1. Using domino-cli Client

Make sure that domino-cli.py is in +x mode.

Change directory to where domino-cli.py is located or include file path in the PATH environment variable

  • Registration Command

Command line input:

./domino-cli.py register

This message has the following fields that are automatically filled in.

Message Type (= REGISTER)
DESIRED UDID (= if not allocated, this will be assigned as Unique Domino ID)
Sequence Number (=incremented after each RPC call)
IP ADDR (= IP address of DOMINO Client to be used by DOMINO Server for future RPC Calls to this client)
TCP PORT (= TCP port of DOMINO Client to be used by DOMINO Server for future RPC Calls to this client)
Supported Templates (= Null, this field not used currently)
  • Heart Beat Command

Command line input:

./domino-cli.py heartbeat

This message has the following fields that are automatically filled in.

Message Type (= HEART_BEAT)
UDID (= Unique Domino ID assigned during registration)
Sequence Number (=incremented after each RPC call)
  • Label and Template Type Subscription Command
./domino-cli.py subscribe -l <labelname> -t <templatetype>

Note that -l can be substituted by –label and -t can be substituted by –ttype.

To subscribe more than one label or template type, one can repeat the options -l and -t, e.g.:

./domino-cli.py subscribe -l <label1> -l <label2> ... -l <labeln> -t <ttype1> -t <ttype2> ... -t <ttypen>

It is safe to call subscribe command multiple times with duplicate labels.

This message has the following fields that are automatically filled in.

Message Type (= SUBSCRIBE)
UDID (= Unique Domino IDassigned during registration)
Sequence Number (=incremented after each RPC call)
Template Operation (= APPEND)
Label Operation (= APPEND)

The following fields are filled in based on arguments passed on via -l/–label and -t/–ttype flags

Supported Template Types
Supported Labels
  • Template Publishing Command
./domino-cli.py publish -t <toscafile>

Note that -t can be substituted by –tosca-file.

If -t or –tosca-file flag is used multiple times, the last tosca file passed as input will be used. This usage is not recommended as undefined/unintended results may emerge as the Domino client will continue to publish.

This message has the following fields that are automatically filled in.

Message Type (= SUBSCRIBE)
UDID (= Unique Domino IDassigned during registration)
Sequence Number (=incremented after each RPC call)
Template Type (= TOSCA)
Template File

2. Interactive CLI mode


Build date: June 01, 2016