) Saved /var/lib/xtesting/results/netperf/netperf.png Saved /var/lib/xtesting/results/netperf/netperf.svg Saved /var/lib/xtesting/results/netperf/netperf.bar.png Saved /var/lib/xtesting/results/netperf/netperf.bar.svg 2021-06-14 18:52:51,543 - xtesting.ci.run_tests - INFO - Test result: +-------------------+------------------+------------------+----------------+ | TEST CASE | PROJECT | DURATION | RESULT | +-------------------+------------------+------------------+----------------+ | netperf | functest | 40:17 | PASS | +-------------------+------------------+------------------+----------------+