Source code for yardstick.dispatcher.influxdb_line_protocol

# yardstick comment: this file is a modified copy of
# influxdb-python/influxdb/

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from copy import copy

from six import binary_type, text_type, integer_types

def _escape_tag(tag):
    tag = _get_unicode(tag, force=True)
    return tag.replace(
        "\\", "\\\\"
        " ", "\\ "
        ",", "\\,"
        "=", "\\="

def _escape_value(value):
    value = _get_unicode(value)
    if isinstance(value, text_type) and value != '':
        return "\"{}\"".format(
                "\"", "\\\""
                "\n", "\\n"
    elif isinstance(value, integer_types) and not isinstance(value, bool):
        return str(value) + 'i'
        return str(value)

def _get_unicode(data, force=False):
    Try to return a text aka unicode object from the given data.
    if isinstance(data, binary_type):
        return data.decode('utf-8')
    elif data is None:
        return ''
    elif force:
        return str(data)
        return data

[docs]def make_lines(data): """ Extracts the points from the given dict and returns a Unicode string matching the line protocol introduced in InfluxDB 0.9.0. line protocol format: <measurement>[,<tag-key>=<tag-value>...] <field-key>=<field-value>\ [,<field2-key>=<field2-value>...] [unix-nano-timestamp] Ref: """ lines = [] static_tags = data.get('tags', None) for point in data['points']: elements = [] # add measurement name measurement = _escape_tag(_get_unicode( point.get('measurement', data.get('measurement')) )) key_values = [measurement] # add tags if static_tags is None: tags = point.get('tags', {}) else: tags = copy(static_tags) tags.update(point.get('tags', {})) # tags should be sorted client-side to take load off server for tag_key in sorted(tags.keys()): key = _escape_tag(tag_key) value = _escape_tag(tags[tag_key]) if key != '' and value != '': key_values.append("{key}={value}".format(key=key, value=value)) key_values = ','.join(key_values) elements.append(key_values) # add fields field_values = [] for field_key in sorted(point['fields'].keys()): key = _escape_tag(field_key) value = _escape_value(point['fields'][field_key]) if key != '' and value != '': field_values.append("{key}={value}".format( key=key, value=value )) field_values = ','.join(field_values) elements.append(field_values) # add timestamp if 'time' in point: elements.append(point['time']) line = ' '.join(elements) lines.append(line) lines = '\n'.join(lines) return lines + '\n'