workspace draft (93d8ef4) documentation
OPNFV(Brahmaputra) Compass4nfv installation instructions
1. Abstract
2. Version history
3. Compass4nfv configuration
4. Preconditions
4.1. Retrieving the installation ISO image
4.2. Getting the deployment scripts
4.3. Preparing the installation environment
5. Setup Requirements
5.1. Jumphost Requirements
5.2. Bare Metal Node Requirements
5.3. Network Requirements
5.4. Execution Requirements (Bare Metal Only)
6. Installation Guide (BM Deployment)
6.1. Nodes Configuration (BM Deployment)
6.2. Network Configuration (BM Deployment)
6.3. Start Deployment (BM Deployment)
7. Installation Guide (VM Deployment)
7.1. Nodes Configuration (VM Deployment)
7.2. Network Configuration (VM Deployment)
7.3. Start Deployment (VM Deployment)
8. References
8.1. OPNFV
8.2. OpenStack
8.3. OpenDaylight
8.4. ONOS
8.5. Compass
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