Source code for yardstick.vTC.apexlake.experimental_framework.deployment_unit

# Copyright (c) 2015 Intel Research and Development Ireland Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import os
import time

from experimental_framework import heat_manager
from experimental_framework import common


[docs]class DeploymentUnit: """ This unit is in charge to manage the deployment of the workloads under test and any other workloads necessary to the benchmark """ def __init__(self, openstack_credentials): self.heat_manager = heat_manager.HeatManager(openstack_credentials) self.deployed_stacks = list()
[docs] def destroy_heat_template(self, stack_name): """ Destroys a stack :param stack_name: Stack of the name to be destroyed (sting) :return: None """ try: if self.heat_manager.check_stack_status(stack_name): if stack_name in self.deployed_stacks: self.deployed_stacks.remove(stack_name) self.heat_manager.delete_stack(stack_name) status = self.heat_manager.check_stack_status(stack_name) while status and 'DELETE_IN_PROGRESS' in status: time.sleep(5) status = self.heat_manager.check_stack_status(stack_name) return True except Exception as e: common.LOG.debug(e.message) return False
[docs] def destroy_all_deployed_stacks(self): """ Destroys all the stacks currently deployed :return: None """ for stack in self.deployed_stacks: if self.heat_manager.is_stack_deployed(stack): self.destroy_heat_template(stack)
[docs] def deploy_heat_template(self, template_file, stack_name, parameters, attempt=0): """ Deploys a heat template and in case of failure retries 3 times :param template_file: full path file name of the heat template :param stack_name: name of the stack to deploy :param parameters: parameters to be given to the heat template :param attempt: number of current attempt :return: returns True in case the creation is completed returns False in case the creation is failed """ if not os.path.isfile(template_file): raise ValueError('The specified file does not exist ("' + template_file + '")') try: self.heat_manager.create_stack(template_file, stack_name, parameters) deployed = True except Exception as e: common.LOG.debug(e.message) deployed = False if not deployed and 'COMPLETE' in \ self.heat_manager.check_stack_status(stack_name): try: self.destroy_heat_template(stack_name) except Exception as e: common.LOG.debug(e.message) pass status = self.heat_manager.check_stack_status(stack_name) while status and 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS' in status: time.sleep(5) status = self.heat_manager.check_stack_status(stack_name) if status and ('FAILED' in status or 'NOT_FOUND' in status): if attempt < MAX_RETRY: attempt += 1 try: self.destroy_heat_template(stack_name) except Exception as e: common.LOG.debug(e.message) pass return self.deploy_heat_template(template_file, stack_name, parameters, attempt) else: try: self.destroy_heat_template(stack_name) except Exception as e: common.LOG.debug(e.message) finally: return False if self.heat_manager.check_stack_status(stack_name) and \ 'COMPLETE' in self.heat_manager.\ check_stack_status(stack_name): self.deployed_stacks.append(stack_name) return True