yardstick.common package


yardstick.common.task_template module

class yardstick.common.task_template.TaskTemplate[source]

Bases: object

classmethod render(task_template, **kwargs)[source]

Render jinja2 task template to Yardstick input task.

  • task_template – string that contains template
  • kwargs – Dict with template arguments

:returns:rendered template str

yardstick.common.task_template.is_really_missing(mis, task_template)[source]

yardstick.common.template_format module


Takes a string and returns a dict containing the parsed structure.

This includes determination of whether the string is using the JSON or YAML format.

yardstick.common.utils module

yardstick.common.utils.cliargs(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Import modules from package and append into sys.modules

Param:package - Full package name. For example: rally.deploy.engines
yardstick.common.utils.itersubclasses(cls, _seen=None)[source]

Generator over all subclasses of a given class in depth first order.

yardstick.common.utils.try_append_module(name, modules)[source]

Module contents