2. Multisite.Kingbird user guide¶
2.1. Quota management for OpenStack multi-region deployments¶
Kingbird is centralized synchronization service for multi-region OpenStack deployments. In OPNFV Colorado release, Kingbird provides centralized quota management feature. Administrator can set quota per project based in Kingbird and sync the quota limit to multi-region OpenStack periodiclly or on-demand. The tenant can check the total quota limit and usage from Kingbird for all regions. Administrator can aslo manage the default quota by quota class setting.
Following quota items are supported to be managed in Kingbird:
- instances: Number of instances allowed per project.
- cores: Number of instance cores allowed per project.
- ram: Megabytes of instance RAM allowed per project.
- metadata_items: Number of metadata items allowed per instance.
- key_pairs: Number of key pairs per user.
- fixed_ips: Number of fixed IPs allowed per project, valid if Nova Network is used.
- security_groups: Number of security groups per project, valid if Nova Network is used.
- floating_ips: Number of floating IPs allowed per project, valid if Nova Network is used.
- network: Number of networks allowed per project, valid if Neutron is used.
- subnet: Number of subnets allowed per project, valid if Neutron is used.
- port: Number of ports allowed per project, valid if Neutron is used.
- security_group: Number of security groups allowed per project, valid if Neutron is used.
- security_group_rule: Number of security group rules allowed per project, valid if Neutron is used.
- router: Number of routers allowed per project, valid if Neutron is used.
- floatingip: Number of floating IPs allowed per project, valid if Neutron is used.
- volumes: Number of volumes allowed per project.
- snapshots: Number of snapshots allowed per project.
- gigabytes: Total amount of storage, in gigabytes, allowed for volumes and snapshots per project.
- backups: Number of volume backups allowed per project.
- backup_gigabytes: Total amount of storage, in gigabytes, allowed for volume backups per project.
Only restful APIs are provided for Kingbird in Colorado release, so curl or other http client can be used to call Kingbird API.
Before use the following command, get token, project id, and kingbird service endpoint first. Use $kb_token to repesent the token, and $admin_tenant_id as administrator project_id, and $tenant_id as the target project_id for quota management and $kb_ip_addr for the kingbird service endpoint ip address.
Note: To view all tenants (projects), run:
openstack project list
To get token, run:
openstack token issue
To get Kingbird service endpoint, run:
openstack endpoint list
2.2. Quota Management API¶
Update global limit for a tenant
curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” -H “X-Auth-Token: $kb_token” -H “ROLE: dmin” -X PUT -d ‘{“quota_set”:{“cores”: 10,”ram”: 51200, “metadata_items”: 100,”key_pairs”: 100, “network”:20,”security_group”: 20,”security_group_rule”: 20}}’ http://$kb_ip_addr:8118/v1.0/$admin_tenant_id/os-quota-sets/$tenant_id
Get global limit for a tenant
curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” -H “X-Auth-Token: $kb_token” -H “X_ROLE: admin” http://$kb_ip_addr:8118/v1.0/$admin_tenant_id/os-quota-sets/$tenant_id
A tenant can also get the global limit by himself
curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” -H “X-Auth-Token: $kb_token” http://$kb_ip_addr:8118/v1.0/$tenant_id/os-quota-sets/$tenant_id
Get defaults limits
curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” -H “X-Auth-Token: $kb_token” -H “X_ROLE: admin” http://$kb_ip_addr:8118/v1.0/$admin_tenant_id/os-quota-sets/defaults
Get total usage for a tenant
curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” -H “X-Auth-Token: $kb_token” -H “X_ROLE: admin” -X GET http://$kb_ip_addr:8118/v1.0/$admin_tenant_id/os-quota-sets/$tenant_id/detail
A tenant can also get the total usage by himself
curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” -H “X-Auth-Token: $kb_token” -X GET http://$kb_ip_addr:8118/v1.0/$tenant_id/os-quota-sets/$tenant_id/detail
On demand quota sync
curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” -H “X-Auth-Token: $kb_token” -H “X_ROLE: admin” -X PUT http://$kb_ip_addr:8118/v1.0/$admin_tenant_id/os-quota-sets/$tenant_id/sync
Delete specific global limit for a tenant
curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” -H “X-Auth-Token: $kb_token” -H “X_ROLE: admin” -X DELETE -d ‘{“quota_set”: [ “cores”, “ram”]}’ http://$kb_ip_addr:8118/v1.0/$admin_tenant_id/os-quota-sets/$tenant_id
Delete all kingbird global limit for a tenant
curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” -H “X-Auth-Token: $kb_token” -H “X_ROLE: admin” -X DELETE http://$kb_ip_addr:8118/v1.0/$admin_tenant_id/os-quota-sets/$tenant_id
2.3. Quota Class API¶
Update default quota class
curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” -H “X-Auth-Token: $kb_token” -H “ROLE: dmin” -X PUT -d ‘{“quota_class_set”:{“cores”: 100, “network”:50,”security_group”: 50,”security_group_rule”: 50}}’ http://$kb_ip_addr:8118/v1.0/$admin_tenant_id/os-quota-class-sets/default
Get default quota class
curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” -H “X-Auth-Token: $kb_token” -H “X_ROLE: admin” http://$kb_ip_addr:8118/v1.0/$admin_tenant_id/os-quota-class-sets/default
Delete default quota class
curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” -H “X-Auth-Token: $kb_token” -H “ROLE: dmin” -X DELETE http://$kb_ip_addr:8118/v1.0/$admin_tenant_id/os-quota-class-sets/default