Source code for yardstick.benchmark.runners.base

# Copyright 2014: Mirantis Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

# yardstick comment: this is a modified copy of
# rally/rally/benchmark/runners/

import importlib
import logging
import multiprocessing
import subprocess
import time
import traceback

from oslo_config import cfg

import yardstick.common.utils as utils
from yardstick.benchmark.scenarios import base as base_scenario
from yardstick.dispatcher.base import Base as DispatcherBase

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


def _output_serializer_main(filename, queue):
    '''entrypoint for the singleton subprocess writing to outfile
    Use of this process enables multiple instances of a scenario without
    messing up the output file.
    config = {}
    config["type"] = CONF.dispatcher.capitalize()
    config["file_path"] = filename
    dispatcher = DispatcherBase.get(config)

    while True:
        # blocks until data becomes available
        record = queue.get()
        if record == '_TERMINATE_':

def _execute_shell_command(command):
    '''execute shell script with error handling'''
    exitcode = 0
    output = []
        output = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True)
    except Exception:
        exitcode = -1
        output = traceback.format_exc()
        log.error("exec command '%s' error:\n " % command)

    return exitcode, output

def _single_action(seconds, command, queue):
    '''entrypoint for the single action process'''
    log.debug("single action, fires after %d seconds (from now)", seconds)
    log.debug("single action: executing command: '%s'", command)
    ret_code, data = _execute_shell_command(command)
    if ret_code < 0:
        log.error("single action error! command:%s" % command)
        queue.put({'single-action-data': data})
    log.debug("single action data: \n%s" % data)
    queue.put({'single-action-data': data})

def _periodic_action(interval, command, queue):
    '''entrypoint for the periodic action process'''
    log.debug("periodic action, fires every: %d seconds", interval)
    time_spent = 0
    while True:
        time_spent += interval
        log.debug("periodic action, executing command: '%s'", command)
        ret_code, data = _execute_shell_command(command)
        if ret_code < 0:
            log.error("periodic action error! command:%s", command)
            queue.put({'periodic-action-data': data})
        log.debug("periodic action data: \n%s" % data)
        queue.put({'periodic-action-data': data})

[docs]class Runner(object): queue = None dump_process = None runners = [] @staticmethod
[docs] def get_cls(runner_type): '''return class of specified type''' for runner in utils.itersubclasses(Runner): if runner_type == runner.__execution_type__: return runner raise RuntimeError("No such runner_type %s" % runner_type)
[docs] def get_types(): '''return a list of known runner type (class) names''' types = [] for runner in utils.itersubclasses(Runner): types.append(runner) return types
[docs] def get(config): """Returns instance of a scenario runner for execution type. """ # if there is no runner, start the output serializer subprocess if len(Runner.runners) == 0: log.debug("Starting dump process file '%s'" % config["output_filename"]) Runner.queue = multiprocessing.Queue() Runner.dump_process = multiprocessing.Process( target=_output_serializer_main, name="Dumper", args=(config["output_filename"], Runner.queue)) Runner.dump_process.start() return Runner.get_cls(config["type"])(config, Runner.queue)
[docs] def release_dump_process(): '''Release the dumper process''' log.debug("Stopping dump process") if Runner.dump_process: Runner.queue.put('_TERMINATE_') Runner.dump_process.join() Runner.dump_process = None
[docs] def release(runner): '''Release the runner''' if runner in Runner.runners: Runner.runners.remove(runner) # if this was the last runner, stop the output serializer subprocess if len(Runner.runners) == 0: Runner.release_dump_process()
[docs] def terminate(runner): '''Terminate the runner''' if runner.process and runner.process.is_alive(): runner.process.terminate()
[docs] def terminate_all(): '''Terminate all runners (subprocesses)''' log.debug("Terminating all runners") # release dumper process as some errors before any runner is created if len(Runner.runners) == 0: Runner.release_dump_process() return for runner in Runner.runners: log.debug("Terminating runner: %s", runner) if runner.process: runner.process.terminate() runner.process.join() if runner.periodic_action_process: log.debug("Terminating periodic action process") runner.periodic_action_process.terminate() runner.periodic_action_process = None Runner.release(runner)
def __init__(self, config, queue): self.config = config self.periodic_action_process = None self.result_queue = queue self.process = None self.aborted = multiprocessing.Event() Runner.runners.append(self)
[docs] def run_post_stop_action(self): '''run a potentially configured post-stop action''' if "post-stop-action" in self.config: command = self.config["post-stop-action"]["command"] log.debug("post stop action: command: '%s'" % command) ret_code, data = _execute_shell_command(command) if ret_code < 0: log.error("post action error! command:%s", command) self.result_queue.put({'post-stop-action-data': data}) return log.debug("post-stop data: \n%s" % data) self.result_queue.put({'post-stop-action-data': data})
[docs] def run(self, scenario_cfg, context_cfg): scenario_type = scenario_cfg["type"] class_name = base_scenario.Scenario.get(scenario_type) path_split = class_name.split(".") module_path = ".".join(path_split[:-1]) module = importlib.import_module(module_path) cls = getattr(module, path_split[-1]) self.config['object'] = class_name self.aborted.clear() # run a potentially configured pre-start action if "pre-start-action" in self.config: command = self.config["pre-start-action"]["command"] log.debug("pre start action: command: '%s'" % command) ret_code, data = _execute_shell_command(command) if ret_code < 0: log.error("pre-start action error! command:%s", command) self.result_queue.put({'pre-start-action-data': data}) return log.debug("pre-start data: \n%s" % data) self.result_queue.put({'pre-start-action-data': data}) if "single-shot-action" in self.config: single_action_process = multiprocessing.Process( target=_single_action, name="single-shot-action", args=(self.config["single-shot-action"]["after"], self.config["single-shot-action"]["command"], self.result_queue)) single_action_process.start() if "periodic-action" in self.config: self.periodic_action_process = multiprocessing.Process( target=_periodic_action, name="periodic-action", args=(self.config["periodic-action"]["interval"], self.config["periodic-action"]["command"], self.result_queue)) self.periodic_action_process.start() self._run_benchmark(cls, "run", scenario_cfg, context_cfg)
[docs] def abort(self): '''Abort the execution of a scenario''' self.aborted.set()
[docs] def join(self, timeout=None): self.process.join(timeout) if self.periodic_action_process: self.periodic_action_process.terminate() self.periodic_action_process = None self.run_post_stop_action() return self.process.exitcode