Hardware requirements

Bare metal deployment on Pharos Lab

Hardware requirements for bare-metal deployments of the OPNFV infrastucture are specified by the Pharos project. The Pharos project provides an OPNFV hardware specification for configuring your hardware at: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/pharos/docs/pharos-spec.html.

Virtual deployment hardware requirements

To perform a virtual deployment of an OPNFV scenario on a single host, that host has to meet the hardware requirements outlined in the <missing spec>.

Additional Hardware requirements

When ODL is used as SDN Controller in an OPNFV, virtual deployment, ODL is running on the OpenStack Controller VMs. it is therefore recommmended to increase the amount of resources these VMs have.

Our recommendation is to have 2 more virtual cores and 8GB more virtual memory. Together with the commonly used recommendation this sums up to:

4 virtual cores
16 GB virtual memory

See in Installation section how to configure this.